Is being centered around mythic +

Have you tried just being in general range of the group ?

It’s pretty rare of the party to be massively scattered in a key.

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I find dps boring. I only like to dps in pvp.

Can we get some F’s in chat for all the healers that struggle to hit more than 2 buttons.



Thanks for proving my point. Reported for trolling.

I mean, if you’re talking about the bare minimum requirements, sure. But, I try to do as much as I can in any given scenario, and for me, DPS feels like it has more spinning plates to balance. I don’t think you can objectively say any role is easier or harder than another, but for me…healing has always been the easiest role.

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I think you’re probably going to run into problems regardless of what role you play given the nature of your complaints.

If you want good gear, your going to have to do challenging content. And if your going to do challenging group content, your going to be held to certain performance standards. That’s how life works.


No one even holds healers to “performance standards”.

Literally the only standard for healer dps is “hit anything, it helps”.


For stuff with actual ability to kill people, wager dpsing is easier because it’s way harder to fail that test. If you want to do most you can, then consider maximizing dps while healing, not so easy, right?

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I’m ok with challenging content. I’m not ok with the vitriol from the mythic + player base.

I mean, I think it is. DPSing while healing really isn’t that tough. Pick the priority target in an enemy pack, dump DPS while watching friendly bars and mouseover heals whenever you need to. Healers have like 3 DPS buttons, it really isn’t hard to do both.

Not true. I just read a post about kicking healers for not doing x amount of dps.

It’s funny, because most of the reasons for wiping in raids is missed DPS checks, not missed hps checks.

That’s just slightly above coasting along for dpsers though.

Compare people who love to top healer dps in their respective keys.

It is when your mates are not using defensive cool downs and pulling more than they can handle.

Wager mechanic checks kill more people, not dps. Outside of RWF, enrages should be rare.

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You can wager, I have experience.

I’ve seen the sketch pulls during the race.

So, let me make sure I understand what you’re saying here. Are you trying to tell me group content is easier and runs smoother when people properly utelize their entire kit? So…we agree?


Then I’d suggest you get a guild that’s super patient and Ok with your play style, cause your never going to make it in the pug world, and neither the game or community is going to cater to you.

That doesn’t actually happen. It was an outlandish hypothetical proposed by someone who wanted to make a heated thread.

If there’s a lot of damage going out and you need to spend every global healing, then any reasonable member of your group will recognize this and won’t get on your back for not DPSing. Just try to avoid 0 DPS overall and you’re golden, in all honesty. It’s about effort and 100% activity (as is assumed of your DPS and tank), not actual output.

There’s toxic people in M+, but that’s just the nature of pugging. You run into jerks irl too, they’re just less common because there’s no screen to hide behind. You just need to learn to assess what you did right and wrong in the situation and learn from it, if there’s anything to even be gained.