Is AV Zerg really the version blizzard is releasing!?

You should probably be arguing for them to make MC and Onyxia twice as difficult then too.

If you can’t be happy unless someone else is unhappy, you’re dooming yourself to unhappiness.


Then don’t play classic? Go back to retail. :roll_eyes:

I am loving clearing both in a pug weekly…

We could easily 10 man Onyxia right now if we wanted to. Doing three groups now with about 17 each.

That doesn’t change the fact of people doing phase 1 with 1.12 talents. It’s a frankengame, full stop. Nobody here cares what’s easier or arbitrarily “consistent” for Blizzard’s dev team, they are entirely capable of mixing content versions (read: not multiple versions of the same content) based on what suits the game and delivering what people want.

I just don’t understand the mentality, of everyone has to do it my way or it sucks for me.

Yes they are, and they’ve consistently said that 1.12 is the version they are using.

Offering both versions would be a huge compromise on their part that would only benefit you.

Oh sod off. You could use the same logic to argue that Naxx loot in MC would make you happy, just have both versions in the game :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Still takes a modicum of effort as opposed to afk’ing in 5 minute AVs. 1.12 talents make pve easy enough, there’s no reason to make pvp gear even more effortless.

MC never offered Naxx loot in any version?

And? Again you’re making a pointless recreation argument when this game was never an accurate recreation to begin with. Even humoring your logic, AV is content, and 1.12 AV didn’t exist until the last phase, so it should be time gated? Gtfo

Nobody is asking for a version of AV that never existed.

You said easy loot is contrary to the Classic experience.

Splitting your 40 man into three Onyxia groups for six Tier 2 helms every five days is pretty easy. You should be arguing for them to tune up raid difficulty if you want to remain consistent.

Well actually the last major change to AV was 1.11 which was long before 1.12 and that version of AV existed longer than the original AV.

It doesn’t matter what version we get, it’s going to be a zerg. You’re delusional if you think a couple buffed mobs is going to make the difference between the ‘old school’ av that lasted days and zerging

This might surprise you but it’s still a minority of guilds pulling that off. It’s -easier- than vanilla, but not “afk for a week” easy of 1.12 AV. At least you’re actually playing the damn game in your scenario.

Wtf does that have to do with what I said? My point is it was tied to phases like any other content, so to be “”"“consistent”""" they have to time that as well. I’m saying the timeline/content version consistency is not the most important thing.

But no content is being changed based on phases it’s only being time gated.

Are you asking for them to not release AV at all until they also release Naxx? So it’s consistent according to you?

That’s the thing I don’t understand. That’s the primary argument from most people on this forum for an older version of AV. It’s a terrible argument and it obviously failed as Blizzard hasn’t changed their minds.

The better argument, the one I put forward, is to use an older version of AV because it’s more content complete. Blizzard said:

After careful consideration, we decided on Patch 1.12: Drums of War as our foundation, because it represents the most complete version of the classic experience.

1.12 AV is not the most complete version of AV. This is the only argument that contradicts Blizzard’s stated goal of using patch 1.12.

This is the only argument the playerbase needs. Why would Blizzard care if matches are longer? Use Blizzard’s words against them, this lame “1.12 AV IS A ZERG!” argument is useless.

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Pretty much exactly this. There are valid reasons to have old av. But the zerg is not one of them.

I would honestly LOVE for the old av to be available in classic just so I could laugh my butt off when it also becomes a zerg fest

It definitely could become a zergfest. It’s up to the players to make that happen, not the NPC’s or landmines.

All these people saying “They gave retail old AV!”

Guess what? People are zerging that old AV right now, 20 minute games despite them turbocharging NPC’s to the point that they one shot almost everyone.

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This is what happens when people play a game for 15 years. They know the tips and tricks far better than they did when it first released. Same reason why Ragnaros fell so quickly.

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