Is AV Zerg really the version blizzard is releasing!?

And you just seem to not understand why AV was changed during vanilla.

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I already told you why. There werent 2 different iteration of the same game so the player base wanted different things. But now that there are, we can now have both! Classic Wow would get classic AV, and retail would get zerg cave-AFK AV

And? 1.11 AV is a very valid version of vanilla AV and it was not an afk zerg fest, despite your fear mongering.

It also does not have reinforcements which damaged AV far more than anthing.

know whats an even more valid version of AV that also didnt have reinforcements?
1.8. 1.6. 1.4 Any of these versions.

And yes, 1.12 was the death of the PVP community in classic. 1.11 AV was the step towards that direction. And yes, AFK BG spam became a legitimate way to PVP even more so in 1.12.

Weā€™ve literally seen it 15 years ago. The fact that we have a history of what people did in the past is as close to a time machine we can get lmao

Why? It seems like thereā€™s some confirmation bias that the versions of AV you think are most valid also happen to be the ones you prefer.

Whoaā€¦ so you hated vanilla itself, not just post vanillaā€¦

The tail end of vanilla is not representative of vanilla overall. Sure, 1.12 classes are the most fleshed out. But simply doing 1.12 everything because it fits in a neat little box does not mean youā€™re delivering the classic experience, especially content-wise. Yes, classic players hate things that heavily trend towards things they hate in retail. Reminder that 1.11 only released 6 months before BC. Thatā€™s not the majority of vanilla or battlegrounds by any stretch.

1.11 AV was not the tail end of AV. And 1.11 AV released 7 months before the BC prepath and lasted longer than the original AV either way.

We were never getting the vanilla experience because blizzard does not have and a time machine a MIB flashy thing.

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Yes, I said multiple times that this is not an accurate recreation. But pre-1.12 is still infinitely closer to that experience, design and duration-wise. 1.11ā€™s changes to the core gameplay, as in the level of NPC interaction and presence, was far more dramatic than its predecessors, so they can all be safely lumped into ā€œold AV.ā€ As in any older version is fine.

/shrug i guess weā€™ll have to agree to disagree.

I found 1.11 AV a very welcome and entirely in the spirit of vanilla update to a bad map.

Hate this company sometimesā€¦

And you know what, thats fine. However, you already have that iteration of AV. In BFA.

Yes yes, the reinforcements are there. But what purpose do they serve? To make games not last long. If you dont want the reinforcements itā€™s because you want to make games longer. And thats why we want old AV too. To make it longer. Not just because thereā€™s lack of reinforcements, but because thereā€™s also stronger NPCs too.

ā€œupdateā€ to a bad map would make sense if you were judging through the preferences of a retail player. But we arent on retail.

Well noā€¦

Do you genuinely not understand how much reinforcements screwed up AV?

And did you also know how much nerfing of NPCs screwed up AV as well?

Iā€™m not sure what youā€™re arguing here. If you want ā€œfastā€ AVs, retailā€™s the way to go. If you want slower AVā€™s where youā€™d actually do some PVP, youā€™d want 1.5, or 1.8 or something.

Retail AVā€™s would likely be slower than 1.5 AV. You should probably educate yourself on this topic before commenting further.

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In Alterac Valley, that puts us before the introduction of reinforcements. It puts us before the removal of all of the Commanders and Lieutenants. The only win conditions are the killing of Drekā€™thar in Frostwolf Keep or Vanndar Stormpike in Dun Baldar. Alterac Valley in Classic

Does anybody even read before they complain?

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They donā€™t have old AV. It would have to be painstakingly recreated.

TBC was a thing before wow even launched, they were working on it even before vanilla was live.

I love the original version. I didnā€™t care if I was stuck in there for hours without it ending. The reason is because it was fun. People need to not care so much about the rep grind or getting gear and just have fun. Long epic battles that go back and forth made the original AV one of the best things to ever be in World of Warcraft and we need it back.

Thatā€™s just like, your opinion man.

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15th anniversary AV would like a word with you.
Early AV was literally ā€œpainstakingly recreatedā€ already, and rather than done so for classic, was done for retail. It is even ā€œcappedā€ at L60. It now exists in all of itā€™s glory, and simply needs to be used in classic.

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