Is augmentation really fair?

unfortunately that’s really the case. they have no idea about anything. that’s why there is a miserable and very embarrassing “balance” at the moment.
it’s like they working it out in 5 minutes with a calculator on windows 95.

pure clown show…

this is a very boring and pointless spec that has almost no impact on gameplay.

what is it there for?

1: often you’re not being passed over, by default an Aug’s buffs are based on range, so unless your raid leader has specified that priority is given to other players over you, it’s simply because you’re not in range

2: if you ARE being passed over, the issue is not with Aug but with your raid, if you are top 3, then you should have been assigned as one of the preferred targets and it sounds like your raid leaders are mindlessly parroting meta tactics and tier lists rather than considering what is best for the raid

  1. Stop paying attention to meters, they suck.

Do you guys get the content down?

If yes, then what’s it matter?

This is what happens when you focus too much on the meters and “being the best” instead of just playing the game.

This seems like an issue that you need to bring up with your raid leader, not the forums.

All this thread sais is; “the new guy makes me look bad and I’m sad now!”

Your guild is progressing. If you were 3rd in DPS prior to Augvokers, and now you’re 6th in DPS… that means the Augvoker is doing it’s job and you’re progressing better as a guild. Just ask your guild leader if you guys can have 2 augvokers, one hangs in melee range and the other hangs in ranged.

So you’re in the crowd who doesn’t know that WCL > Details, understood.

Also took the last cookie in the cookie jar

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“They poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague unto our houses!”

“They did!?”

“No, but are we going to sit here and wait until they do?!”

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Doesn’t bother me none. Same reason why sometimes I give PI to one person and not to another. Or the same reason why if I’m not on a priest, and I don’t get PI, I don’t complain about it.

If topping the meters is so important to you, rather than the raid’s success, then Warcraftlogs is your friend.

They’re also developing an in-game overlay that attributes the augmented damage from the group to the corresponding evoker.

The person who complains loudest about not getting PI, gets to not have PI even more.

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speaking as a lazy aug: I don’t pick where my buffs go, they just go (unless I’m trying to “spite” one specific person because we both like to joke about it). If I don’t buff you it’s not personal, except in that one very specific circumstance.

Maybe Blizzard should rework how the information is put out, in that the buffs that Augs (or priests with PI) provide becomes part of their log and their DPS vs the person it is cast on.

I mean I get the annoyance of being passed up for the buffs, but as long as it’s not costing you your raid slot, it doesn’t seem like a big deal.

Not entirely true, though.

We’re coming off the heels of DF Season 1, a season that was so incredibly well-balanced that there were numerous World First-level keys that explicitly didn’t have the same compositions. I did a big breakdown in another thread of S1 comps versus S2 comps and you saw every single role for every single class represented within the top 200 worldwide, and for both tanks and healers every single class was represented within the top 80-100.

Right now, the same cannot be said for Season 2. The best Ret Paladin in the world isn’t even close to making title for their region (Taiwan). The two best Shamans are completely surrounded by Augmentation, Shadow, and Fire/Frost. Hell, I don’t even remember where the best Hunter in the world wound up as far as IO goes, because that class is useless in super high keys right now.

Plus, if a single new spec is allowing groups to push another two key levels and if WF keys pre-Augmentation are relatively easily puggable keys in a post-Aug world, isn’t that a testament to how bonkers Aug is?

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Speak for yourself. Aug is a lot of fun and the only reason I’ve not cancelled and gone to something else til next patch.

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The new damage meter overlay from warcraftlogs will help fix that. RIP Details.

I don’t care about top-2000 key times. Nor should anyone not in that space.

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No I speak for everyone, sorry.

Thats because details is giving you false information. Its essentially useless now with aug existing… at least if you want accurate information. Damage from the aug evoker is not being attributed back to them. Need to look at logs for that.