Is augmentation really fair?

It doesn’t feel bad - Augmentation only applies buffs to the nearest allies - they aren’t targeting anyone with anything except Prescience and that is a very minor buff.

Prescience on its own is minor, but it usually has talents like Fate Mirror to make it better.

Isn’t fate mirror the sub 10% chance to multiply damage? I don’t think that is having as much impact as Ebon Might OR Power Infusion.

I recently picked up Augmentation Evoker - I enjoy it to some extent. I think the skill level in dungeons in knowing when to use ebon might and working with tanks to ensure pulls are big enough or long enough to actually maintain it.

if you play with old 2-button nes controller - sure

i agree, augmentation evoker was probably the biggest mistake blizzard made with WoW since the introduction of Covenants in shadowlands.


I read most of that?

This is a “dps meter says” issue. If the meter didn’t say, would this be an issue?

I don’t think it would. I think it would be irrelevant since most groups would still be doing keys 2, 3, or 4 higher with aug than without…barring some edge cases that the community would never let happen in a group.

Run towards the glowy golden orbs, they’ll help you do more damage!

You mean the 3% crit boost That if talented rarely creates a small DPS spike if you’re lucky?

Fun part
Ebon Might prioritizes targets with Prescience.

So you can semi control who you are buffing. In raids you want to prescience players about to use cds, since ebon might goes to them first you can better rotate buffs without having to run and stand near them.

Saying all that, your mastery doesnt smart target amd goes to closest dps, so running and standing near a ramping dps is still best =P

Maybe this experiment will lead to Bards if they pull it off with Drakthyr.

To start off, im assuming you meant dragonflight and not Shadowlands.

Also quoting the pvp forums decade long discussion about this
“Representation does not corralste to strength,”

Ive heard the same diversity arguement when talking about gearing on this furoms. Season 1 was harder to gear up conpared to Season 2, so people stayed on mains amd less people geared up alts. With crests and ease of leveling and gearing alts in season 2 more people can freely swap to what is considered “meta.” Does this mean we have to make gearing harder to force more diversity?

Representaion only shows what people are playing, not class or spec strength. If the top plays comp XYZ and everyone copies them, then you get the same scenario of one comp being more dominant than others, even if number wise they could be weaker.

You cant blame Aug for increasing the limit by 2 keys, you have to look at the entire comp in itselft.

Full guardian druid rework that increased survivability and damage greatly. Aug doesnt make druids to 200k hps during pulls (The Great Push, keystone 29, last pull before last boss of freehold, done last weekend) nor do they give them the previously lost Thrash shields.

Aug doesnt make Holy Pallies the best spot healer in the game. Aug doesnt make Holy Pallies the only healer with ststic full group damage reduction with immunities

Aug doesnt make Mages the king/queen of uncapped aoe while being the best haste scaling 2min burst dps (to pair with PI and Season Blessings).

The same time we got Aug, 3/4 other specs got full reworks thst greatly increased thier damage, Survivability, and utility. For example, the rework gave mages a group wide defenisve in mass barrier, something that comp needed to survive the higher keys.

If you are putting the blame on Aug, then you need to relook at what the other classes bring post reworks and how much synergy they now bring.

Oh, also forgot.

Since you accidently mentioned Shadowlands.

Sure, Dragonflight 1 was more diverse, but even that season came off Shadowlands S4, which was as bad as we have now.
S4 was dominated by Blood Dk, H-Priest, Survival Hunter, Destro lock, Rogue. Even back then though, the meta comp was only 2 keys higher than non-meta comps

I would argue that S2 post 10.1.5 is currently worse than S4 SL.

Tanks were about on par with 10.1.5, just swap Blood for Bear and the meta is otherwise incredibly similar tank-wise.

Holy Paladins are significantly further ahead of other Healers compared to S4 Holy Priest. In S4 Holy Priests, Resto Shamans and Resto Druids still saw a very solid play-rate in 20+ keys, but that was at the expense of H Pals/Disc Priests/MW Monks who saw virtually zero representation. In the current meta, every healer is represented fairly equally except for MW Monks and Holy Paladins.

Destro/SV were busted. No argument here, probably on par with Fire/Shadow currently, if not a bit stronger. But Destro/SV had significantly more comp flexibility in what you could take as your third. Rogues were the third most popular option, but Mages, Monks and Warriors all saw solid representation, even when you looked at stats beyond 20s.

You look at 20s now and there’s not great but at least some representation from other classes that aren’t Exodia, notably Ret Paladins (a hold off from the previous patch maybe?). But then you scale it beyond 20s and any spec that isn’t Aug/Priest/Fire just becomes a rounding error.

Also that is completely ignoring the timing of each season. S4 Shadowlands was basically a write-off season where Blizzard said, “here, have 6 months of being overpowered until Dragonflight launches”. Season 2 is mid-expansion.

If your off-meta class isn’t getting invited to 16s-20s, Aug is literally the reason why. Plain and simple.

The point is that they had it right in Season 1, and prior to 10.1.5 they had it mostly right as well. And then Aug was added and it ruined everything singlehandedly.

This spec is absolutely atrocious for the game. Plain and simple.

And now you’ve discovered why you shouldn’t take a video game this seriously.

If you cast it without a target it just picks a nearby dps that doesn’t have the buff from you already so I typically just let it do its thing.

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Honestly had no idea it did that. LOL

The experiment thus far is going pretty poorly - players said they ruined keys and they’ve been nerfed into near unviability for arena where they were also insanely annoying

Use logs for measuring, not Details/Recount.

That is really all there is to it.