Is augmentation really fair?

Correct. That’d be a good gotcha if I thought PI was a good mechanic.

But the thing is, Blizzard also think PI is a terrible way of designing support mechanics. Haste is too complicated of a stat, which is why none of Augment buffs actually provide it.

They designed Augment Evokers to be “readable”, because you can easily attribute the value of Crit, Versatility and Primary Stats in a way you can’t attribute Haste.

Motes of possibility does exist, and if it’s ever “fixed” How do you read the value of CDR?

Oh, that one mote in Africa, next to mobs we won’t pull. I see you.

Alternatively: motes of possibility is in our talent tree while designed to be intentionally bad and never viable or competitive.

I played a 17 halls seeing what motes did, 4 procs over the entire run. Never again.

Pretty sure it procced a lot more, just didn’t see it. Maybe a mage got an extra combustion out of it, who knows.

Tank ate 3 of them. Wasted.

I don’t think you can see procs via details. Could spawn on someone and be instantly consumed.

I looked in logs, it had 4 events over the key. Never looked at it after that though.

Wonders if I have a log myself to read where I picked that talent. Never tried that yet.

Probably. Motes is a garbage ability.

You could do the math on it, but Blizzard probably designed the ability that to break it (i.e. funnel all motes onto extremely CD dependent classes that don’t care if their major CD desynchs with others) is logistically impossible.

I thought motes would reduce the entire group’s cd by 10 seconds or anyone that went near it. Was so disappointed that it’s only one person.

CDR is generally bad, it can:

  • desync trinkets with cd’s
  • or if it’s CDR on a major CD only, then it also desyncs whatever else stacking CD’s you have

Making CDR one of the worst things implemented in the game.
If they make CDR always CDR everything, trinkets and all abilities, then it’s a good implementation.

Sadly Blizz doesn’t know how to implement new things properly.

Man these forum threads about Augmentation do my head in.

  • “Augmentation buffs are too OP.”
  • “Augmentation buffs are too weak.”
  • “Augmentation playstyle is too strong.”
  • “Augmentation playstyle is too low.”
  • “Augmentation is too useful.”
  • “Augmentation is useless.”
  • “Augmentation isn’t fair.”
  • “Augmentation should’ve been more musical.”


Nobody is arguing that Augmentation Evokers are too weak who aren’t trolling lmao.

Feel free to pick apart my very bad run.

11 Halls btw, not a 17.

Mathematically, should’ve procced 15 times. Maybe no one picked them up?

Maybe, but if thats the case people either didnt see them or didnt know to run over it. Still a bad talent.

I think it’s the same problem as PI accept way worse. Not a fan of externals or classes that benefit from them more than others. Also not a fan of nerfing classes that only benefit from externals and do well because devs are low iq

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It’s a problem that is pretty different, it just looks similar on the surface.

Blizzard deliberately avoided the pitfalls of PI when designing Aug. Basically the only buff that they can provide that cannot be easily attributed to the Evoker is so bad that nobody ever takes it.

What’s stupid is that they designed Augment to be easily read by WarcraftLogs but not Details. It just seems super inconsistent.

Oh and also that Augment Evokers are just gigabroken.

The problem with PI is just that it grants Haste. You could change it to grant Versatility, and it’d fix like 90% of the problems with the ability overnight and the remaining 10% would be fixed by attributing it to the Priest.

Logically: You’d think that, but some argue tooth, nail & claw - Getting rather aggressive.
Heck my guild has screenshots of having Augmentation Evokers being kicked out of M+ or raids, for being ‘Too weak’ – Not understanding how the class works, lol

You’d think it was just at the start of their introduction, but it’s still happening. I don’t think it’ll stop for a long while. Especially for returning players, until they’re provided the memo.

Remember when groups held spots open only for Shaman, for Bloodlust?

And Blizzard said they didn’t like that, so gave everyone a variant of it?

This whole thing makes me believe they don’t have a damned clue.

Class balance has been so awful this expansion, even worse on the PvP side of things. My main reason for leaving honestly.