Is augmentation really fair?

And until then, it’s in a kind of special state. I don’t think that Blizzard needs to hasten that.

Very “special”.

Agree to disagree. Everyone has their preferences.

Just assume augs are doing something productive, per the raids that I pug. It’s that benefit of doubt implicitly given to people.

It’s in a worse state.

If you just want the class fantasy of buffing someone and not knowing the exact amount you’re contributing (or even a ballpark figure), you can just not run a damage meter.

I’d rather know that each teammate is pulling their weight.

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I don’t need to assume, though, i have no issue with them doing 30k dps and buffing the party by 70k dps.
I just want to know where everyone actually stands during raids.

And i don’t rag on other people doing low dps in the first place, so it’s really irrelevant to me.
I just want to know on live where I personally stand.

In Aug case it’s more like, the teammates that the Aug is buffing should pull the Aug’s weight, since Augs are dependent on them.
But conversely, it also depends on the uptime of the Aug’s buffs, if the Aug is actually maintaining them properly.
It’s harder to gauge if they are pulling their weight without looking at buff uptimes.

IIf you just want the class fantasy of buffing someone and not knowing the exact amount you’re contributing (or even a ballpark figure), you can just not run a damage meter.

That fantasy is disrupted by other people.

I’d rather know that each teammate is pulling their weight.

And you still can, just alt tab.

Well when it comes to aug learn to track things other than dps - look at em uptime, ps on correct targets, tank buff, healer buff, did we use any of our amazing utility at the correct time, did we pop boe at the correct time.

If anything, having an aug in a group compounds wether the buffed dps are pulling their weight more than the aug.

We’re not on FFXIV levels of BAN THE METERS, just they simply don’t exist (yet.)

a support role at this point and time of wow is just a rats nest. everything from logs, parses, balance etc… its like just throwing a wrench in the wheels.

i think over time it can be a good addition to the game by adding some flavor. but there are some serious loose ends that need to be tied up first.

a mega multi billion dollar gaming company released the augmentation support role with the over sight of it stacking buffs and allowing players (specifically unholy dk’s) to pull millions of dps. so based just off that alone i have no faith in the future of this support class and the balancing around it.

from here on out augmentation (support) will always take the place of a dps in 5mans and will always prefer specific classes to buff over others in raids. just a mess. shame, really.

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Eh, wager if they increased mob hp scaling, then aug will fall out of favor because it provides less dps vs a good third dps.

It’s all the non-dps things that it provides that makes it strong in m+.

That was so dumb… when i heard of Aug i assumed Blizz would cap their buff stacking to a few 3~ or so. Apparently they have 0 analysts working on preventing issues.


Its designed to have buffs stack, i feel that the testing of it in terms of amount of buffs stacking was let go live with the focus to then tune it after. More of a design choice rather than an afterthought.

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Besides, meme runs are good publicity.


If your class fantasy is disrupted by other people running an accurate damage meter, it’s not a very good class fantasy.

And it’s not one that’s long lived for this world, regardless.

Or I could just have a solid rule-of-thumb glance and not either need to log, or do a deep dive into details to figure out if my Evoker is huffing glue or not.

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couldnt give a toss . Raiding is a team thing . teh buffs should go to the ones who will use it the best . Anyone who raids just for themselves and not for the team result would never be invited to any of my raids

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Or. Dont bring an augvoker to your party.

Problem solved.

yep, that solves it.

Or make them spec devastation or pres.

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Why would I do that? Augment Evokers are insanely busted.

I just want to know if they’re being played well or not without having to do homework to check. The same as I’d want to know if the Fire Mage or Shadow Priest or Holy Paladin is playing well or not in my group.

I don’t have an easy way of tracking if PI is being used properly.

Can’t do that at a glance either.

I listed what you should be looking for instead of just a number. If its only numbers you seek, then when your numbers look bigger, you are being buffed.