Is augmentation really fair?

Yeah, i don’t really care if it’s a standalone or not, the issue is exactly as you put it:

I don’t like losing fps… :sweat_smile:

If it was a raid buff, it’d be fine.

This info exists only in the advanced combat log, no addon in game has access to it. The live log feature reads this file and upload to wcl - the overlay being planned grabs this data from wcl.

The only possible way for an ingame addon to get this data is for it to get it from an external site.

This is the only reply that needs to be in this thread.

Yes, it’ll go a round-about way of grabbing the data.
Game > WCL > Overlay which i’ll have on my screen.

Or if Blizz actually assigned the extra dmg in the logs, it’d be a lot easier for addons to actually account for it.
Basically like Summer from HPally, if Aug was changed for their enhancements to show up like that (along with PI) then it’d be easy.

I’m surprised Blizz didn’t do it like that from the start… they could even just show the whole number for the player, but in the background have them separated.

No it’s not, that’s dumb.

It’s as if you were in school and you passed… when killing the boss.
But what matters is how you passed, did you get a 6 average or a 9?

One is good, the other is not, to put it lightly.

The explicitely stated they didnt want to do this for aug. They wanted the feeling of seeing your friends doing bigger numbers.

They can show that easily.

  1. In the background you have:
  • ability dmg
  • aug buff dmg
  1. Show the player the combined dmg
  2. Dmg addons can have 2 modes, showing combined dmg, or showing player dmg only.

Now players can select whichever mode they want.
You can have big dmg, or assigned dmg, everyone is happy.

Their statements and actions are contradictory.

They specifically designed Augmenter in the front-end and back-end so that their value could be extrapolated relatively simply. Just not in-game.

If they wanted to obfuscate Augmenter value they could have just not put in the hooks that allow us to see how much Augment contributes to a groups damage.

Analysis after is different from on the spot.

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Im glad someone gets it.

The point is that they can show the dmg in the background for both, separate.
Unite it in the UI, but addons can have both options to extract the data, as such 2 ways of showing it.

Existence of one, negates the other. Imagine not showing augs as separate if the option were available.

It’s only a matter of time cause addon developers are trying to show it in game in a somewhat functional state.

Allowing it to be analysed eventually just means that someone will make a tool that can do it in real-time and that will become the norm.

It hasn’t even been a month and Augment has been “solved” in that sense.

Or play the game and dont stare at details.

The fact someone in this thread said they were ‘better’ than another dps based soley on the ‘dps’ number is absurd.

No addons show it in game yet, and not everyone uses warcraftlogs, so side effect, many aug contributions are not logged, and people can continue blissfully unaware of what’s actually happening.

It really doesn’t.

If i use Final Verdict it hits for 100k unbuffed during cd’s.
If an Aug buffs me, whatever the extra dmg is can be showed as separate in the background.
You know how i know this? Because the extra dmg NEEDS the base dmg to exist, which is the unbuffed FV dmg.
Blizz already has both numbers, they just put the end number in the background instead of both numbers for addons to account for.

People won’t be looking at the log where aug dps isn’t separate if both options were available. Because that data isn’t really valuable. You simply use it now because it’s the best that you have.

That’s exactly the data needed to assign the dmg to the Aug…

The reason people are looking at meters without aug damage assigned is because the alternative doesn’t exist, and opening up warcraftlogs after every pull is kind of exhausting.

The word “yet”, is doing heavy lifting there.

If WCL’s overlay isn’t complete rubbish, people will just drop Details for it. Just like when WeakAuras became better than Power Auras, people stopped using Power Auras.

This is just an objectively worse way of presenting the data.

Yes, because players want to know who actually did the dmg, which i’m sure we’ll get in some form soon™ enough.