Is augmentation really fair?

dont look at dps meters
look at WCL

Dey took yur jobs!


unless u got your whole guild on board you get your parses in pugs. find some aug friends to pocket you easy

Just look at WCL instead of Details. Learn when to stack around your Aug evoker for proximity buffs.

Convince your guild to give you aug buffs in execute phase and execute phase only, then convince them to also stop dpsing during execute phase so you can have some fun for 35% of a fight - i raided as arms and become bored with being amazing at the start of a tier and slowely getting worse as pulls get faster.

My solution was to reroll aug.

Honestly yeah if their execute is among the best in that moment. A lot of people make the mistake of not breaking a fight down into separate phases for damage so they’ll blindly buff the guy that’s good most of the fight, but in execute some classes at that moment are doing MUCH more damage than the all star might be to where they might be more beneficial.

In XIV my static gave me Dance Partner as Samurai because I was the best fit for it generally, they got the most use out of it. Except on pulls we started with Dance Partner on the Dark Knight because the opening burst they are able to pull off could spike higher than mine despite being a tank then after the opener they would swap it to me.

Or you can just look at 0 light Yogg-Saron kills early in Wrath proper. There were objectively stronger classes than warlocks for that fight, but that does not change the fact warlocks as a class can drain soul in the worst phase of the fight, and turn around while keeping the channel going, allowing them full uptime while negating his periodic forced sanity loss if you’re looking at him and that’s really important because most of your pulls on that fight that will be wipes at that point are enrage or attrition. Something a class with 100% uptime helps with very much, more so when you have a few of them and they’re also good players.

Nope, not fair, this spec is insane. It will be the next one I do keys with.

The issue i have with Aug is that i can’t tell who’s actually on top and who’s getting buffed.
If i see the mage and hunt, dk or whatever getting close or surpassing me, who is actually getting buffed?
Me? Am i fake on top? Or are they close to me because of the Aug buffs?

I can see after on the logs, but during the fight it’s harder to know who’s actually on top now.
If dmg meters could actually register who did the dmg and assign it to the Aug, a clearer picture would be painted.

Thats the design point though. Give your fellow player a bigger bar/number - in game details is a realtime dps, those on top are ontop - exactly the same as when someone gets pi.

The only difference is in logs you see that dps awarded back to the aug - you can click on augmented damage and it shows actual numbers from the player.

Except they aren’t.

One is getting boosted, another isn’t and is on top by their own.

If Player A does 100k dps
Player B does 100k dps as well, but 20% of that dps is actually the Aug buffing him specifically.

Player A is actually the better dps.

To be fair the meters will be better soon, everyone is working on it. But I agree it can be frustrating not being able to gauge your performance relative to the others or even your past parses.


How is this any different from PI, WFT, bshout, ai, 5% physical/magical increase or any other form of player buff?

The only difference with aug is that in logs, it shows damage gained from their buffs as a design of the spec and the reason why it isnt shown in game.

If Player A does 100k dps
Player B does 100k dps as well, but 20% of that dps is actually the PI buffing him specifically.

Player A is actually the better dps.

it’s so ironic that the prime receiver of PI is complaining.

It’s not in this case.

ALL players get these, it doesn’t cause any discrepancy.

I never said this isn’t the case as well.

And i’m saying that i want the dmg produced by the Aug to show on the Aug.
If PI could also be resolved, that would be great, but it’s a lot harder to quantify dmg caused by extra haste.

If they changed PI to be haste on the caster but something like extra holy dmg done by the one getting buffed, then it would be easy to show for the priest as well.

I really do not like PI, it hides my true dps, i sometimes ask NOT to be PI’d, because i want to see how far i can parse on my own.
On progression though i get it because i’m one of the top dpsers, regardless if i want it or not.

It shows on logs outside of the game, and by design, not in the game. I play aug, i want my damage to show how much i buffed my friends and i am perfectly fine with looking at wcl as a means to improve.

If it could follow the same rules, along side every other buff, on wcl would be great, but leave ingame things exactly as they are.

I know…

Or they can actually show that in-game.

No, i want a live tracking, during the encounter, to show who is actually where.

WarcraftLogs is going to implement this feature. Though they didn’t give a timeline on it, just “hopefully soon”.

If it’s halfway good, RIP Details and Recount I guess.

Yep, i saw the article the other day.

The thing is that… it seemed like more of an overlay and not an actual addon? Maybe i misread, but hopefully it’ll be a standalone addon in the end.

I don’t think it can be a standalone addon just cause of how it will need to work.

I’m just hoping it’s not a massive resource hog.

It is, and it’s great. Too many selfish cry babies trying to ruin a perfectly good spec and spells. It’s the same as the PI argument, bad players and/or selfish ones who want all the glory and attention complain about something because it’s not about them. It’s a team buff to help the team, get over it. We need more support buffs and cool stuff, I love it. It’s just like Paladin seals, we used to get wisdom but it got removed. The mana back was so nice.

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