Is augmentation really fair?

But which ones are being nerfed specifically because Aug exists? Especially when Blizz said they’re looking at numbers outside of Aug buffs?

Demonology and Unholy are the two big ones. Now, PI’s also a reason why those specs would get nerfed (which is a terrible way to balance things; they did that to Demo in 9.2 and that spec went from top-tier to horrifically outclassed in a single hotfix), but it will always be better to bring a spec with bursty, frontloaded damage than it is to bring something with a smooth, flat damage profile.

The meta always favored burst, but Aug triples down on that.

From what I read, those weren’t because Aug exists.

But hey, Aug gets blamed for everything. Might as well add class nerfs to it too.


Not gonna lie… You sound like a ____ ____.

Allow me to answer your question with one of my own:

In my prog team I was a healer. I set out in this expansion to be an awesome Preservation Evoker and I was doing it. A guild member of mine once Aug came out wanted to heal, so I swapped roles and have been Aug ever since because of how effective it is in raid.

I do little DPS. I am not the best at this spec by a country mile. Yet we downed Sark with the change up and continue to do so without me healing for the raid. My position isn’t as solid as it once was now because anyone can pick up and play Aug Evoker.

Should I be mad? We down Sark every week within an hour or so including the whole raid now.

Hello, I see you posted a thread about terrible game design. Haha, going to be real with you bud, you posted this in the wrong place! Most of the people that frequent this forum don’t do a level of content where you can see this trash design in all it’s horrible glory, haha! Maybe they think Blizzard doesn’t nerf classes because of outside buffs from other classes but that’s usually because they don’t actually understand how the game functions or they don’t even realize that Blizzard nerfs classes because of outside buffs all the time, haha!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


Don’t forget, it’s super easy to get to 440 in 2 weeks, or slightly less, which means the lag time for aug to ‘catch up’ is pretty short.

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They should be buffing you during your execute window, if they aren’t already.

Your warcraft logs will show where you actually placed on the meters, can you get your ego fix from that or does it have to be in-game?

Warcraft logs has teased a real time damage meter for in-game that places all augs dps on the aug.

You could always just put blinders on yourself. That’s what they do to keep the horses from getting spooked.

if you were top before, you’re still top.
Details just doesn’t accurately show dps.

If you need to be told in game what a good boy you are, I guess either reroll to a class that can stand on top of the aug, or ask them to stick to you.

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Is going to be interesting to see how is the raid balance next tier, it can go one of 2 ways. 2 evokers are absolutely required to meet dps checks or you can steam roll most of the raid.

Just having 1 right now is a huge difference in fights like Sarkareth or Zkarn. You basically deal 5% extra damage.

Are you looking at the DPS meter in game, or the logs after? The logs will show the true DPS YOU did, not how much you did with the bonuses from Aug. Hopefully they can allow us to see the true damage in game, because currently it’s sad seeing an evoker doing 30K and a ret doing 200K knowing it’s not the real numbers.

Also the buffs can benefit some more than others, which is why you read the logs after.

Even if you’re topping your guild meters you have crap like Warcraft logs too and guilds that recruit off parse colors…

Power infusion rolls on unholy dk early s1 in shadowlands nathria was seriously broken. Especially if you lucked out in the vault and got a nasty weapon early in the season with haste on it. The spec just dumpstered everything else and it wasn’t even close.

The spec are a 20% nerf after a few short weeks, imagine what those parses would have been with power infusion and an Aug voker.

Talk about disheartening lol. Sucked for the DKs too when the corrective changes came out, I was bummed.

give your raid group’s Aug lots of goodies and bribes. 100% of the time it works 100% of the time trust me

It’s the combination of PI, Blessing of Summer, and Aug buffs that makes the details damage meter look insane

Why are y’all acting like the Augmentation Evoker can choose which 4 people get buffed?

They can only control one of the 4 with Prescience. The other 3 are completely random by the game.

And OP, Prescience goes to classes that will best benefit from the crit, warrior is not one of them.

Not to mention, by your own admission, you were not the top dps in your raid. So why on earth would you think you get priority for Prescience? Again, the augvoker can’t control who the other 3 people are.

You should also be judging yourself based on warcraftlogs, not details. Warcraftlogs will correctly attribute Augmentation buffs to the Augmentation Evoker.


As another poster pointed out

Pre Aug
Highest Keys done: 28

Post Aug
Highest Keys done: 30

The difference between Exodia and non-Exodia comp is about 2 key levels, which is on par for the difference between a meta and non meta comp in past seasons.

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It isn’t about you. Your problem is you think it is.

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Didn’t I read somewhere that the damage meters weren’t accurately showing dps/damage info with Augment in the mix? I’m not sure of how it works or why, but if it does, perhaps the OP isn’t getting an accurate read? Somebody I’m sure can correct me or otherwise on this.

They can control 2, as you can put the second one before the first one expires.