Is anyone super invested in more diversity and inclusion in WoW?

Yes, I was being sarcastic.

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Systems on systems on systems, but youā€™re worried the game isnā€™t gay enough. Crap story that is completely disjointed (again), but the real problem are the NPCs no one cares about. The game has core problems. Why would you decorate a house build on such shoddy foundation? Iā€™m not at all against representation, but there are things that affect everyone that need to be resolved first.


I think itā€™s 100% fine to include some characters that are different than what theyā€™ve had in the past, no issue there. I mean, itā€™s not like ActiBlizz will reduce peopleā€™s qualities to a spreadsheet and build a tool around it as if diverse people werenā€™t real people but just numbers and use it to cynically try to worm their way into the current societal trend of DEIā€¦

ā€¦waitā€¦waitā€¦oh nonononononnoā€¦

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go woke, go broke. i just want to escape from the daily bs, have some fun with some people, help newbies out, get some decent gear and all that jazz. If thereā€™s toxic people i can just block them an move on with my gaming. Let AV/Blizz deal with their own problems, weā€™ll deal with our own toxic players. we can always start by blacklisting the worst of them again.


Thatā€™s all I care about that is what I am invested in.


no im saying that when the game is failing because of the gameplay, that spending money on story crap is not going to help

The tricky thing about the gameplay part tho. You canā€™t reaaaaaally make a game that everybody will like when it comes to gameplay. Kind of a ā€œjack of all trades master of noneā€ thing.

Itā€™s not even ā€œstory crapā€ for the most part. Just trivia notes that barely matter if theyā€™re not written as a token.

no i do not care what your race or sexuality is in a video game.


Right? Who the heck asked them in the first place?

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Would it hurt to add more diversity and inclusion in WoW? The answer is an obvious NO. So of course they should add more when/where appropriate.

I care enough. And that is because I remember warcraft as a franchise and how it was a guy dominated game. A female leading the Alliance? Yeah, not likely. At best we only had Alleria back in the day. Come Warcraft 3 Jaina had been added and heck we actually had 1 female dominated faction/at least one female unit per races(sans Horde but that was slowly changed, for the better and worse, looking at you Syvanas)

No but with that said I have no problem if it is added in a meaningful way that adds to the quality of the game and the story and isnā€™t just some check off the boxes type thing that usually ends up in some type of stereotype being added .

Make what the character identifies as , as part of the character and not as the whole of the character . THe latter usually ends up being the stereotype .

they just want to throw it in your face.


i dont care what you or anyone else identifies as in a video gameā€¦lol.


I identify as a player and that is it . Plus I have enough representation in game

But if they are going to add npcs that check off certain boxes then do it in a way that isnā€™t offensive in any way towards the people the character is supposed to represent and do it in a way that fits the story of the expansion or patch they are introduced in and not just add them just because

Anyone that needs to see themselves in the media they consume is either weak or a narcissist. Or both.


good for you and if i dont like the direction the game is headed in wow can go bye bye ill play other non woke mmos.

Do those exist any more ?

Hey Iā€™m just another middle aged W.A.S.P conservative that voted for Trump twice and to be honest I donā€™t care if the stuff is added or not but most likely it will so if Blizz is going to do it then they need to do it right .

And you not wanting marginalized people to have the opportunity to see themselves in the media they consume makes you not those things.
Got it.