Is anyone super invested in more diversity and inclusion in WoW?

i dont care about your personal life in a video game.


I don’t mind more inclusion. I’m just tired of hearing about it every day on this forum.


gays have always existed in spaces that dont necessarily shine a light on them, i really dont understand how a fantasy war mmo might end up being gayer than real life.

ive literally always been able to make my characters look like half/full naked gay icons like Xena and Mystique, so i really dont see the issue. what are we missing thats not already in game? do the people who push for more “inclusion” lack imagination? lol


They were the 1st band I saw in concert. Thanks for bringing them up. You rock!

Edit: It’s a little odd for someone to be so proud of the tagline: We Are Sexual Perverts, but we all have our own life to live!

Edit2: looks like I replied to the wrong poster. Sorry about that.:grinning:

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Hmm. Ok. Yeah… sure. I guess we had different experiences from the 80’s then …


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Not particularly. I honestly am past the point of caring.

I am absolutely not in favor of a “race meter”, that grades people, though.

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This is a game.

Not a fanfic.

There’s a difference.

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Played wow since BC, been gay that entire time and have never once felt excluded from the game because I didn’t see a gay character

Never really felt like I needed to be represented in a fantasy world, and to this day I don’t understand why others feel they do :thinking:

Just make a good game and stop playing social politics


I couldn’t give less of a F*** about diversity and inclusion in a fantasy game.


insert “Something something internalized homophobia something something” here

Lots of phobic behavior in this thread… I am disappointed that we can’t include diversity without being talked down to. Blizzard needs to ignore the naysayers and continue on with inclusion. Just go on Twitter, it’s easy to see this is a very popular suggestion!

Do you want a cookie?

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does it make me gay if I think a chick is cute but she identifies as a boy

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Kinda? But do we really need anymore at this point? It’s really just your personal head canon for your character at this point.

Think it makes you…Bi…?

the game is very inclusive, if you pay blizzard your sub fee, you are included. We dont need any more than that. We dont need to have big long profiles attached to every single player character and NPC.

However, if blizzard creates novels and out of game content that meets “diveristy” and so on then i have zero objection. It wont do a thing to improve things in game though, and implementing niche content for 1 group of people will necessitate implementing of niche content for all groups of people. Meaning forget about raid tiers for the next decade.


phobic? I don’t see any kind of insult towards LGBTQ+ , there´s a lot of people here that hate inclusion in a game about war,exploration…etc, the game doesn´t even focus around straigh relationships, most of the playerbase doesn´t care about character preferences…etc, those are like something that exist via few quest, books…etc but not the main plot of the game. Hate inclusion =/= Being phobic

I think that if you want more inclusion, one step is to ask Blizzard to add the novel plotlines in game as questlines, since some of those are very inclusive and could be interesting sidequest compared to other sidequest in game that doesn´t lead to anything.


Representation isn’t pie.

Having diversity and inclusion in a story doesn’t mean that there’s less story for everyone else. It doesn’t mean that the next expansion is going to be an NPR podcast on BIPOC art and history. It means that in the story they’re already telling, maybe a couple of quest NPCs are a same-sex couple and a few have skin tones that aren’t lily white.

The problems with the game’s story don’t have anything to do with that. It’s not like it takes a ton of planning and energy to pick a browner skin tone for a new NPC.

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Thats why you stay tuned to Tucker Carlson to combat this garbage.

As multiple major companies have realized in recent weeks, heading down the “woke” path leads to massive losses in subscribers and your customer-base as a whole.

Most are now sending out emails to employees that the whole “I’ll burn down the home of anyone who disagrees with me!!!1!!” schtick is over and they’ll start firing people for it.

Blizzard’s not a shining jewel of intelligence in the gaming industry, so they’ll most likely forge ahead gung-ho with the woke crap like censoring paintings or removing even the slightest hint of passive-agressive dialogue, and they’ll reverse course when there’s not enough people left to care. But they’ll have over 6000 different races in game and a skin color option for every possible color the human eye can see, so yay?

But hopefully they do the opposite of what they usually do. Otherwise, looking at other businesses that went down this route, the future is very dark and funding for the game will plummet.

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