Is anyone super invested in more diversity and inclusion in WoW?

Diversity is very destructive to communities. There is a phenomenon called “cocooning”. We see this in cities a lot. Google

Stop trying to make the game a love story.

This is Warcraft. What we need is better gameplay, class fantasy/talent tree diversity, class balance.


I really don’t care as long as it’s relevant and makes sense for the characters and overarching story if it relates to the main story

I think that the sexuality of a character or it’s gender shouldn’t matter as long as the impact of the character is still there, what they do should matter more than what they are. Who’s to say a character can’t be a staunch badass first and be gay second, their identity should never be the character more than the character itself.

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I miss the good days when people were hired for a job based on skill and not for their race, sex, gender, what or who they are sleeping with, what they identify as, and whatever else is going on that most of us can’t keep up with since stuff gets made up every other day.


It’s still that way. I do it. I look at resumes and portfolios all the time. What sex they are or what color of their skin makes no difference to me. My hires are based off of “Can they do the work I ask for?”


Making a woke game wont end well. It never does


This game was always woke. Or else they would have left male night elves only and females can only be priests/warriors.

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I don’t think he even wants a love story.

Wanting a love story implies he actually cares about relationships and good character writing.

…To a degree.

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What if I told you Blizzard could do both?

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“Sorry the game isn’t good…but how about this chunky person of color?? That’s pretty inclusive of us right??”

I’d rather them focus on fixing the game issues than writing stories about the bedroom habits of the NPCs. If you are interested in that stuff, Google is your friend.


Having diverse and complex characters leads to good stories……especially when they are written by people from all walks of life

How boring would it be to want to be uninspired and stale.

Blizzard can do both. Having a good game and including inclusion and representation is not mutually exclusive.

The problem is that that group is a minority. The more that is pushed upon people who dont agree with those viewpoints are going to reject it and the game. I agree that there is a way for diversity could be done in WoW to be shown in a way that could make it more acceptable to the general population.

You’re conflating identity and… sexual practices? Like I get you have your fears, but can we at least stick to concrete points rather than making up nonsense.

The most relevant argument I’ve seen regarding this topic is to what degree this sort of things are genuine or pandering. And most people are okay with it when it’s genuine, but don’t feel it’s okay if it’s to pander. However it’s tricky to discern the difference because these points can easily be twisted.

Story quality is a moot point to me cause Blizz is terrible at storytelling anyways so it’s all just multiplied by 0.

No they don’t understand that. They are going to pander to the movement to keep “cancel culture” off their back.

The “wokeness” garbage has just begun for WoW and will only get worse.


Although it’s not pandering when they do it for the other communities >.>. Someone is always getting pandered to. But it’s a problem when others start to get some attention.


In game, not really. But the constant demands (often unreasonable) here on the forums, yeah.

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