Is anyone super invested in more diversity and inclusion in WoW?

I enjoy diversity. Love seeing different stories told by different people and hearing different perspectives. It does help open the mind and be open to different live experiences.

Like watching soke international films, or seeing how another culture produces films, telenovelas/soap operas. Say this chinese soap operas and they were sort of nice despite me not liking the government censorship.

Saw some indian movies and sometimes they can be cheesy but still entertaining.

Anime showed me alot of japanese culture I normally wouldnt know about.

American tv shows mostly one type of people but I am glad to see more types of people get represented. And I like seeing shows with different types of directors, from different places in the world.


Meh I’m “both. Both is good” basically with this.

Its nice to hear stories from all sorts of people that don’t usually get a chance.


People who have been historically under represented in entertainment are generally the most invested.

Is anyone super invested in making sure everyone in the movies they watch and games they play are white dudes?

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Maybe you’ve heard this term before, maybe you haven’t. But this is what “Horseshoe Theory” talks about. If you go too far towards one extreme or the other, the results look precisely the same.

This is exactly why finding a middle ground and having a conversation between the two is so important. And right now, we don’t have any conversation. It’s all Kabuki Theater. It’s all purely performative no matter which side of the aisle you’re talking about. We go from one “Big Thing™” to “The Next Big Thing™” and you’re not allowed to say “Now wait a minute”. Because that’s “Toxic”, etc.


Hire qualified people that have a passion for creating fun and interesting games for people. Give them the reins, instead of the bean counters.

Quit pandering and focus on making a good game.


(blink) Um. You mean in the 80s when people were dying of AIDS and it was being called a “homosexual disease sent from God to Punish them?”

You mean in the 80’s when the percentage of minorities in prison were ridiculously high and no one said a word about it? Racism was alive and well, it was just ignored.

The biggest difference between now and the 80s is the internet and social media. NOTHING was in your face then. You didn’t hear about all the George Floyds and the Breonna Taylors.


Indeed. Like Anti-Drug or Environment messages. :slight_smile:

Why not have both of those cutscenes? :man_shrugging: :stuck_out_tongue:

I do not play this game to mirror the real world.

I do not want my character to look like me because well it shouldnt (although some might say i look like a troll :joy:)

I just want a good story set in a world different than the real one

Idc about the rest


You really want WoW’s numbers to go lower don’t you? Lol

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I happen to have been around during the 80’s and I can tell you, as someone who went to church every Sunday, the only people who made that statement were an over-reported-on and openly-mocked religious fringe.

You’re talking about Reagan’s “Tough on Crime” program. Would it interest you to know that the current President wrote the 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act which turned “Tough on Crime” into Federal Law, and his VEEP was the AG of California helping to execute it? “Racism” is always a convenient accusation to make, but only when it’s made against people with “R” after their name.

That’s because the Fairness Doctrine that the FCC operated under for previous decades wasn’t removed until it came before Congress and was Vetoed by Reagan in 1985 to the delight of the News Media. And a comparatively short 6 years later we have the very first of these massively reported-on attacks. That would be Rodney King in 1991.


:face_with_raised_eyebrow: You know the esc key exists, right?

Oh, you’re talking about the dragon? I don’t know why that’s there, i just made a suggestion to have both 2 men and 2 women kissing in a cutscene.

Damn you sound like the critical drinker.

<3 that guy. One of my fave movie critics.

“That’s all I’ve got for today. Go 'way nuuu.” :smiley:


I don’t think the forced diversity and inclusion approach will ever be enough because it’s a moving target. The more content creators try to pander to it, the more likely they are to miss step and offend someone in addition to creating awkward and shallow scenarios that obviously only exist to pander to the SJW crowd. Then they have to double and triple down on it, making the storyline’s even more stilted just to make these weirdball scenarios make sense.

I don’t think Blizzard’s use of a black female crusader is going to hinder or empower black women to play Diablo Immortal, but it makes a lot of white guilt riddled SJWs happy, so they do it. I don’t think making 90% of the leadership quest NPCs in BFA and Shadowlands strong independent women actually makes women feel better about the real world, and it sure as hell doesn’t seem to impact their willingness to spend money on video games (if my wife is an adequate sample), but Blizzard does it because it makes loud mouthed SJWs happy.

This trend is going to continue. The almighty sociopolitical checklist will reign supreme for the major multi-billion dollar corporations well into the foreseeable future. If you want games with good storylines that make sense, you’re going to want to look towards independent titles that get little attention from keyboard warriors.


Well obviously. Your States are going down because there is too many people and political decisions are weak and all money goes to 3%. Look at history. All powers collapse.

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You know what’s the werid thing is? People seem to think that people are just excluded from playing video games based on what they are (race, gender, sexuality and so on) when nobody was ever excluded from playing video games based upon that. :man_shrugging:

Anybody can play any video game. The only exclusion it comes from skill and what the person may prefer their type of video game to play.

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That is 100% true. The argument is that it is a “representation” issue. Again, going back to the keyboard warriors. They think that the lack of “representation” is a deterrence to participation, but the reality of the matter is that some people genuinely just aren’t interested in spending money on every product that exists.

I have a lot of games with female protagonists, but I’m not a woman, so I’m obviously not deterred from purchasing and enjoying these games. My wife, on the other hand, not only has zero interest in games like Control or Tomb Raider, but she actually looks at me funny for playing games with attractive female protagonists. So, I’d say that the effort to make her feel “represented” has had zero impact on the situation outside of making Tomb Raider a guilty pleasure for me.


I’m a straight married white dude, so my opinion on it doesn’t matter so much. There’s a vast sea of character representation for me to choose from, and that representation is nice. I like seeing the hero get the girl in action flicks, etc…

I don’t know how represented other groups feel but I can wager it’s not a fraction of what I have to work with.


And in that your excluding 95 percent of your playerbase. I want to save the Damsel in distress not the Mister in misery.