Is anyone super invested in more diversity and inclusion in WoW?

We don’t have black people in countrysides in Northern Europe. Never had. Never will have. We are hunter gatherers. Farmers and fishermen and women. Sigma people.

Also we do not hate people around the world based on their skin colour, gender or sexuality. We are extremely curious about them.

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This may shock you, but Azeroth isn’t in Northern Europe lol


Exactly the point. What goes in a fooking videogame should not be real life issue to anyone. People in California are nuts.

I take black Belf gurl with afro anyday. And if she is trans even better. :kissing_heart:


WoW players are all over the world!

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I think you misunderstand what minority means. This is an important issue for a majority of Americans.

Whenever I see this line, or one like it; I stop taking the person responding seriously.

It’s fine and good to be decent human beings. There is nothing inherently wrong or evil with being inclusive. There isn’t always a sinister underlying theme as to why things are done.

It’s going to be okay. Take a few breaths and try to disengage from political views. It’s stressful and unnecessary.


I don’t want to alarm you partner, but you’re just as concerned and worked up over the opposite. Whether you take me serious or not is fine; this is a video game message board for Christ’s sake.


I’m not alarmed. I’m explaining to you that your being upset over the idea of inclusion and setting arbitrary parameters for it’s existence is ridiculous.

You dislike the game’s story…so any priority Blizzard has should be set aside until they get it right to your standard.


Why could we use more of those? What would be the particular reason for having more of those?

By the way, “use more” suggests that there already ARE SOME? If so, I’m not aware of them.

I’m for High Adventure, not “Days of our Lives” soap box garbage. I wanna beat up the bad guy, get gold and loot, not interested in “who’s sleeping with who”.


I heard that before, from a little conservative German man with a Charley Chaplin mustache. That thought process killed A LOT of people.


It is a damn shame that said little German man ruined such a prestigious mustache style.


And yet, that’s precisely what’s going on.

And if that doesn’t worry you, it should.


Idgaf about those issues whatsoever. People’s identities mean nothing to me, I just want a good game and an end to pointless and endless virtue signalling.


Didn’t Michael Jordan rock that for a bit? That was a very odd choice…

Ah, found it. I love you Internet!:

And he got a lot of heat for it too. But rich and famous people can get away with things that you or I can’t.


I’m for the more Stalin-eque push broom mustache, but I’m sporting a Fu Manchu right now

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Everyone should watch Heartstopper. :white_heart:

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I am not.

I was willing to support their decision to take out all the risque (although hilarious) humor after learning what was going on and how that humor might have been creating and supporting a hostile, toxic work environment.

But given the way they continue to make male the default and didn’t even bother to create a female version of the new race’s base from, I am now disgusted because they clearly don’t care about diversity and inclusion, they just care about looking like they do at the cheapest price possible.

I wish I was a mage. I would put every risque joke back in, make it so every time someone tried to change it, the whole network would automatically shut down and when it booted back up the first thing everyone would see is that clip from Jurassic Park saying, ‘uh, uh, uh, you didn’t say the magic word’ for five minutes straight!

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It’s curious, for me this is exactly the same ideology as a certain german celebrity from 1933 to 1945.

But i guess that current youths promoting all this diversity and inclusivity garbage do not open a history book to see that they are applying the same tyranical mindset.

I don’t care if they are hiring a bunch of blacks or asians people or if the 2/3 of the staff are white males, black females or whatever.

I want them to hire the best people for their job to make WoW great and unfortunatly, it seems from their declarations that they are focusing on diversity rather than skill.


Make Warcraft Great Again. :stuck_out_tongue:

Can I get a cosmetic Ultra-MWGA hat?

Also give me my jokes/flirts back the lawsuits have moved on and you can relax again blizzard-activision-microsoft.