Is anyone super invested in more diversity and inclusion in WoW?

They should just focus on making a quality game, like they always have in the past, WOW is more than diverse enough. We don’t need every race in WOW to represent every type of person imagineable, or an LGBTQ pride parade in every major city. If you want your character to be a certain way, then by all means play it that way, but let Blizz focus on making the game fun.


I don’t care either way as long as the game is good. Include anything you like.

Thats what im sayin we all supporters now

Focus on a good game and good lore / story. That’s it. Enough of bringing “The Message” into everything. There are some places it just doesn’t belong cough Tolkein cough


I never watched it. Im a savage but I heard that was even brutal for the worst.

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Yeah just be glad you didn’t see it lol
I’ve seen worse but, that was near the top.

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Ive probably watched it. But I aint feelin sick rn thats for sure, two girls one dragon tho im about it.

I don’t feel represented by any of the race class combinations in this game and that’s just fine. Playing a big, stinky bull is good enough for me.


I have not and will never care about inclusion or representation, I don’t care what a characters skin color, disabilities or sexuality are… I just want the story and characters to be good. Simple, they tend to forget that in their pandering.


i am a bundle of apathy and exhaustion

Yea I’d love more diversity and inclusion in-game. Specifically making all racial cities relevant, making the story less focused on Human vs Orcs and Elf friends, and class balance.


The horror, that other people exist and would like to see some representation also.


The biggest inclusion I want is the fact that because I don’t have a Lust-ability, I can’t get invited to a group. >(

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I don’t personally need a whole lot more diversity and inclusion, especially because those terms are not defined particularly well. I do, however, need fewer players who think they can behave in any way they see fit, even if they ruin other players’ game experience, because people need to “deal with it” or “stop being so sensitive” or “imagine being so fragile.”

The current Social Contract draft is aimed directly at a certain group of players, and if those players feel targeted, that is because they are, in fact, being targeted, and the message they should get from that targeting is, “Fix yourself or quit.”


Yeah, the OP mostly echoes my thoughts. For this stuff to be normalized, doesn’t it kinda have to just happen naturally? Forcing it and attempting to shove it down peoples’ throats is gonna turn people against the idea who otherwise probably wouldn’t care or would even support the efforts.

Like in my case, I’m more annoyed by the fact that discussions about it tend to be completely locked off (like any time Wowhead posts an article related to this subject) and how the whole thing seems to only be happening so the company can parade it around and pat themselves on the back over it than anything else.



Just wondering if I should grub hub some food for breakfast?

They aren’t exclusive of each other. The fact that you allow this to bother you so much is why they’re doing it.

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Will Blizzard go woke and end up like Netflix and Disney?

I doubt it.

No. They’re doing it because they - along with every other media company - cave to a vocal minority.

And yes, in theory they’re not exclusive. In practice you can have either one or the other, because the people in the industry writing scripts are either dedicated to the product or pushing an agenda.