Is anyone super invested in more diversity and inclusion in WoW?

Ill forgive them if they make a playable game.

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You realize that the population of the US makes up maybe 4 or 5% of the entire world yeah? Not everything is a US centric issue, some things are bigger than just one country.


I am very well aware. The fact remains that US infra is crumbling. Entertainment sucks. Because people don’t know anymore the difference what is great and what is adequate.

I remember USA ethnic groups and genders from 80’s and 90’s and there were NO ISSUES.

I don’t really mind them hiring from non-marginalized groups. But they really have to be good and know what they are doing. Just like the rest.


Back when it was more common for people to sit quietly while they were an oppressed minority?


The animated series “the dragon prince” is my good example of inclusive story telling done the way it should be. There are lgbt characters and nothing is said of it. they just exist in the story. like real people.


They weren’t oppressed because they didn’t put themselves in the pedestal. Nobody should unless you are a public figure. I don’t remember people hating seeing black people in movies. Come on. Who hated Apollo Creed? Nobody. Nobody!

People need to stop being stupid.

People around the world look different because the planet and environment shapes them differently. For some reason this knowledge doesn’t get trough.


No. Not one bit.


Yeah, there were definitely not any racial issues in the US during those two decades.

Especially not in 1992. Definitely nothing happened that year.


I just wanted buff dragons are buff dragons confirmed or what

I don’t want to see 2 dudes kissing in a cutscene. I find it gross, it’s just my preference.


I wouldn’t know. Wasn’t in the European news. Why should I care? I just play WoW in US realms. Your problem. Solve it by education. More US factories less Chinaware. Take away guns and drugs. You fools.

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What if it was two chicks and a dragon

Two chicks doesn’t gross me out, but a dragon… Ehh borderline bestiality.


That would serve everybody

Dragons arent even considered beasts< why i say that dumb

I saw your deleted post lol, and we’ll they should be considered beasts.

Then you’re looking through some seriously rose tinted glasses, your memories of the 80’s and 90’s are pretty different to mine lol

Don’t get me wrong though, i understand where you’re coming from when it comes to the current situation we’re all in, it’s frustrating to see your favorite shows, movies, games and other stuff have random people crammed into roles just because the casting director or whoever is adhering to some kind of checklist when it comes to people of color, LGBT, people with disabilities and such, it’s like you can’t watch a random Netflix show without it ticking off every box you could possibly think of, it’s very jarring and there’s nothing organic about it.

Now stop and think about the flipside to that coin, imagine what it’s like to see all of the major roles in things go to attractive white people and the only people color or whatever are slotting into token roles. The way i see it, what we’re all doing now as a society with becoming more inclusive isn’t about us, it’s about a kid that hasn’t been born yet, he or she will possibly grow up in a world where it’s 100% normal to see same sex marriage’s, people of color in leading roles, people with various mental health issues that are being treated so that they can live a productive life in society.

I don’t think we’ll ever make it to that kind of world if we don’t force the change, it just won’t happen on its own.


Yoooo, I dont see why the dragon being in the picture is a bad thing

Checking boxes at all is bad for all games. Just make good games with fun and interactive gameplay. It isn’t rocket science. The only inclusion that should be happening is on the dev teams themselves, not in the games.


2 girls 1 dragon :joy: