Is anyone super invested in more diversity and inclusion in WoW?

Dont we already kill each other? But ok that’s fair. Neutral respect is fine.

The universe that WoW is in don’t use words or terms like woke or LGBTQ. They have no reason to, it’s not part of any society in the game.

The only reason these threads go on and on is because WE use those terms in OUR world. That is exactly where they should stay.

Now is it possible that 2 male orc friends could take it further in a love story of a sort, what I would call naturally gay, sure, maybe. Do we need that woven into a quest, no. The RP in RPGMMO is all ya need.

Basic respect to our fellow humans is part of our base instincts. Like pack animals, we are better in groups that work together. But… now we live in a world that feels disconnected, with that come far more disrespect and even worse a long list of metal illness for going away from our nature.


the entirety of Val’sharah was Tyrande running after Malfurion. You want a longer straight questline than that?

Well at least your toon profile matches how you act on the forums. Finally embracing your inner Karen. I’ll get the manager for you😂


Who are you? Lol

I dont think I ever said that stuff is mentioned in game. Its just in the game. Wow has no hiatory of homophobia/lgbt hate that is cannon in the lore. Just parodies/references to media.

Many types of relationships exist irl. Wow has different types of relationships in game. Usually races in fantasy games can also participate in unique relationships. Such as polyamory, more then two type of social roles like in insect races, self replication/cloning, magical births, interspecies mingling and hybrid species creations (centaurs for example).

Wow was woke when it first started because they opened up druids to females, and priests to male night elves. If it wasnt woke, then all night elf druids would have to be males.

No, its not in the game. Any quest lines or lore stories that talk about a woke movement?

If “diversity and inclusion” makes the game better and makes the story better, sure.

An MMORPG in the world of Arcane is on the horizon. You should wish Blizzard had a tenth of that.

My apologies. I forgot that free speech only applies to the National Socialist Party. I will keep my opinion to myself. Sorry I stepped out of line. I deleted my other posts to prevent undo stress to your mental wellbeing. Good day.

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Not sure what you’re talking about as I seen what ya posted and went on my way not giving it any thought. If it was reported you’re accusing the wrong guy as I don’t report people’s opinions.

But I will say if you knew more about the person I was speaking to it’s just a playful jab at a person who constantly gets under a lot of people’s skin here for spam threads.

But again I didn’t report ya buddy so you got the wrong person to accuse. Also as I’ve grown up in rough neighborhoods mean words on the internet by a stranger lol not gonna phase me at all.

There are always limits. You are on a forum run by a company, that is more like a dictatorship then a free society.

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… ? lol /10

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Water under the bridge. Have an udderly good day. :grinning:

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But WHY does their sexual identity matter…Why does it ever matter? The forums is just filled with people who are hellbent on everyone knowing what their sexual identity is constantly which shouldn’t even matter in game or not and demand we know about it, not to mention want to add to the game to make them feel “included” which I don’t see how they are not. Hey they got the entire month of June, which again I don’t see why we have to celebrate the 32 genders and all the preferences with it. If anything June should be Mental Health Awareness month if anything.


I am of the belief that the characters can be whatever they want and unless its a good time in the story to bring it up or something then just leave it be and up the the imagination of the person playing.

Ikr. The person acts like they know who i am by measaging me out of the blue about my characters new appearance.

Like ive never actually messaged this person ONCE.

Maybe they alt hopped and are in disguise. I’m too lazy, and have to build up tl3 to post the most hilarious gifs, so I stick with one toon :slight_smile:

No, no they do not.

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