Is anyone super invested in more diversity and inclusion in WoW?

World of WARcraft… Not wokecraft… Not lovecraft… WARcraft.

then by all means unsubscribe and go there

The fact that you are comparing mental health awareness to pride is all I need to know that you are homophobic. You are suggesting the lgbt community to be unwell? Please control yourself.

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I hate when it’s in movies and stuff “just because”. Honestly adds nothing, and is too obvious.

Amen to that :clap: :clap:

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Like which ones? I’ve not seen any movie like that but I’m curious to understand.

This topic is devoid of any intelligence and logic. The two things mentioned are mutually exclusive, former having no bearing on the latter.
It’s merely an attempt by the author to express their own bias and “isms” by wrapping it in a benign “quality of the game” narrative.
At least have the courage to express yourself honestly instead of this “I just want a good game”, as if having someone be different, racially or sexually is really impacting a fantasy game.

Diversity and inclusion is a segway for annoying frauds to preach their alleged activism while roleplaying talented games industry employees. They are franchise killers.


I think this is how i feel about it. I care about whether the game is good or not.

Like, i don’t give a rip whether thrall is bisexual. Or if jaina is a lesbian. And no one needs to know what my gender is or my sexuality. I do not care whether garrosh identifies as non binary. If blizzard makes a character, and it is the right time, and they come out as lesbian or whatever, fine. Like i am fine with more inclusivity and diversity.

But here is the thing people need to realize. There are alot of bad people in the world. Gay, straight, lesbian, bisexual, whatever. I honestly feel like blizzard is supporting extremist and narcissistic viewpoints on these kinds of things, instead of going with a more normal approach.

There is a reason why i don’t support black lives matter groups. I am not going to say that these types of people are treated fairly now. But black lives matter is just an example of an extremist group. I support the normal groups striving for diversity and equality. Not the insane and crazy groups trying to promote inclusivity, diversity and equality.

Like let’s say that we didn’t get the incubus. The succubus has always been historically female preying on people with sexual lust desires and trickery. Well, hopefully if we did not get the incubus, that the groups blizzard was supporting, i am hoping they would not go around rioting and looting and burning blizzard family homes to the ground, and constantly spamming bullcorn towards the developer’s until they got their way.

I want to support sanity and rational thinking. Not insanity. It seems like that is the issue to me. I feel like alot of wow players are crazy.

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Literally the moment it comes out, I’ll be heading there, goose stepper.

In the meantime, I will exercise my right to play whatever the hell I want, AND complain or compliment it as I see fit.

good riddance then. you are exactly the reason why this godforsaken thread came about. and for the record playing this isn’t a “right” it’s a “privilege” and as everyone from here to twitter has numerously stated "it’s a “private” company, you have no rights here.

you’re as toxic as they come. Let me guess you’re one of those that tells everyone else how to play their own character, and exactly why this topic has become sort of necessary. you believe that because you pay YOUR subscription you can tell everyone else, who pays for their own subscription, how to play THEIR own game. I absolutely despise people like you. You have no regard for anyone, regardless of situation, you’re a pain in the a** to group with, let alone rain with, and should be blacklisted.

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You shouldn’t make guesses…you aren’t good at it. On the plus side, your leaps to nonsensical conclusions are top notch! If you can yell for hours and turn beet red, Fox “News” may have a job for you.

In response to a comment that had nothing to do with you, nor anything to do with WoW, YOU told ME “to leave”. And why? Because I’ve pointed out that Riot has an MMORPG coming out (which they do), it will be diverse (because their world is), and that THAT poster should wish Blizzard should have a sliver of its diversity.

Gestures broadly at your response. Looks at the audience. Gestures wildly at your entire response once more

I gave a shot of truth to someone, and pointed out something that Blizzard themselves have said: they need work in the diversity dept. YOU flipped out; YOU are in the wrong. Excuse me for wanting to play games where I can make and play dudes that look like me…without people like your cool, collected self losing grip on their smooth brains the moment I make a request of a game’s creators for new customization.

Further, I have many friends and fam who look and live differently than I do, and they’d like to see representation as well. I’d like that also, because I like them. We’re gamers on a planet with tons of people, who comprise a variety of cultures, and we’re no longer in the 50’s. I wouldn’t mind seeing more of ALL of us. Blizzard agrees; so I’ll give them the chance.

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It always tickles me how often a player tries so hard to make a MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER game more about them in particular. Make it gender-fluid (like me!) Make it less “woke” (like me!) Like me; like me!!


Is anyone super invested in more diversity and inclusion in WoW?


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Exactly. It’s like Avengers endgame. More female super heroes is good. That scene where they are all somehow at the exact same point on the battle field was uber cringe though.

I stand by everything I stated.

“people like you…” yep you just proven my point

I guess Tuullnn can’t see my replies but that’s fine. I’m not offended when a racist, a bigot, and a troll calls me any name.

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