Is anyone super invested in more diversity and inclusion in WoW?

I have OP’s replies hidden, but for anyone curious; OP is a blatant transphobe who intentionally refuses to use correct pronouns for characters like Pelagos.

Referring to Pelagos as her and she.

Good thing your label maker isn’t broken. Would think you would try not to label people as much as you request the inverse not to happen. Let me guess though, its okay when you do it.


He thinks changing his character to female will keep people from recognizing him. It won’t and like always he’ll spam the forums with the usual “my way or the highway” type of rhetoric.

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Nice try, but no.

The OP literally does this even when corrected.

It’s intentional misgendering. That’s transphobia.

If you genuinely believe that then you really are trolling.

Says the actual troll. Bugger off

Do yourself a favor and edit that inappropriate comment of vulgarity.


Have some self control.

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There was no vulgarity. Nice try though.

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Me with FF14.

I had to look up the word you said because I’ve never seen it before. It is euphemism for an intimate act, usually between two males.

You literally aimed a homophobic slur at me.

Why? and what would this do for wow as a game.?

It means bug as in insect. Essentially im telling you to shoo fly.

Nice try with the back pedal, but after confirming that on google I am now muting you as well.


No back peddle at all kid. You sit. And bug someone else with your trolling


smokes cigarrette with satisfaction

Edit: This boomer really double posted even though the posts are hidden :rofl:
Edit #2: I am not responding to this boomer, and look at the posts keep coming in.
The boomer is literally waiting for me to edit this post LOL
:v: :joy: :rainbow_flag:

Cry more

Kids who use “boomer” but dont know what it means. Millenials are a joke. Sad im part of it


People are people, everyone deserves the same respect and there is no need to stand out or do politics for anyone, all the political bull :poop: of diversity and inclusion I couldn’t care less, if doing something is being annoying many times because of spam and unnecessary relevance they want to give it.

What i want is good gameplay and good storytelling, if you have good storytelling you will have good inclusive and/or diverse characters, but they will be good only if they make us care about them, not because they are inclusive and/or diverse.

Not from Blizzard no.

Just a front to sweep their bad press under the carpet.

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Only thing i disagree on is the first part. Yes people deserve to be treated fairly but not everyone deserves respect. Respect has to be earned no matter what.

That said i agree. Writing a good story and making a fun game should be the top priority, not check marks on some racist “diversity” chart.


Yes and no, everyone deserves a minimum respect, a neutral respect, if you meet someone for the first time you give them this level of respect and according to how you feel about him the respect goes up or down. If you treated people without respect from the beginning, we would be killing each other.

Respect is a way of life.

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