Is anyone super invested in more diversity and inclusion in WoW?

To me people who want diversity are going recognize us for what we are and not who we are .

I know the quote I am going to use refers to race but it is so fitting for other things like gender recognition and other things .

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Gameplay wise I agree.
Storytelling is another thing.
Let’s not pretend that providing good storytelling is a given regardless of subject, it is not a sure shot each time, far from it.
Now imagine trying to weave it with more diversity and inclusion without making it feel forced and fall into tokenism. You just added a layer of complexity to your storytelling which is already not a easy thing to do.

Also, has anyone ever stopped to think that maybe some games and their overall theme/genre might inherently attract people that simply don’t care about some of those issues, at least not in a game?
I feel like some people want so hard to make other people care about what THEY care about that in the end it just has the opposite effect.


Okay. Here’s the issue I have. When you say “uncommon” I have to wonder if it wasn’t uncommon for the behavior to occur or for it to be interpreted that way, out of context, because of media attention. I’d have to “see the receipts”.

We live in an age where we have the Moral Panic du jour. And the Sexual Harassment/Glass Ceiling moral panic has came and gone in several different iterations over the years. To name a few: Clarence Thomas, #MeToo, the Kavanaugh Hearings, right on up to the current day.

There are a lot of minorities there now too. It’s almost like skin color and sexual orientation don’t mean a damn thing.

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This is just it, how does anyone clamoring for any sort of LGBTQ representation justify whining about it all the time, they may not even know. It’s like for some reason they believe that if someone if LGBTQ they need to announce it to everyone or it’s not real…like seriously, what happened to privacy?

Judge a person by the content of the character.


It isn’t something I worry about. I think there is plenty of diversity in the game, how many race options are there? If the game is fun, I would play even if every character looked the exact same minus whatever gear I have on. It is not a priority for me.

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i wont buy a expansion or a game for its diversity. ill buy it for its content.
both can be achieved i dont doubt that for a second but i believe the actions recently are just a PR stunt to get away from the allegations.


It’s definitely a lame attempt at making more money. You people need to understand that this decision was most DEFINITELY NOT done for the sake of “Inclusivity” Or “Equality.” It was done to pander to a specific group of people in the hopes of gaining more money. BLIZZARD IS A COMPANY. This was a calculated business move. A companies goal is not to improve the world but to make money!! Bottom line before you should even think to consider stuff like this. What encourages this sort of thinking anyway? Haven’t you people actually suffered before? Nobody I know IRL who has actually gone through anything and understood how they got there thinks this way, I sort of only find these lines of thinking in very inexperienced/young individuals. It’s almost like they’re attempting to bend reality to their unrealistic favor. When will this end? Will it ever be like the good ol days, when we all knew one thing. That the bad guys were bad, that we needed gear and that we had to defeat them? Probably not, and we most definitely will let it ruin us.

I’m trying to think of a real-world equivalent to posting stuff like this on a game forum.

The closest I can come is, OP is at a restaurant, sees a black person over there, a trans person over there, enjoying themselves, and bothering no one. OP gets up and stands on the table, screaming, “why are you here??? I don’t need you in my face!”

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I hear you. And I have seen over reaction. One of my favorite saying is “Pull up your big girl (or boy) pants and deal with it”. I’ve been through exactly what we are talking about and “let it go”. But I can honestly say I saw enough of that behavior to say it wasn’t uncommon. And reporting it was uncommon. Most women, just like I did, either tried politely to discourage advances, put up with the stuff that you CAN put up with, and/or just quit the job. These things were rarely reported back then. You were labeled a troublemaker for reporting against your boss or your senior co workers. You wouldn’t get a good referral for your next job either.

No. I have no interest in diversity.


Don’t be too sure about them ending up like Netflix and Disney. They are already headed in that direction.


When an entire political party legislates against your existence, I think a little whining is ok.

I’m sure it wasn’t hard to find people calling the civil rights movement whining either.

No, I have zero interest

The story is scuffed beyond repair and has always and will always feel like a saturday morning cartoon. I’d rather they go crazy with inclusion rather than making every race a cringey deviant art furry model.

Blizzard and Warcraft are not your political leanings though. It’s a game company. Don’t do it just to check boxes…do it because it is organic to the nature of the story.

Doesn’t want an entire group of people to unjustly be defined as not people.

Makes point by claiming an entire group of other people all think exactly the same.


Absolutely not.
Any time I talk about this game in real life nobody listens anyway.
As long as it stays a good game I’ll continue to play.
Yes, even if Donald Trump himself plays.

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Never claimed it was. Can civilization not continue while a war with dragons is happening? Why must one be exclusive to the other? Can we kill dragons while also having the customization of pronouns?

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Don’t insult saturday morning cartoons like that :sob:
The X-Men cartoons and some of the Justice League cartoons were leagues above whatever WoW is producing.

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