Is anyone super invested in more diversity and inclusion in WoW?

This is why race, age, and gender should be omitted from job applications. Best person for the job based on experience.


here here

It was good being more inclusive for Humans. They shouldn’t have changed the Blood or Void Elves…

Diversity and inclusion? Yes, I would like more diverse options for my classes. Why do I need anything else when I already hear about it where I live. You can implement characters like Methias Shaw without it changing the narrative or making it plainly obvious to where someone could complain about it.

Thank God Blizzard doesn’t ask you or people like you for their story beats.


Diversity is good - different points of view can make for more diverse content, assuming that the people making the content are talented. However, the means by which Blizz is going about adding diversity into their IP is extremely transparent marketing nonsense.

I feel diversity is welcome when done well. Diversity just for the sake of diversity feels like pandering, which I think is shallow at best and offensive at worst.


I love how almost everyone acts like these things are all mutually exclusive of each other when they really aren’t

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In theory they’re not. In practice they are.

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No, people who have gotten senile before they have gotten old are vocal about it (though not one of them knows why); others just want to fiddle as rome burns, hoping to increase the collapse.

When the chips are down though, they abandon these views rather quick.

And that’s awful. Things like that shouldn’t be tolerated. You’re 100% correct. However, the question becomes Is that the norm, or is it the exception? Sure, it only takes one incident for a congressman to write a law and get it passed, but vilifying an entire generation on account of a relatively small number of cases is intellectually dishonest.


Normal? Well, lets just say that behavior wasn’t uncommon. It just wasn’t often called out so that it made it to official hearings. BTW that was supposed to be Unemployement hearing not workmans comp. Anyway.

Yes, horrible. I’m very thankful that it isn’t tolerated by either society, courts, companies, or the victims as it used to be.

Diversity is a destroyer uniformity builds creates and strengthens. those who call for diversity do not want real diversity they want to change what is already uniform to something that is uniform that agrees with what they want and then enforce it on those who resist. Those who espouse diversity are in the process of conquering and undermining what has gone before and provide to be far more successful for our culture. AS My Lord said a house divided cannot stand. That includes the traditionalists and those espousing diversity. One side must win or all sides will die.


People base too much of who they are on their sexual orientation or skin color. None of that is who you are. A part of you yes 100% but who you are no. If you can log on to the game and play you’re included.


I do if Blizzard can not screw it up.

Which is to say DON’T SCREW IT UP.

Spoiler: they’ll screw it up


Yes because Blizzard is doing such a bang-up job.

Maybe some diversity may help out of game too? Can’t help but notice lots of white guys in power there still. They’ve talked big, done nothing.

It’s very good for people that are part of diversity like LGBTQ+, I like it. I wouldn’t say I’m “super invested” in it lol but it’s great for minorities so great addition to the game.

Player housing, BfA/Shadowlands graphics for all pre-Cataclysm zones,/npcs/gear, body sliders, fixing the AH, better droprates for under 1% drops, would all also be great though… Especially since a lot of people begged for it for years now. Maybe one day! :two_hearts:

The game is about war and fantasy with dragons and magic though, not sexual preferences and gender identities. It’s just like….different things.
If trans women are women, then what more do trans people need to see? If the npc is a woman, then she’s a woman, no? If an npc is gay, then what more do gays need to see? Do gays not look like everyone else?
We came here for war. For violence. For conquest. We don’t care if they’re gay or straight or trans. Why not just let npcs be npcs?


The only one who would know, needs to be a biologist.


Why ? We’ve been waiting the last 2 years for you too and the only defense you have been able to come up with and this is with this toon and your dwarf hunter Tulnn is to use some form of phobic to call people that disagree with you .Heck you have even used the terms on people of your own supposed community that don’t agree with you .

So why should others have to actually defend their nonsense if you won’t defend yours outside of insulting people ?