Is anyone super invested in more diversity and inclusion in WoW?

Personally, I think it would be hilarious if Blizzard makes Anduin gay. The forum would bring me so much entertainment for weeks on end. More then it normally does.


Honestly, those two were disturbing.

Not because they were gay, but because they had a horse make out with a deer.

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wow it sucks

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No. None of those things make for a better gaming experience. Keep your socio-political crusade to yourself or just hop on Twitter and Reddit with the rest.


now, having scrolled through the comment i see precisely why it became somewhat necessary. Toxicity Level: legendary

i also see a multitude of Twitter Trolls here as well

So, leave if you honestly feel that way? :roll_eyes:

Funny how you name one of the top MMOs to this day as a failed game, lol. But it’s all you got, right? Because honestly nothing has ever failed from simply being inclusive to more than straight white dudes. Not a single thing.

No. Just write good store, let things be naturally integrated and it will be fine. Trying to shoehorn in something just to do it means it will be done poorly.

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Do you mean back in the Affirmative Action policy days? What I found was people began resenting others because jobs/promotions were given out not based on performance but based on what race/gender was needed in order to meet the quota. I observed people who were not qualified take jobs while those who were, ended up having to work harder in order to make up for the person’s short-comings.

What was worse, was the fact that even if you belonged to a minority group, you might lose out because you didn’t belong to the minority group that was needed to meet the quota.


Ultimately, I don’t care as long as the character is well written.

Would I dislike the Lich King if it was the Lich Queen? If they had a Husband? If they were black? No, I would still love the Lick King’s character. It’s a well written story.

Would I like the Jailor more if they were a woman? gay? straight? Arab? It would make no difference, I would continue to find them a lame character.

it’d be nice to just focus on the actual game but that’s not how things work nowadays i guess. gotta get political and stuff.

if all that energy was put into actually making the gameplay loop better we’d have a gem in our hands :stuck_out_tongue:

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Which is why I’ve been saying for awhile now that single player games are on a massive popularity surge. You don’t gotta deal with any of that political nonsense or any kind of narrative being pushed.

Most likely Blizz is going to add stuff in but how they do it will determine whether or not it is good for the game as a whole .

Will they add it in , in a way that enhances the story of the expansion it is put in . Will it be a part what of the character or characters are and not who they are or will it be a put the representation in without any meaning and just make some random npcs so they can go “We do gud huh”.

Is anyone sick and tired of these annoying threads popping up all the time?

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it is a fail game. All they care about is diversity equity and inclusion not making a good game good systems good quests good anything these days cuz its all less than mediocre

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For me it’s not about ‘us vs. them’, it’s that if a company emphasizes on it poorly.
Yes I’m all for diversity, that’s awesome and I’m glad for it.
But don’t prioritize that over skillsets. I care more about someone’s skillset rather than their skintone/orientation/religion.

A wise man once said: “Judge me not by the color of my skin but by the content of my character.”


as a black guy, I could honestly care less… this is so tiring… I don’t need a bunch of white liberals trying to be the savior of black people in video games… Keep real world out of it… i mean it is a fantasy world right?? If anything I think it appalling that these people think they know what I or any other non white player wants… :slight_smile: im a gamer, and a human being… please stop pushing this far left lunacy on behalf of my race :smiley:


Inclusivity is fine. Yknow, as long as it comes off as being organic and natural, as opposed to feeling forced and shoehorned in, and also as long as the quality of the product, be it the storytelling, the gameplay, or even just the basic interactions between characters, does not suffer from having the focus placed too much on the inclusivity.

Having a bunch of checkboxes to tick, or otherwise known as tokenism, is not conducive to good, organic inclusivity, and very often negatively impacts the overall quality of the product because the writers are no longer creating a new character with the intention of making them a good, well-written character with a meaningful impact to the story. They’re now focused on creating new characters with the intention of working in a new ethnic or lgbt+ representation, and wants to ensure that people know what that character is representing. The end result of that effort is often a 2 dimensional character that awkwardly injects their sexuality or the oppression of their race at a moment’s notice, with the worst offenders having absolutely no other character traits than “I’m gay!” or “Everyone hates me just because of my race!”

Good writers can do both inclusivity AND write a good story with good characters. They can even include storylines that reflect real life racism and oppression while still being a natural and interesting part of their fictional world. Like The Witcher, for example, with the elves and dwarves, who are highly oppressed, but both sides of the conflict has good people who just want peace, and angry hateful people who end up escalating the conflict because they can’t put aside their hatred of the other side. Unfortunately most writers aren’t good enough to do natural, organic inclusion. They don’t write a script around the characters, one that gels with their personalities or even their representation. They write a script and expect the characters to just work with it regardless of their race, sexuality or creed. It just doesn’t work that way. That’s trying to put the square peg in the triangle hole. As a result, a LOT of the entertainment media that tries to be hyper inclusive these days ends up feeling hamfisted and off.

I’m of the mind that if you can naturally fit in inclusivity without compromising the writing, then great, go for it. If you can’t, then stick to just trying to write a good story, and if inclusivity is still so important to you, then just take it slow, so that you can write in a character naturally, rather than just pouring in a bag of skittles and assuming it’ll still work.

And this goes for Blizzard, too. Make a good game with a good story first and foremost.

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Back from a 3 day suspension, and before I get suspended again I wanted to show everyone why I got suspended and why the forum rules are stupid.

“This is another main season I dislike Alliance. Those creepy pedo looking candyland ankle biters! I loathe gnomes! I tried to level a gnome twice only getting to level 12 and deleting. I just can’t take them seriously, besides their creepy pedo laugh / shutters”

I said this, but who is offended by this? Gnomes? A fantasy race? Or paedos? Who like little kids? Stupid!

And then I said “I’m not sure if you got the 2 girls 1 cup reference lol.”

I wasn’t harming anyone or attacking anyone, it’s so ridiculous to get censored over things like this. I’ve seen much worse on here and it doesn’t get deleted censored or the person suspended. Please stop this crap! People should be able to say what they want!

#FreeHongKong remember that guy?!

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The diversity tool they were bragging about, until they saw that it was just another MASSIVE pr failure, was under construction since 2016, according to ATVI.

That’s 6 years.

This took SIX YEARS to come up with.

ActiBlizzion may actually the the most out of touch development studio of all time. Is there an award of some sort for this?

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Pretty sure there’s a lesbian couple in Revendreth

Did the quest yesterday on al alt where you go around dark haven (I think that’s the name) asking for tithes of anima, and the 2 female venthyr have a conversation that seriously implies they’re together

The one says she doesn’t have anymore anima, and the other is like “Oh don’t worry dear I have enough for us both, I know you’d do the same for me…”

It’s not outright said but it’s definitely implied