Is anyone super invested in more diversity and inclusion in WoW?

I’d rather stab my eyes with butter knives than watch Tucker but everyone has their own thing :woman_shrugging:t2:


they are political terms if you look at them in reality its extremely racist gotta represent even if they are trash we dont support the best we support the most oppressed totally stupid world we live in

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talk to dr fauci about the aids epidemic


the interesting thing is that already exists. I mean sure you have to play night fae to see it, but its there, and anyone who wants to complete the campaign is going to see it play out from start to finish unless they hide the chat box and skip all quest dialogues.

I cant really think of any “straight” oriented quest line where the player see’s it through to the end, only thing close i can recall was a cataclysm quest to help save some wedding, the story of which is non existant outside that quest. The night fae couple are standing together inside the tree for ever once you finish the campaign, they dont just fade away into nothing

I dont see a problem in developing a good character and add diversity to it in the end of the process.

The character will still be good, and, as a plus, representative. I mean, if the background story is great, being gay, black, trans, etc, will not break its greatness :slight_smile:


inserting political agendas into what’s supposed to be a fantasy game is gross and weird.


i am all for the inclusion stuff, but they should just add those things without having to make a big press release, patting themselves on the back for it. that would come off as more true-hearted imo.

it really shows how disconnected the staff is over there at actiblizz these days…they’re fixated on all the wrong things imo…I don’t even believe the company actually cares about inclusiveness or ‘everyone having a voice’, because they wouldn’t be silencing their own employees that speak out on it if they did :100:…I’ll echo what so many wow players are saying:

just make these games good again if you want players to come back? fixate on rebuilding the blizzard brand you guys destroyed.

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I’m always down for options but not because they make me feel represented. I care much more about whether my character looks the part and whether I can make it a little more unique than what race or sex it can be.

Diverse NPC populations are more interesting, too, but again that’s more about the experience than representation.

I mean, that’s entirely possible? Depending on where you grew up? I live in the midwest, and racism just wasn’t a huge issue. And what there was, was in lighthearted fun. We were all just friends and classmates. Black, White, Hispanic, Asian didn’t matter. People cared more about whether they could relate to you and I think that’s for the most part the way it’s always been and always will be.

I got choked on my water reading that. :fishing_pole_and_fish::fishing_pole_and_fish::fishing_pole_and_fish:

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You fish a lot bae. :kissing_heart:

Ofc there were collisions, but not as many as nowdays. You should blame politics and economy and education.

You need new systems. Check Northern Europe models. No we are NOT communists.

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“Diversity is our strength.”

I disagree 100% with injecting societal norms into this game. Adding in gender identities and etc. to appease a group of people is not making the game better for all. Keep the game strictly based on the lore.


Sure, I had friends of all genders, races, and sexual preferences too.

But we weren’t talking about how friends treated each other. We were talking about how society treated minorities, those that were different from the white, middle-class norm. Let’s be honest, even women.

As a woman in the 80’s, it was not uncommon for bosses to pat you on the behind, call you “Sweetheart”. You had two choices. Quit the job or put up with it. Working your way up in a company was a gauntlet of this crap. You had to somehow discourage them (Or not), without breaking their delicate egos. This was not exclusive to white middle aged men either as bosses either.

Date rape was just starting to be recognized in the 80s. Why?, because of high profile cases. But it’s STILL a gray area. Yet most women (and men) are raped by people they know.

If you were black, you just accepted you were going to be pulled over if you drove in a “white” neighborhood. You just had to be polite no matter what they did. Grin and bear it. If you were arrested for driving while black, no one got indignant for you because it never hit the news. Native Americans, even worse treatment by the society that they clustered in.

Anyway, no more wasting my breath. The 80’s had a lot of good things in them. Equality among friends? Sure. In Society? No. Just being real.

Racism, sexism, and so on only seems “worse” now because it’s called out. And not “overlooked”. Victims aren’t putting up with it. So it can’t be ignored. We have social media which puts it in your face on a daily basis, so you can’t escape it and pretend it doesn’t exist.


I don’t about sexual orientation, religion, or gender…

Just don’t be a jerk and don’t stand in the fire. That’s it.

Be a cool person and have fun with everyone if you wish it!

Heck, if you want a new community, feel free to join us here on Moon Guard, we could use more roleplayers… Not the kind who frequent The Quarantine Zone but those who wish to roleplay their characters and/or learn!

Give me a hoot if you see me in game and wanna roleplay or have roleplaying tips :slight_smile:

But sexual orientation and/or melanin content are what makes a game great! Not a great story, not great gameplay, and sure as hell not a balanced game. It’s so brave of Blizzard to put in a social contract and the Kings Diversity Safe Space tool-so brave.

For duck’s sake-what the heck happened to blizzard.

He and others in the media and politics who have been pushing the ‘poor little white men are being oppressed’ and getting ‘replaced’ have blood on their hands.
He’s no hero.


Not really. I just want a game that’s fun to play. I log in to escape reality, not to encounter a cartoon version of the same thing.

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You’re either white or woke, male or woke, straight or woke, right? Because that’s the only message this “woke” nonsense sends.

What game ever failed due to being more inclusive again?

What blood?

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