Is anybody else struggling with the War Crime simulator that is Horde Side Assaults right now?

I get were they are coming from. We see it in pve and pvp all the time with the kill healers first mind set. If you kill the people healing, you can slow and eventually stop the tide of your enemies. Morals have nothing to do with it. And I am okay with that thinking on the battlefield but not with killing civilians. I understand these people may decided to take up arms later but right now it does not sit will me. Yes, I play on the Horde and a filthy undead warlock to boot but I did not sign up to be a full on villain. My transmog is just not up to those standards.

I put that to poor writing. It seems like the Horde keeps falling for the same thing over and over again. I don’t know why this faction is not dead yet because we never seem to learn from our past mistakes.

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Nathanos has outright stated that his goals are to kill all the living… and Sylvanus doesn’t seem far from it at the moment. So it’s a pretty tough place to be in.


Oh you mean the game where Hellscream drinks demon blood only to kill a Forest Guardian because they are destroying the forest.

Good times.[quote=“Hrumn-norgannon, post:68, topic:50128”]

That many Horde told Alliance to suck it up does mean that other Horde are hypocritical for complaining about Alliance. It’s hypocritical if the same people who were telling Alliance to suck it up are now also those complaining.

That’s exactly what’s being implied buddy. Never did I say ALL Horde are hypocrites.

Nathanos has said he wants to kill all the Alliance. Not all the living – at least, not that I’ve seen. And the reason he wants to kill the Alliance is because of how the Alliance treated the Forsaken.

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I could have sworn there was a quest to kill him that was both for the Alliance and Horde. He wanted to kill the Horde as well. Or maybe I am getting confused with my Alliance questing.

I found the equivalent Alliance quest.

Xizz Gutshank in Nazmir.

He’s a Goblin Rogue who has ambushed and killed three Alliance soldiers. Who were escorting medical supplies. He even kills their horse.


And has their carefully removed entrails. Sounds like a pleasant guy to be around, I enjoyed that bit of work for the Alliance.

Ehhhh kinda feel like they are. It’s different, really.

I think the main problem is that too many Sylvanas fans are literally just going by what she says in public when she’s putting on a PR show and what her literal thoughts/plans have been revealed to be. In public she makes a big show about ‘saving the Horde’, but that’s what any decent politician does…they make grand statements and grandiose promises when people are watching and say what they really think once the cameras are turned off.

Her literal plans are to use the power of azerite (or any other source of power she can get her hands on) so she can eventually raise all races as undead (we see from her now being able to raise night elves as undead that she’s making progress since she used to only be able to raise humans (sentient undead…not just mindless skeletons). To the players saying “oh but that’s just the Alliance.”
Posit for just a moment the scenario that Blizzard would actually let one side win the war (let’s be honest…what’s really going to happen is that both sides suffer huge losses in a pointless war and when N’zoth rises we’ll have to band together again to save the planet). Say Sylvanas wins. She kills everyone in the Alliance and raises them as undead (which…you’re telling me the tauren would be okay with that? Or even any Horde member with a sense of morals?)

Having accomplished that…what makes you think she WON’T then ‘turn’ on the living races of the Horde and turn them undead as well? It would be even easier because then they wouldn’t have the Alliance to turn to for help. After all, remember that per the writers, Sylvanas doesn’t think her plan to murder and raise her own sisters as undead counts as betraying them, and when she thinks of killing and raising the population of Stormwind she honestly believes she’ll be doing them a favor because she’s ‘freeing them from the pain of living’. Turning the Horde undead would be doing them the same ‘favor’ and then, as Nathanos himself says "There will finally be one queen to rule them all."emphasized text


Exactly what I did … Sir Yes Sir . !!

Wanna use the Blight , chop off the head of the Elf, turn couple of NE into forsaken … whatever all good.

For the Horde !!!

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Different perspectives, I guess. I agree with the OP though so that’s probably why I’m not bothered by this topic.

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There is a troll in Zuldazar who corrupts orphans children to commit thefts for him, apparently an unknown act by the city guard, who seems to be busier in monitoring the Horde!

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Honestly I don’t mind this type of brutal, cutthroat behavior from the Horde but I’d rather it be for ORCISH SUPREMACY rather than trying to turn the world Undead. That just doesn’t feel very "Horde" at all to me.

I mean, I’d also like us to stop being the badguys every single time, but if we have to be, I don’t want it to be like this. This shadowy, dark, scheming theme just doesn’t work for me. I liked Garrosh Hellscream’s flavor of war crimes, where it was strong and “honorable” and brutal.

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He didn’t kill Cenarius because he was ordered too by the Horde. He was literally ordered to get Lumber for the horde as a punishment for having bloodlust.

Then after that you, as the horde, fight him.

A single alliance commander tries to wipe out the blood elves because he’s racist. So by that same reasoning the Alliance is genocidal racists.

Let’s not judge the many based on the actions of a few.

But the issue is right now that the many in BFA are pretty objectively evil.


The concept of not attacking doctors and healers in war is laughable. You want to win the war? You strike at all strategic points.

Honor is for corpses.
There is only one rule in war: Be the victor.


I was in agreement with OP. I didn’t like killing the healer, but rep is rep and i need the paragon caches for those service medals. So dead she is. I also didn’t like blighting the Ancients. yeah like Nazmir needs anything else screwing it up.

There’s nothing morally wrong with throwning undead plague on living breathing creatures or wildlife.

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Yeah. Those darkshore quests are horrific.

If I remember, it was Alliance only. SI:7 sends agent to determine if he’s Forsaken, they don’t return so Bolvar sends you up to take him out. Apparently, he didn’t take that well.

It is almost like Blizzard caught a lot of flak for the Alliance Purge Squads and everything else stupid got overlooked.

One of the things that blizzard gave the horde was choice, choice to choose Saurfangs side, Sylvanas’ side, or nothing.

Yet you’re going to kill that Mistweaver monk because it is one of the 4 or 5 quests needed to get a reward.

Stories done. Nothing will save it and nothing will save your hope.