Is anybody else struggling with the War Crime simulator that is Horde Side Assaults right now?

That’s because you’re making a logical fallacy.

You’re assuming because he is playing Horde character’s he’s evil.

You’re either making a hasty generalization, or you’re trolling.


It’s a logical conclusion. The character/race/faction you chose is an evil one. Why be surprised when they’re written to do evil things. I’m still confused by the whining. “Horde does evil things”. Ummmmmm. Duh. They’re evil.


It’s amazing how so many are outraged that the Horde is fighting a war, like war is fought. Wars aren’t fought with rules of engagement, unless you want to lose that war, since your enemy most certainly doesn’t fight that way. The VC often hid behind civilians in order to attack Americans, and the returning GI’s were called baby killers. The radical islamists often hid within hospitals, schools, mosques, and orphanages to attack Americans because westerns powers have rules of engagement, and they don’t.

If we fight wars like we used to, and this means with a _no holds barred_approach, they wouldn’t last as long. Wars start when diplomacy fails if one understands any amount of history. General William Tecumseh Sherman said it best with War is cruelty, it’s best that way; otherwise we shall grow too fond of it. He also added:We may not win the hearts of this people, but we can make them so sick of war, that generations shall pass before they resort to it again.

To send your own country’s sons, and daughters to fight , and die in order to give away what was fought for is most definitely lunacy. This was most apparent with the Vietnam conflict in which much territory was taken from the enemy, and then just left to be reacquired by the enemy that lost it in the first place.


This is right. Granted this is a fiction but the above still applies.

Here’s a quote from a book I read. It’s a fiction, but so is this game and it applies to this patch.

“Son, a real battlefield lacks dignity and honor. When lives are being spent—actual human lives—those high-minded concepts lose their meaning. All that matters is victory. If you have blades, you’ll use blades. If you have rocks, you’ll use rocks. If there’s nothing but sand, you’ll throw the damn sand. A true war is only waged when men don’t want to live to see what failure looks like. You do what it takes to win."

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Ironically I had a similar issue back in vanilla when leveling my original character (an undead priest). Needless to say the Forsaken have always been the morally dubious race in the Horde due to their origins, nature, and leadership, but I always RP’ed my priest (and my Forsaken characters in general for what matter) as being Desolate Council style undead and not ‘death to the living’ undead (I’ve never been a fan of RP’ing what I call LOL!Evil characters anyway).

Obviously even in vanilla there were quests in Tirisfal/Silverpine/Hillsbrad that were morally evil (feeding captured prisoners plague, poisoning the dog in Hillsbrad, ect), so my solution was to just play my character as she would behave and I simply didn’t do those quests (much like in Wrath none of my characters tortured the captured Kirin Tor prisoner, and they certainly didn’t do what that jerk red dragon wanted them to and smash dragon eggs or spear blue dragon hatchlings so he could study the runes on their corpses >_< )

As for the Darkshore campaign…meh…at least my characters refused to kill Sira and made Nathanos do it?

Time period arguments are meaningless. Azeroth isn’t Earth. All of what’s happening on Azeroth could be in the past, present, or future. High fantasy doesn’t always mean medieval times.


Jeez, it’s like you can’t tell he feels that’s out of character.

Right, forgot I’m a holy priest. /s

In addition to that laughable non-point, the fact that you deliberately ignored the fairly well-known expression is… kind of sad, to be honest.


When I first started playing WoW, I was drawn to the Forsaken. Here was a group of undead people who weren’t just mindless zombies, beleaguered people trying to eke out an existence in a world that didn’t want them. Mal’valen’s life was lost trying to protect his home, and all he wanted was to live there in peace like he had in life.

Then Cataclysm happened, and they started to turn into cartoon evil even though the thing at the Wrathgate was, I thought, a one-off situation involving some rogue Forsaken zealots. That was when Mal decided he was done with the Forsaken and the Horde in general. The change to Brill from a run-down human town to a mad scientist’s laboratory pretty much killed my desire to RP as Horde, too.

The Horde wasn’t evil when I started playing back in 2006. It felt like a darker shade of grey, but not outright evil. I’m very disappointed in what it’s become.


While I can appreciate your sentiment, the Horde was always evil. Look at their history. The Orcs invaded Azeroth after they destroyed their own home. They then went out and found like minded races to band together to create the horde. Their purpose wasn’t to live peacefully on Azeroth. Their purpose was expansion and conquest. It’s always been that way.

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You are entitled to your opinion. The Horde certainly did some terrible things. The Alliance has done some terrible things. I do believe the Alliance is more on the side of good than the Horde, but I also believe in a nuanced point of view, rather than just “Horde is always evil in everything they do, no exceptions.”


I mean it’s a fair reason if you think about it.

Like what?

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No one is saying warfare isn’t brutal and oppressive. But as to the question of combat in medieval times and its relevance to Azeroth, no it’s not really relative. The storylines for this fantasy world, as opposed to our world, lay out an idea of honor and a code of honorable conduct for the Horde faction and for the Alliance faction as a primary theme.

What they are engaging in now is in direct conflict with that code, something that was strong enough to lead to the overthrow and defeat of Garrosh. A code strong enough to drive various members of the Horde faction to ally with their mortal enemy, the Alliance, back in Mists to that very end.

And yet, here’s the same forces that were involved in the rebellion against this very conduct engaging in the same conduct as Garrosh’s Kor’kron Guard all over again. One could say that Sylvanas holds far more sway over the Forsaken and can threaten other members of her faction but Garrosh could do the same. It makes no sense there isn’t more pushback from the other faction leaders, at least to me, given recent history. They aren’t helpless in this regard and it could end the faction for good if they stay inert.


We have TWO threads and since im opposed to it, its not a fair ask. Keep this BS in one of the two approved threads. Thats not unreasonable to ask.

Yeah, but he’s not really requesting High Elves, he’s complaining about the blood elves having to do bad things and it feels wrong. Kinda different, really.


It wasn’t, though.

The group of orcs that went and founded the New Horde, they wanted to scrape out a new living.

They were rejected by most other relatively civilized races (rightly, for their actions and others’ actions), so they banded together with other groups mostly out of necessity, and bonds formed as a result.

The undead never had any problem making it clear that their alliance with the Horde was mostly for benefit, whereas the other races bonded over time.


Hello! :smiley:

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Yeah. There are plenty of players that want to play mass-effect renegade all the time and so it’s fine that this content is there for them. But don’t give me the option to play a noble Paladin and then only throw me quests that make you lose your Paladin status if you complete them.


Yeah, no matter which side i’m playing on i’d rather not be asked to commit obvious war crimes. It’s not how i see any of my characters being.


Your opinion is pretty accurate if you ignore Warcraft III. Or the Tauren. Or Thrall as Warchief. Or Vol’jin as warchief….

I mean… it’s pretty accurate circa Warcraft II. So if you just haven’t played a Warcraft product since then I get where you’re coming from.