Is anybody else struggling with the War Crime simulator that is Horde Side Assaults right now?

Obviously not, given you’re jumping to the wrong conclusions regarding Ashvane’s child labor.

That’s because they were doing it to Alliance. If you never got your corpse humped by a Tauren druid in bear form, you weren’t playing a female character on a PVP server back when you were Alliance.


The closest you can get to a Queldorei Paladin right now is void elf discipline priest. Sindorei are not Queldorei, no matter how much you might wish they were. Queldorei are not currently playable.


Fixed that for you.

Remember the months Night self medics spent making sure Hamuul was okay after a Druid of the Flame burnt him alive? How Tauren and Night Elf druids fought side by side, growing a tree in the heart of the Firelands to fight Ragnaros? And now you joined his army, and did more damage than his greatest lieutenants ever managed.

Pretty sure you went through it more like a Flashlight through shadows. Druids went through it like a scythe through wheat. Know your proper class simile.

Of course not. Horde mode players can’t see non Horde mode players, remember?

Well, first, most of my hate is directed at the developers, not the Horde. I think the writing has really hurt the Horde and kept it from growing or developing in any meaningful way.

I usually only direct ire towards Horde players when they support the actions the devs chose (which seems to be most of them these days), or when they fall back on the “but Camp Taurajo” thing.

It’s not really easy to hate the Horde right now. The faction has been caricatured and infantilized into a really sad state.

The more they ratchet up the faction war, the more the devs encourage me to despise the devs.


What the hell is wrong with people?

They don’t call the position “Warchief” because they’re peaceful.

The devs made the Forsaken the Scourge. They said in the Warfront design that they were wanting to go back to the roots of the series, and during the Darkshore stuff they discussed it as a callback to the Scourge vs Night Elf rivalry of WC3. So, in the minds of the devs, the Forsaken aren’t the Forsaken anymore. They’re just the Scourge.

I missed that quest. Reminds me of the Dresden Files, though. And the book where that happens (Dead Beat) goes into detail about the morality of it, how it bends or distorts rules and ones’ self for doing it.

Good read, great series. I recommend it.

Honestly, I think it’s kind of too late for that. They’ve sacrificed too many characters to the Scourge mentality. Too many Horde heroes backing these actions.


No biggies they respawn a minute later …

So do Horde players. The difference is, one dies in the storyline and the other doesn’t. Which is part of why PvP is a waste of time.

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I second this recommendation. That series is amazing.


Eh…I’ve been meaning to go finish leveling my undead rogue for a while now (along with my nightborne hunter and mag’har warrior…too many alts, not enough time). But meh…I miss the good old days when the Horde was simply a disparate group of ‘outcast’ or persecuted races trying to survive by banding together under a warrior-focused code but still a code that emphasized honor and even showing mercy to your enemies…not the Scourge Lite, kill anyone unless they’re explicitly on our side group the Horde currently is under Lich Queen Sylvanas. And yes I know some of the other Horde leaders are (finally) being shown to have a problem with her tactics, but until they grow a spine and actually DO something about it (and not just grumble under their breaths about how she’s going too far), it’s not enough.


My greatest disappointment in the whole Horde storyline is Baine. His father Cairne stood on principle and died to prevent just this sort of leadership for the faction. I get that Sylvanas has threatened Baine but I’m wondering what’s it going to take to get Baine to actually do something.


I RP my characters as faction-neutral. Everything they’re doing in BfA content is done out of character unless I can find a way to justify it as “for the betterment of Azeroth.” So far, I’ve found very little on my Blood Elf that can be justified as in character.


I mean, the issue is that they let me play a Sindorei Paladin. I’ve only ever been occasionally annoyed with the Horde until now.

I was really feeling it on this discipline Priest when the Horde attacks that Village in Stormsong. Literally civilians speaered to walls infront of children there.

But once the War Campaign quests are over you don’t notice as much, until now. They had me firing a siege cannon at civilian housing as well.


You’re disconnected from the evil character you choose to play? I’m confused. The horde is populated by animalistic savages. The horde is evil, you chose to play horde, you chose evil. Embrace it. If you can’t reconcile your own choice, well, then the alliance is waiting for you.


I don’t know why I’m still surprised by these threads, it’s almost like they’re made by a bunch of people who have no clue how wars were fought a thousand years ago. Which is roughly(minus the magic) the time period that we could equate current Azeroth to Earth history.

Back then there were no non-combatants, innocents were killed as a normal thing in wars. Haven’t you ever seen Game of Thrones? That’s pretty much what was done in wars in that time period.

You can not apply modern day values to war in WoW, it just doesn’t work like that, it’s not the way things are done on Azeroth. So put on your big boy and girl pants and stop your whining all you wannabe SJWs, it’s a game, play it. I’d say enjoy it, but that’s a bit of a stretch with BfA.

Semper Fi! :us:


I’m struggling hard.

In Legion, I had as much fun thinking about how my characters would react to storylines and what they’d be doing during them and after them and what they might do next as I did playing the game. I loved getting into that mindset and was pretty attached to them. (I come from a tabletop roleplaying background, so my characters just automatically get backstories and personalities etc)

Now? I have no idea, because the simple fact of the matter is most of them wouldn’t even be here. The twins would have been straight out during the war of thorns, even before Teldrassil. The paladin would have gone with them. Even the Warlock is looking at the Horde and squinting hard.

I hate every moment of the Horde storyline. I don’t look forward to updates. I haven’t done the new war campaign. I haven’t done the darkshore quests. I don’t want to, I read the datamining, I know what’s coming. I pretend I’m not doing the incursion evilness. I no longer come up with what my characters think or how they’re reacting or what they’re doing because the results are either nonexistent or incredibly depressing.

I’m tired of it. Evil, evil, evil, and then more evil. With some extra evil on the side. Here go commit more war crimes you don’t get to object to or avoid doing.

There’ve been multiple times this expansion where I felt a nasty hollow feeling in my gut where I just… It hit too close to certain things from RL and made me feel physically sick.


It’s strange you took the comment so literally. Though, there is a book called Warcrimes, showing that Azeroth has some legal structure in place.

But generally, it doesn’t take a sophist to realize that murdering civilians or even the wounded is pretty heinous.

The Sin’dorei/Quel’dorei/Ren’dorei civilization has existed for 10,000 years so it isn’t as if they are so tribal they don’t have some consideration for who is and who isn’t a morally acceptable target of military actions.


If one had a picture and it was just a picture, I might point out that picture could make one famous, infamous or even send a person to jail.

Content matters and it is interesting that the current content of the horde story side has people questioning their own values… well, some people.

It is interesting that some people are genuinely self-aware and unswayed by the pointlessly edgy, two dimensional writing in the current horde story line. I admit I expected less from real life humans but I must face my shortcoming and reevaluate.

I guess the current story team has never heard of the idea the “a good villain is the hero of their own story.” It seems a shame to waste Sylvanus like this.

PS. The quest is to save those kids. Who is going to save Sylvanus?


If it drops a mount I’m killing them. Horde, alliance, spaghetti monster makes no difference to me.


I feel you. Sorry you’re not enjoying the expansion.

Yeah, growing up playing pen and paper, but also crpg’s and reading books I’m always surprised by people that aren’t very immersed in the game.

It’s also interesting because they’re unable to grasp the idea that it’s easy to empathize with a fictional character and instead think you’re Tom Hanks from mazes and monsters.

I agree. I think I’ve only got one Horde character that would be pretty into what’s going on.


I’m not so much bothered because it makes me feel uncomfortable as I am by the fact that it’s just really dumb, unentertaining writing. It feels like playing a goon for a really average, mustache twirling evil villain, and honestly it’s a damn shame they reduced Sylvanas to just that. I always felt she was more of a scheming type, but seeing her reduced to just all-out war feels way out of character.

Not to mention everyone just going with it despite the fact that not even 10 years ago, the Wrathgate situation had everyone up in arms in the story. It just feels inconsistent and hamfisted for the sake of pleasing those ‘WAR IN WARCRAFT’ people.

I’m all for war in warcraft, but could I please have a war that feels like it makes sense? Thanks.


I suppose when you say, haven’t you “Seen” Game of Thrones, rather than, haven’t you “Read” Game of Thrones I shouldn’t be surprised by the lack of insight in this response.

So this game let’s you play a Paladin

Which historically is a Knight renowned for heroism and chivalry.

So… a Paladin would operate with a code of honor that would preclude them from murdering injured civilians and the Doctors that are tending them.

Also, when people talk about the “Time Period” Wow is set in, I’m always surprised. I’m having trouble recalling when the ancient Germanic tribes attacked Rome in their Airships.


You’re tired of evil yet you chose to play an evil character. I don’t get your whining.

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