Is anybody else struggling with the War Crime simulator that is Horde Side Assaults right now?

Alliance killing Vulpera merchants in Voldun = Nobody care
Horde killing a single furry = PURE EVIL.


So… because they were neutral makes it less “bad”??? Lol, Nice try you two. Atrocities and bad behavior are just that, no matter what side perpetrates them and irregardless of whether the opposite side is doing it too.

Do you really need that explained to you? Are you that intent on preserving your precious “good guy” status that you just whistle a tune in the wind and pretend your faction is innocent?

Good Lord. Talk about willful ignorance, lol


Is there a listing of what are war crimes in wow, cause no one has told me the rules of engagement, treatment of prisoners, or any other things. Honestly I don’t there are any such thing in wow so.

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Garrosh was going to be tried for war crimes. Until he was freed from prison.

They even had a book called War Crimes involving him.


So faction change.

Seriously, I’m sure there are Alliance players out there that would care to have you join.

I know but that was just about him as far as know no official treaty or war rules were ever made or agreed about.

Honestly you guys are reading way too much into this. Sure does keep this faction war hyped though.
Blizz has done a wonderful job brain fracking some of you though.

Exactly what consequence is there in the game to these alleged war crimes?
None. Makes no impact whatsoever.
Only in the player’s head.
That’s a mind fracking. GG. Well played blizz. Well played.


Really Drathiel, this comment does sound slightly patronising. As far as I know, Warcraft isn’t a law firm. And, I can reply any way I want.
I don’t mean to disrespect your point of view; you might be the kind of person who takes all this utterly seriously.

I’m a writer in my real life, so backing up, citation and knowing facts is my livelihood. Here, I do just wish to have fun.

My own, original post was very tongue-in-cheek. I did not mean to be too contentious, and tried to temper my comment with humour.

I apologise again for not having the correct information, I do not apologise for it’s intent. It wasn’t a huge issue, just a post in another stupid Horde vs Alliance thread. (The posts I usually keep out of! Boy, have I learned my lesson!)

I agree 100%.

This is the ugliest expansion we have ever been forced to partake in.


No. You are not alone in your thinking… I do the bare minimum of that type of stuff on my Horde toons and bypass it if I can. During the fight with the Valkyr? I did nothing but dance in the background once I got it far along enough.

My Horde DK already broke free from one Lich King and has no desire to follow another.



Well, Blizzard is gonna have to turn the corner somehow and soon. The Horde will eventually run out of puppies to kick.


No, I’m saying it was bad, for both sides.

And I did the daily many times to get the fishing pole, because it’s just a game.


That’s one way of putting it. LOL
Nah. They will just code in alliance bots for us to kick.
Instead of seeing how the faction war’s barriers in game cause a lot of their issues.


I know its all fake, but it is a bit annoying when they claim you broke some law in a game and yet when you ask them to show it to you they start talking about irl.


I mean the horde’s been doing this since the first war. It’s really nothing new. When it comes right down to it the horde is, in essence, a war machine that revolves around war and cannot exist without war.


Sadly what I’m seeing happen is another civil war.

Yes. They recovered from one not too long ago. But they’re cruising straight toward another one.

Except instead of Orcs being the dominant “bad guy” it’ll be the Forsaken. I mean I did the new quests on Alliance side and yeah, the tactics the Horde are using to invade Kul Tiras SCREAM “Scourge” like there’s no tomorrow.


Shhhh you’ll disrupt their narrative…


Well, it is war. Plus I mean, you always take out the healer first.


Not like the alliance is completely innocent, we’ve been scaring the crud out of a bunch of Vulpera in Vol’dun.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not hating on you.

It’s probably more just discontent on my end being expressed at how the player perspective is handled between factions. I can’t fault you for not knowing about something you didn’t actually see for yourself, and didn’t stop to think about it that way, I’m sorry.


I wonder about that if sylvanas plan works and does to seem to be with the alliance cut scene with the NE and humans, it could be an alliance revolt instead of a horde one.