Is anybody else struggling with the War Crime simulator that is Horde Side Assaults right now?

It seems obvious?

  1. I did not know the Alliance quest-line.
  2. I saw slave children when I did the Horde quest there with Lillian.
  3. I was outraged.
  4. I do find there is a lot of Alliance righteous outrage directed towards the Horde, so I questioned these poor waifs and the Alliance treatment of them.

This does not seem a huge leap of understanding?

I have been told otherwise, and I apologise for my ignorance. I do not play Alliance.

It does become tiring, and boring, being the brunt of Alliance outraged, righteous indignation. At this stage I will welcome any writing from Blizz that paints the burning white-light-bright-and-holy Alliance with any kind of grey.

This is Faction Bias, this forcing the Horde into this corner, so the Alliance players can constantly look down at us.


I guess you didn’t see the Alliance there killing the same mobs you were.


There was no one there.

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No, because I indeed feel disconnected from the game because I know it’s a game. It’s not serious.


Horde players tend to be less than sympathetic toward Alliance players. They have a nasty tendency to sling insults at Alliance players for a wide variety of reasons. After awhile, anyone would get snarky over being constantly mocked, insulted and the like. So yes, they eventually start slinging the mud right back. Is it right? Of course not. But this is why it happens.

You at least apologized for not being aware of the details on the quest, so that puts you a step above a good number of Horde players.


Horde players have a nasty tendency of doing just that to Alliance players. It’s not right for Alliance players to do it, but neither is it right for Horde players. Both sides are guilty of this.


Oh, dear. You’re…not going to be happy with how Lady Ashvane’s story progresses, then.


Honestly, I have never seen any tendencies to nastiness either way. I see Alliance players being very nasty to Horde players, and vice versa, with equal regularity.

In 2009 I paid to have all my characters, on two accounts and two servers, transferred from Alliance to Horde, because of the player base on those servers. Since then, I have loved the Horde, and am thankful to, what I see, is an intelligent, funny, polite player-base on my servers.

However I wouldn’t be so righteous, arrogant or self-satisfied as to label the entirety of a faction by the actions of a few.

I will always give either faction the benefit of the doubt. But it’s very frustrating to me that Blizzard Writers have created this niche for my beloved faction, and it has given some Alliance posters the entitled mantle of supercilious condemnation aimed at the faction I love.


Says it right there on the tin; you’re supposed to be evil.


Don’t group all Horde players together like that. And I say that as a Horde player that has had more than one Alliance player use /spit on her. Both sides have their nasty players that look down, no side does it any less ormore than the other.


you mean a legoli paladin? yeah you guys aint really horde anyhow.


You havent seen the forums enough then. Trust me, Horde can be extremely nasty, ESPECIALLY when the topic of PvP can come up. Now Alliance can be just as nasty. As to who started it, lord knows.

“Alliance cowards” came up recently because of the recent changes in warmode. They weren’t doing anything that Horde players hadn’t been doing for quite some time. Except now that they were doing it, they’re suddenly demonized and called cowards.

Yet, the Horde Players did the same thing and got away with it.


I shelved my Horde characters some time ago due to the story.


I tend to keep away from nasty, contentious posts. I find both sides can be ugly, and ultimately, regardless of Factions in a game, I prefer to assume you are all really nice people.


I’m a nice mellow guy most the time. I have horde toons. I don’t play them as often mostly because my guild is alliance focused.

There are indeed some awesome horde players.

But, I’m going to say it like I see it. Horde players do nasty things, and there is quite often some kind of excuse given. Alliance players do the same nasty things and they get far harsher treatment.

I’m referring specifically to Horde players. There is a disparity when it comes to how Horde players are quite often favored by the community while Alliance players are treated as second hand goods.

I’m not talking story issues. The story is a bloody mess on both sides. Of course it only makes matters on both sides WORSE because people defend some bad story decisions. Sometimes just to troll, other times because they think the edgy story is cool, and sometimes they honestly like the story.


Oh give me a stone cold break. Alliance players have been vocally mocking and deriding literally every aspect of Horde since this game launched.


I’m a female player. I’ve played Horde for almost ten years, and before that, Alliance for four.

In almost ten years I have never had a Horde character simulate sexual assault towards me, laugh at child abuse, or emote that they were ‘r@ping’ me. (Edit: this all seems terrible to put into words, and I apologise.)

This is why I left the Alliance. This happened too many times, by strangers who didn’t know I am female. By other people.

I certainly do not tarnish the current Alliance with these memories, but back then, I couldn’t leave fast enough.

Blizzard may write my Faction as a remorseless killing machine, with no empathy nor any virtue, however the player-base on my server has proven to be intelligent, kind, ethical and interesting.

Yet of course, there are always exceptions, and I am not making generalizations, I can only comment on what I have experienced.

The Horde Blizzard sees is not the Horde I see.


High Elf thread. :face_vomiting:


No argument on that. Which is why I specified the Story is a hot mess on both sides.

Yes, how you were treated sucks, but men can be jerks (I’d use other more accurate words, but they’d be censored and I don’t want forum mods to give me a suspension).


It isn’t a huge leap of understanding to see how you thought through that, but it is a huge leap of understanding to see WHY.

If you’re going to try to use something like that as a justification for a viewpoint in the future, please make an effort to know what you’re talking about.

As to your second point? I’d love that. I’d love for Anduin to start down a full warpath and absolutely demolish the Horde for a while as compensation, then force an actual ceasefire and end to this idiotic conflict.