Is anybody else struggling with the War Crime simulator that is Horde Side Assaults right now?

Not sure what you’re talking about, but that’s what the player does.

You go in, you cut down a lot of forces, and you break up the slave labor.

Let me guess- you don’t play Alliance.


Pedantry = asking for examples to back up a claim apparently

But you are also supporting the claim that the Alliance have been just as bad in BfA. I don’t see the evidence for this.

But these examples you keep repeating have nothing to do with the Alliance in the current war.

So, here is finally an example of something that happened during the current war. Do you think this is the same situation? The blood elf was with the Horde party, part of the faction that invaded and destroyed the night eleven lands. Can the same be said about Nian? Is she an invader on Horde lands? If you’re trying to argue that the paladin was neutral and was there to save Night Elves as well as Horde, then you’ll need to prove that.

Malfurion burying an invading orc soldier alive? Sure, that’s pretty brutal of an act. Is that enough to make the Alliance comparable to what the Horde has done? Like, that one time Sylvanas burned thousands of civilians alive?

And now we’re back to talking about things that didn’t happen during the war.

If you think I’m claiming the Alliance and their races are perfect paragons, you’re wrong. I was responding to the specific claim that the Alliance races (LF and void elves in particular) have behaved just as badly as the Horde in this current war, the one taking place in BfA. I don’t see any proof of that. If you have to bring out a laundry list of all bad deeds ever done by the Alliance, or things they haven’t even done (i.e., AU Lightforged) to make an attempt at an argument, that just proves my point.


You’re the second person to post that someone on the Alliance has wronged you and so the Alliance is grievously bad.

That is patently NOT what I said. In response to someone talking about how toxic Horde players are, I responded by saying that both player bases have bad apples and that Alliance players are just as prone to bad behavior as Horde players.

I never said the Alliance was grievously bad…or anything remotely like it.

I didn’t have an extreme reaction. I made a call for moderation of the faction-based player hostility.

Then, I said that I have problems with the Horde storyline in this expansion and I think I went on to mention my irritation and the rampant misuse of the word “bias” and how much it irritates me that people think the devs are pro-horde and anti-alliance because some of the devs main Horde toons. So…no. You totally misread and then misrepresented what I said.


Yeah but even that game allowed you to play enemy races on the opposing side if you disagreed with it’s ideals. At this point they should let players irrespective of race pick their faction.

The problem is they know full well no one would play Horde then, so they hold players old characters as hostages to force them to go along with a Faction War that honestly speaking, ended in Warcraft III.


Its a video game. Its not real. I feel disconnected from all of my characters because they are not real. If its making you feel bad then stop playing it.

Although from the tone of your post I’d guess you’d rather just have it changed to suit your safe spacey needs.

War…war never changes

Morally gray story.


No, but it is just a video game.

Pretty sure my character has healed civilians. Even alliance civilians… does that mean every one who does pvp is bad? Probably

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Yes it was cute.

Back to the subject at hand.

95% of the horde on this thread: “I enjoy burning, pillaging, committing mass murder, running a death camp, torturing civilians and innocents, and killing the wounded because its obviously not the REAL me and not a reflection of my character that I enjoy hurting things and inflicting terrible pain. You Alliance people kill mobs all the time, isn’t it the same thing as using pole arms to pin farmers to walls and making their children watch?”

Also horde: “Why we always gotta be the bad guys, mannnn. I wanna be MoRaLlY GrEy. I’m tired of Alliance being knights in shining non genocidal armor. Wahhhhhhhhh. Daddy Nathanos, with your newly found godlike powers, please make me whole again.”


Your stretching to say 95% of horde are the way your describing.

I’m sure there are some people that just don’t care, or prefer acting like that, but there isn’t a civil war brewing because 5% of the horde population disapproves of what Sylvanas is doing.


Well my bad, I understood that mana addiction and management was strainful either way which was my point. Liadrin was showing compassion and understanding towards her kin where Tyrande showed none.

Also you’re wrong about the Shendralar. They didnt oppose Azshara, they supported her and were her personal arcanists(sounds kinda familiar?. They were isolated from the Highbourne capital but Prince Tortheldrin, their leader was just as reliant on demons, nightelf sacrifices and demonic magic to keep his people safe. It wasnt until people entered Dire Maul and wiped out the source of their sustainence that they went looking for their kin. Don’t try to white wash what they were.

They weren’t. They were literally just creating a massive stockpile that wasn’t being used. Killing trees just to kill trees.


And then the Alliance NPCs were straight up murdering them. I think the 7th Legion may have been lying to me about not wanting to hurt them.

Pretty sure burning their wagons in addition to destroying the Horde supplies was a bit of overkill. (And why was I destroying supplies the Alliance could have used for the war effort?)


Enough that the devs are adding entirely new quests to the game to accommodate people that don’t want to betray Sylvanas. That is an unprecedented move for WoW, so its clearly not an insignificant amount of players.


Don’t they get a new toy, too?

If you’re talking about through the new quests, there are 2. :slight_smile:

I thought only the “side with Sylv” got a toy. Ranger Cowl or something like that.

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Same things happen during real war (I never served but I am guessing). If a person that is your enemy gets hurt, then someone patches them up, that person will be right back on the front lines.

Taking out the healer makes sense

All war is a crime. Laws are a product of civility. When a problem can’t be solved without resorting to violence, then civility is gone, and the result is barbarism.

This game celebrates the fine line between civility and barbarity. The fact that Sylvanas pursues the more sadistic side of war doesn’t mean she is any more or less a war criminal than, say, Genn smashing the Soulcage to try and wipe out the future of the Forsaken. If anything, she is justified in retribution to all of the Alliance.