Is anybody else struggling with the War Crime simulator that is Horde Side Assaults right now?

Exactly. Just no. The meanest people I have encountered in this game (and I play both sides) were Alliance players. Everyone thinks it’s one-sided until they play both sides. I don’t mean you rolled a level 45 alt. I mean…PLAYED both factions.

It’s the same on both sides. Jerks all over but mostly great people.

The Alliance is just as horrible…so don’t even try that. The only time I was ever offended–like for real offended–in this game was at the hands/keyboard of an Alliance player. Disgusting behavior.

So, no.

And as to the OP, yeah…I’m having trouble with the Horde story this go around. We went from both sides being grey and making mistakes to Horde, evil; Alliance, good.

If I hear one more thing about “but Horde bias!” I’m gonna have to buy a new mouse because I’ll throw this one at the monitor.

Also, PSA:

bias, n. having affinity for or showing favor to a particular thing over another thing.
biased, adj. having a bias

A person is not bias. A person is biased if he has a bias. See? You’re welcome.


No, she needs to be apprehended and turned over to the Silver Hand for being an Oathbreaker in the face of the enemy. Let her stand judgment before the Paladins whom she betrayed in Legion by putting her faction loyalty before her oaths as a Paladin.

(Basically using her influence as a neutral party in Suramar to recruit the Nightborne into the Horde. Poor writing to be sure, but it was in direct violation of the Oath she gave in Light’s Hope Chapel to the Silver Hand.)

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Showing compassion towards a people who are suffering from something you yourself have gone through is HARDLY recruiting. All Blood Elves and High Elves know the struggles with mana addiction. Hell, all 3 literally wither into mindless husks if they don’t have a source to feed from.

Do we get to throw Tyrande out of the Alliance for selfishly saving her old home city but not giving a damn about the civilians? How can she so callously lump all Nightbourne citizens in with Azshara or the Grand Magistrix when she allowed Highborn mages into Teldrassil? Shes just as much of a hypocrite. Both are War Leaders of their respective factions, both have done equally immoral things.


I think Blizz has pretty much picked at this point. Sure they still pay lip service to “muh honorz”, but it is laughably pathetic when they try to now.

Personally they should just go all in at this point. Dress them up like the Sith in SWTOR and go all out. At least that can be an enjoyable experience(I love playing Sith over there). The Horde atm are just hypocrites.

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To quote a wise man:

That’s the Horde in BFA in a nutshell. Hell, that’s BFA in a nutshell.

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First off Blood elves and high elves don’t “wither”, the wretched happen when they OVER indulge in mana, not the lack of it.

10k Years ago the Nightborne sided with Azhara then decided they didn’t like that result so they betrayed her, then they sealed themselves off not ever peeking out of their bubble to help their people or even see if they were okay, until the Legion showed up and they joined it. Carrying attacks on night elves immediately.

Comparing them to the Shren’dralar who opposed Aszhara from the beginning and continued to live in Kalimdor and approached Tyrande in their own terms is ridiculous. Pretending that Tyrande shouldn’t be wary of people who betrayed her before, joined the legion AND were talking to her and her kind as “lowborns” is absurd too.

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no problems here because none of this has a bearing on my moral compass because as some one said earlier it’s just a game.

if you are having some kind of conscious moral dilemma about what you are doing in the game . then maybe it’s time for you to take a break and remind yourself it is not real.

Do you have the same moral conflict in other games where you kill characters ?

Especially considering how it turned out.

Tyrande: How do I know I can trust you?
Thalyssra: How dare you question me. Just for that I am going to go join your enemies and help them burn your home and your people to ashes…


There’s a reason they lived in a literal safety bubble. No wonder they joined the SJW faction.


With that said should not Turalyon face the same judgement . He brought the Light Forged into the Alliance and he too took the same oath that Liandrin did in fact way before she did .

You’re the second person to post that someone on the Alliance has wronged you and so the Alliance is grievously bad.

I would say first of all, the Alliance isn’t it’s playerbase.

If the Horde was it’s playerbase and we stuck to a sample size of one individual then the OP’s Paladin represents the entirety of the horde.

That doesn’t make any sense.

Second, on the server/war group I’m on the Horde is way more toxic in dungeons. They’re a bunch of raging jerks.

That doesn’t mean the Horde across all servers and wargroups are way more toxic in dungeons. It’s possible, but it’s anecdotal and not a fact.

I’m actually curious what causes these extreme reactions since there is more than one? Is it a narcissistic personality disorder or something? I think once that original opinion is set, Side A is bad (Or side H is bad) and you switch to the other side you’re probably willing to ignore equally heinous actions just to keep your bias.

Not every Elwyn Forest is an aristocrats joke.

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Next time you’re doing pvp you aren’t allowed to target the healer, cuz that healer might heal some civilians at some point.

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I’m super confused by the attribution of the Horde as the SJW or liberal side? What’s with this calculation?

It’s like people who are pretty intellectually insecure don’t like SJW’s and are making an unnuanced decision that because the Horde is evil (It’s not, until lately anyways) and they think SJW’s are evil that SJW’s have to belong to the Horde?

Anduin Wrynn is for sure a bleeding heart progressive liberal, and I love him for it and every Horde Leader except for Thrall and Vol’jin, who are libertarians or something, seem pretty into authoritarianism.

Where does this come from?

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Well, there’s the obvious comparisons about not just defeating your enemies, but forcing them to conform to your faction and their beliefs. As in, literally raising your enemies to join your side and forcing them to serve you and kill your enemies.

Got that backwards.

No argument there, I keep mailing him to org…postage due. But he keeps coming back. I think, like Garfield and nermil…I am doing something wrong with the process. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

A place like mordor.

Now to talk more about this, we go to our special correspondent, Boromir of Gondor. Boromir, tell the people about the source of all this corruption

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Also, I did the assault on Vol’dun today Alliance side…

The quest giver is literally like, “We don’t want to hurt these cute little fox people. But they’re transporting Horde supplies so take this totem to SCARE THEM OFF.”

It was very sweet.

One of the main aspects of role-playing games that I enjoy is viewing the events of the game through the lens of the character I am playing, yes; it’s sort of their raison d’etre.


Lol. Don’t expose the forums to ur cringey hardcore head cannon RP please

I mean… I guess Thrall is a SJW in Warcraft III when he’s like, “Hey it would be nice if we weren’t all slaves.” or Kael was a SJW when he was like, “Hey maybe this super racist human commander shouldn’t send us all to die.”

and they are the orcs and the blood elves…

BUT… there’s scientific data that correlates IQ to who you hate.

People with higher IQ’s don’t really like people who have a choice but do something anyways. So if somebody with a higher IQ thinks you should be able to change your mind about something, but you can’t. They’ll be prejudiced towards you.

People with low IQ’s hate groups that people don’t choose to be a part of. So like an ethnic background or a sexual orientation.

Since SJW’s are typically arguing for things like, not being shot randomly for their ethnicity, then being an anti-SJW has some pretty dire implications for your level of intelligence.

Anyways. Figuring out the political spectrum of the Alliance and the Horde is essentially impossible. Like, The Horde is tribal so does that mean they have a more left leaning economy? Are they more close to a commune? (Communism?)

Is the Alliance Capitalist?

All we know is that Goblins are capitalists and Tauren are probably communists.

But obvious the Horde has a more authoritarian streak, it’s definitely more rightwing than the alliance which has got more of a leftwing streak. (They’re more for the people, even if they’ve got a king. Though I haven’t seen much in the way of a social safety net from them.)

So anyways. You literally can’t tell. As for the playerbase? It’s also hard to tell. Gamergate seems to have pushed a lot of videogame nerds pretty far to the right when they weren’t before. But there are plenty of LGBTQ players and I think that WoW players are more likely to believe in climate change which means they’re more likely to be left leaning.

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I don’t like doing that stuff myself, but I do like seeing the horde portrayed as vile. It suits them.

You know what?

Internment camps were a mistake. One we have paid for in lives since we spared the orcs at the end of the Second War.

This time, when we beat the genocidal whorde, no interment camps. We’ll just wipe them all out. Because that was the choice we faced last time: camps or wipe them out. We chose wrong.

…and I wonder what it says about the IQ of those who literally burn down the city to prevent people from speaking who they disagree with. Maximum irony, this takes place in places where the “free speech movement” did its thing not too long in the distant past by people who are the spiritual (and physical) descendants of those people.

…not letting anyone with a diverging viewpoint be allowed to speak, purging anything “offensive” from the public view or discourse, and of course “conformity” in the name of “diversity.”

That one is easy: clearly they represent totalitarian fascism as well as collectivism, as shown by their willingness to commit mass murder to spread their ideology, and force others to serve them against their will and of course murdering anyone who disagrees with them (the whole desolate council and undead family thing comes to mind).

That’s an oversimplification. The media made it political, when it was really about not pushing an agenda in videogames in the first place. Let good, well written characters stand on their own merits and no one will care who they are.

But when your starting point is identity politics for its own sake, rather than a well written story, you’ve reduced people to a stereotype. Which is the exact opposite of everything that people who want “inclusivity” claim to be about. No one wants to be a “token” character, but instead wants to be an integral and well developed part of a story.

It also helps when the storytellers (games, movies, TV, etc) aren’t talking down to their audience, which is something else that sjws do frequently. They assume that those who don’t agree are ignorant children who can simply be educated (or “reeducated” in the room 101 sense) out of their views. People disagree. Not because they’re an “-ist,” but because we’re human beings and we have a variety of opinions on issues. This is where that whole “tolerance” thing would come in handy, except it isn’t practiced by those who preach it the loudest.

But the real issue, getting back to the thread, is why the current narrative seems to be “genocide is ok…so long as it is done to the right people, by the right people.” And the worst it will ever be called is “morally grey.”

Considering there are real world genocides still not formally recognized, that a major software company takes such a stance is very dangerous.