Is anybody else struggling with the War Crime simulator that is Horde Side Assaults right now?

:open_mouth: how rude.

Not sure how you came to that conclusion if you have paid attention at all to the game’s story the last 10 years. The Horde isn’t going to lose anything. Not A SINGLE THING. They never have and never will in WoW.

Saying the Alliance is going to eradicate the Horde from Kalimdor is without a doubt one of the craziest strawmen arguments I’ve ever seen on this forum. Even the most diehard of Horde fanbois would laugh at that notion.


Honestly, whats worse is -THIS- is content now.

You either do this as a horde, or you don’t get anything. There’s no alternate way to avoid any of this war crap, if you want to avoid war crap, all your allowed to do is world quests, and dungeoning, everything else is seems centered on this farce of a war.

I actually want to play the game, so I just turn it off, remove your immersion, realize it’s just pixels and just do it so you can progress, even if it really irritates you.

I just cannot get into being horde anymore.


So, does Alliance not have any questionable quest targets ever, or what?

I don’t pay that much attention to what mob I’m killing, so idk about either faction, but I’d want to make sure none of the Alliance assaults involve doing something that impacts civillians before making a fuss about the Horde killing the wrong class (mistweaver).

I’ve been doing Incursions on both ends for my Alliance Alt, and my Horde ma-… Character.

I haven’t done 100% every Incursion so far, but I haven’t seen the alliance attack a healer simply tending to injured civilians yet.

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Behold the problem with the horde since wrath. Blizzard cant pick if they are noble savages, or objectively evil.


Well yeah, the Forsaken death camps get fed from somewhere.

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Yeah, and look what happened to him…

The Horde did change and it was honorable. It has just so happened to have changed once again, welcome to the Forsaken now, a dark time, but one that will see an end. A quote from Saurfang comes to mind… something about loyalty and honor maybe?

Ok, I may not pay much attention to kill targets but I’ve definitely had quests to rescue prisoners on Horde side too. Rescuing prisoners is like generic war quest 101.

When it comes to the Horde being evil, Darkshore is a pretty solid thing to point to, don’t know why we’re suddenly up in arms about typical fetch/kill quests.

Oh no, rescuing prisoners is fine. I’m just pointing out what’s likely to happen to them if you don’t. Because one side literally runs death camps and raises people as brainwashed zombies who shout “she will rule forever”.

[quote=“Deltividen-gurubashi, post:304, topic:49483, full:true”]
Yeah, and look what happened to him…[/quote]

That’s what happens when people (like Jaina) stick their head into the sand about how dangerous the Horde still was/is to the people of the Alliance.

Seems the Horde doesn’t learn from it’s mistakes and history repeats itself.

Thanks to Blizzard, of course.

I definitely caught the second part of that when I did the Horde war campaign in Darkshore (killing nelves just to force them into being undead reinforcements) but I missed the literal prisoner death camps…?

But yeah my reaction was more being confused about the person you quoted saying prisoners were surprisingly dark. Like why is that surprising when both factions take prisoners every time there’s any faction conflict?

“Those who fail to learn from their history are doomed to repeat it.”

And right now, the story is cruising toward there being another Civil War among the Horde Ranks.

Gee, they recovered from one civil war less than five years ago, and now they’re running straight into another one.

Perhaps its time they analyze the problem with their core political structure.

At least the Alliance, while it has the whole High King thing, doesn’t put absolute power in one set of hands like the Horde does with their Warchief.

Daelin Proudmoore earned his death that day. And once again I have derailed a thread, not alone this time though haha. Back to point, I haven’t done this particular quest yet, but out of the of other “war crimes” right now, its low on my list. Killing an alliance agent, no matter the circumstances bothers me significantly less than blight bombing our own troops and walking around in gas masks executing people. We are at war no matter who started it, so killing an experienced Alliance healer makes sense to me. I’m just ready to throw away the purple flags and get our Horde Symbol raised back up…My troll is tired of forgetting that he is NOT Forsaken…

Not sure if it’s still true but in WW I and II healers and hospitals and ambulances were marked with a giant red cross so they wouldn’t be targeted by enemy fire.
Both sides respected the healers.


For the rest of the thread, nay, the internet…let’s refer to this as the “I watched some battle scenes/movies, therefore I know what actual combat is like” fallacy.

: P


Double this.

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Also, she imprisoned the Naaru M’uru so that the Sin’dorei could have paladins. A pretty dark thing to do.


Literally every single horde is evil and has always been. No idea why Horde players keep complaining for choosing the evil faction and doing evil…


It’s just like a lot of topics. People confuse dramatizing things with the reality.

War is indeed bloody, messy and horrifying.

Game of Thrones of course is all about the drama and it relies on a lot of shock factor to drive the drama. Especially with how easily they kill off characters en masse. So its not exactly the kind of series that one wants to look at when it comes to war.

Because while seeing your fellow soldiers die is horrifying, seeing them live can be worse. PTSD, Drugs, Alcohol, scars, permanent injuries, lost limbs. Sometimes seeing Sergeant Johnny live in pain, with medication only able to dull it is worse than attending his funeral.

Sorry, slightly off topic but yeah, GoT is not a good example of the horrors of “real war”.


Okay, if you want to continue with pedantry go ahead. I’m not excusing the War of the Thorns or any of the actions of the Horde Leadership, its awful and uncalled for.

I was pointing out morally wrong actions of Alliance leaders and their followers. Xe’ra (the Mother of Naaru and head of the Lightforged) is wrong and the AU Lightforged only proves the level of terrible zealotry and evil the main timeline are capable of. Velves are wrong for following the teachings of Elf Judas who helped LEAD to the destruction of Silvermoon and its populace in the pursuit of his own power. The were/are Blood/High elves, they know the history of Dar’khan and they didn’t care, they embraced his writings in pursuit of their own powers.

Lets get down to more pedantry since you’re so fond of it. Is it alright for Malfurion to bury alive the orc or attack the paladin in the cinematic? The paladin seemed to be a medic for that team, she wasn’t wearing a Horde tabard not unlike Mistweaver Nian since you brought it up. Why is it okay for Malfurion and not for the PC?

Why is it okay for the Night Elves to slaughter Orcs who were just trying to survive by chopping down wood to live? The orcs (to my knowledge) had no idea the trees were sacred to the Night Elves. Warcraft isn’t as black or white and you’re trying to make it seem. Night Elves were always known for their savagery, it wasn’t until WoW that they were gentrified to blend in with the Alliance.

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