Is anybody else struggling with the War Crime simulator that is Horde Side Assaults right now?

I’ve always wondered why the tauren we’re part of the horde. They don’t belong.


You mean the ones who used slaves as gladiator death games sport?

That let the lich queen develop and use plague multiple times without barely a finger wagging?

That’s been her stated goal since vanilla: to turn everyone undead. Now she does it to have a planet of meat shields to avoid being sent back to wow’s version of hell to keep arthas company for eternity.

Except all those people you were feeding plague to from vanilla through wrath…

You thought that was a new health potion recipe?

What my reaction will be when the lich queen finally faces justice:


My husband, who has never been as into the lore as our son or I have been flatly refuses to play his Horde characters past Legion. Ours haven’t participated in BFA at all, either, but it was quite interesting to see someone that was never “into the Lore” completely screech to a halt, turn to me and ask (in War of Thorns) “and Horde Druids are okay with this?!?!” before /rude Sylvanas and refusing to even touch his horde alts that are 110.


A moment of silence for the gentle monk who lost her life while seeking to bring relief and hope to those in need of help!!! :cry:

May the spirits of her ancestors receive her with arms wide open! :wolf:


For the rest of the thread, let’s refer to the above logical fallacy as the, “Only I Have Watched War Movies.” Fallacy.

One of the 16 million people who have watched Game of Thrones, they are the singular entity on the internet that understands the true horrors of war.


Is anybody else struggling with the War Crime simulator that is Horde Side Assaults right now?

Nope no issues whatsoever, its just creative solutions for the tasks at hand, to win a war.


Haha nope. My 2 uncles served and 1 is currently still serving, my grandfather was also in the Korean War. So I think I should know :stuck_out_tongue:

I just turn my brain off to the story … the same way the writers did when they wrote it.


When…when did we eradicate a continent?

I definitely say the new War Campaign stuff on Horde side is a little painful, especially watching Rexxar flat knowingly lie to someone, then sit and talk about “honor” like a hypocrite. Was also pretty annoyed at his blame towards Jaina, especially after the entire Founding of Orgrimmar/Theramore history.

Ironically, my BE paladin would likely follow Sylvanas over the fact that she was the former Ranger General as referenced in the Fall of SIlvermoon scenario. My Mag’har warrior wants to sink her double axes into their skulls for their treachery.


i was just explaining how BFA is and will, play out. alliance will eradicate all of kalimdor. that was explained long ago. kalimdor will be fully controlled by the alliance, while the horde will only have silvermoon as its last bastion.

none of this information is new.

I think you’re saying Kalimdor when you mean Eastern Kingdoms. Or you have some very special information.

And given that most of EK is already Alliance controlled, you can hardly call taking out Undercity (which was ultimately done by Sylvanas, anyway) as “eradicating a continent”.

im not sure what was hard to understand.

if there is semantics you wish to debate over, please make that clear and we will debate.

do you wish to debate over the first strike or the outcome?
do you wish to debate over how it started, for what reason or how it will end and by who?

because i pretty much explained ALL of it, in my first couple of posts.

Asking for specific examples is “huffy”?

The original point was that the Alliance have committed the same amount of heinous acts as the Horde, thanks to the Lightforged Draenei and the Void Elves. Again I’ll ask, what acts have these groups committed that were on par with Teldrassil or the complete destruction and blighting of Darkshore? Of Sylvanas blighting her own people? Or what they’re doing to Derek Proudmoore? Or killing neutral pandaren healers?


The Void Elves have animated a T-Rex with Void magic and used it during the Zuldazar incursion.

Evidently that so far has been the equivalent to merccing a doctor.


Don’t think Game of Thrones shows the true horrors of war, any more then Law and Order shows the true horrors of crime (thirty seconds browsing the “True Crime” section of your bookstore will show you that no show you’ve seen comes CLOSE to what actually happens).

War is hell, and no one who has not experienced it can properly understand just how bad that is. And we should be very, very thankful for that, and to those who sacrifice to make sure that the rest do not have to experience it.

The argument used is still wrong, and I have no problem calling out the people using it, but unless you’ve actually been in a war, you do not know just how bad it really is.

I’ve started looking at the Horde NPCs we’re assigned to kill in the Incursions.

In Kul Tiras, they’re always surrounded by dead troops and/or civilians, and in Zandalar, they always seem to be attacked medical convoys or other targets that aren’t frontline troops.


Idk but the voice acting horde side sure is better. That tattersail sounds more alive than alliance commanders and that gougeye woman in stormsong had pretty good voice acting too.

To add to what I said earlier. While I’m having great difficulty with the Horde garbage I am also having a lot of difficulty with the Alliance. I do not like or trust the Void Elves at all and I’m disgusted that they are allowed to openly practice their void magics. I do not at all like participating in anything that involves the Void Elves and were it an option all of my Alliance would make their distrust of the Void Elves well known.

I actually can’t stand the orc commander voice acting. The female orc reliving the horrors of her boot camp drill sergeant days barking orders leaves a lot to be desired.

“You guys don’t know anything about the horrors of war. I know. I was educated in the horrors of war through secondhand information. Since no one else on the internet has relatives that served in the army believe me when I tell you that this teen rated videogame is a walk in the park compared to the horrors I’ve heard about that no one else in this thread could have heard about.”

[quote="Tyriellais-thunderhorn, post:292, topic:49483, full:true"]

Blockquote Don’t think Game of Thrones shows the true horrors of war, any more then Law and Order shows the true horrors of crime (thirty seconds browsing the “True Crime” section of your bookstore will show you that no show you’ve seen comes CLOSE to what actually happens). War is hell, and no one who has not experienced it can properly understand just how bad that is. And we should be very, very thankful for that, and to those who sacrifice to make sure that the rest do not have to experience it. The argument used is still wrong, and I have no problem calling out the people using it, but unless you’ve actually been in a war, you do not know just how bad it really is.

The Game of Thrones reference is a joke since people keep coming in here and presuming that nobody else on the internet has any idea what the horrors of war are all about.

Though I do disagree with your statement here. If the soldiers that stormed the beaches on Normandy break down crying watching the introduction to saving private Ryan and say that it’s a suitable replication of the traumatic experience they went through, then I think it’s fine as a tool for people to understand the magnitude of horror of war. People don’t need to have PTSD to understand how awful war is.

Following your logic there then someone placed in an administrative post in Afghanistan more fully understands the horrors of war than an EMT that responds to horrific car crashes and suicides.

There is a difference between being posted in Restrepo and Bahrain and just because someone was posted in Bahrain doesn’t mean they don’t understand the horrors of war either.

So, I don’t think that’s a very nuanced view of a person’s ability to comprehend how awful war can be.

[quote] I’ve started looking at the Horde NPCs we’re assigned to kill in the Incursions.

In Kul Tiras, they’re always surrounded by dead troops and/or civilians, and in Zandalar, they always seem to be attacked medical convoys or other targets that aren’t frontline troops. [/quote]

Yeah. When you pay attention to the scenery it’s really ugly. I was surprised to see the Horde actually take prisoners. A quest today had you free Alliance Civilians locked in cages from the house that the Horde took over.


In Saurfang we trust.