Is anybody else struggling with the War Crime simulator that is Horde Side Assaults right now?

One of the great tragedies of Legion is that the DK player had Liadrin nearly dead and begging for her life and we chose to spare her. Given what she’s become it’s unfortunate we didn’t end her.


I wish blizzard tried more interesting things with the Alliance’s morals, which I’m sure they would if people didn’t complain every time. They had a chance when Jaina was the near psychopath she was in MoP but they just turned her into another overpowered Mary Sue.

Not even sure why people complained about the Alliance purge squads. It canonically makes sense though since the Horde helped the Vulpera and the Voldunai become free from the Faithless and had already mostly won them over. They were delivering supplies to the Horde and Mathias realized the most tactical decision was do do what Sylvanas did in Brennadam: eliminate them all and sow chaos into the area so they have to focus on fixing their broken region rather than contributing anything to the Horde’s war effort. It honestly makes LESS sense for the alliance to just focus on harassing and imprisoning the Vulpera/destroying their caravans rather than just not holding back considering either way they’d be driven to the Horde, except the latter would give the Alliance a bigger advantage.

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So much this. Aside from the rather obvious trolls on the forums I don’t have anything in particular against the Horde or its players. All of my ire falls squarely on the shoulders of the writing staff.


The only reason I am still playing my horde hunter, who is basically just for seeing the other side of the story, is because I will get to side with Saurfang. If I did not know this was an option I would have stopped playing her. I am so uncomfortable doing a lot of the things I’ve been told to do as horde. So when does the Saurfang quest become available? Anyone know?

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Forsaken are the one part of the Horde that has ALWAYS been cartoon evil though. Well actually just evil I guess, there isn’t really anything cartoony about capturing innocent civilians and holding them in cages to be tortured and experimented on.

Agreed, aside from the Forsaken. Unfortunately there isn’t really any going back to that now. Well assuming they don’t pull the usual “sweep it all under the rug and forget about it”. The Horde as a whole had at least a bit of plausible deniability when it came to Theramore. “That was just Garrosh and his Sunreaver traitors, not The Horde”.

You can’t use that excuse for Teldrasill and everything that has happened since. I’m sure by the time they are done with the faction war the writers are going to try and wash all that sin off the “true” Horde’s hands, but it is going to be laughably inadequate in doing the job.

I can’t think of a single scenario where the Alliance would let any part of the Horde off the hook at this point that doesn’t paint the Alliance leaders as complete and utter idiots. Which luckily for the Horde is how they are usually depicted.

Guess the point is, the story in BFA so far has been garbage and its only going to get worse from here on out.


I remember playing my first Undead character more than 10 years ago, and I was nearly sick to my stomach when I discovered the caged humans in Undercity. If I had been able to, I would have let them out and escorted them to Southshore myself.


Being a Tauren priest and going through a lot of this War Story section is pretty awkward. Honestly its kinda off-putting, and if they weren’t introducing the whole choice between betraying Sylvanas or supporting her, I probably wouldn’t have bothered.


Nice try though? The Horde also doing it doesn’t make it any better for the Alliance doing it. You can come down off that moral pedestal now.

Well don’t go outside or listen to war stories because this is like walking in a park full of flowers compared to real life war.

Man. Don’t go outside.

That’s a perfectly reasonable response to someone feeling like it’s out of character for their (insert horde class race here) to be committing war crimes.

What is with the bizarre assumption that the people in this thread don’t know what real life war is like?


Keeping on topic of the thread and answering the question outright: No. I don’t really have a problem with what’s going on, primarily because this is war. How we got here is up for debate, but the rule of pvp, and war in general has been hit targets that are crucial and take them out quickly. In the example you use here, Liadrin telling us to take out some mistweaver tending to wounded soldiers is more than enough of a reason for me to view it as a sound military target.

I’m a healer myself. I would expect to be targeted both by Alliance npc’s, and by people playing from the Alliance faction. I am responsible for getting my people back out there and doing their jobs. Taking me out is perfectly viable. Taking out said mistweaver is also perfectly viable.


If you’re targeting a military healer whose presence on the field makes the opposing army effectively immortal, that’s one thing. If that healer is treating civilians and children while you’re going around torching literally everything and staking people to the walls, and your goal isn’t even to kill him but to let assassins with a long track record of war crimes and death camps into the building full of said civilians and children, yes that’s a rather different animal.


Not judging but I prefer the alliance one where you get to incinerate an entire town and feel morally justified for doing so.

No, not at all. I’m too busy trying to get gear on my alts to worry about video game “ethical dilemmas.”


Nope, not even a little.


Mind you I haven’t actually seen all six incursions due to timing so you may be talking about something in one of them. Which town?

The only one I remember was Warfang Hold, which is not a town but a military base that immediately prior was involved in the massacre of Brennadam – an actual town which was also neutral. So far we have a main questline to torch Warfang, and another incursion to carpet bomb it again. But it’s rather on a different level from burning down Teldrassil or staking mothers to walls in front of their children in an unaligned town.


Exactly, the Horde that was established by Thrall was nothing like what it is now. It is fine to go through and question that kind of stuff for an internal struggle but WE JUST DID THAT IN MOP. There is like no faction growth at all in the story, I mean even on the alliance side they have the same issue, the fact that they never have this internal struggle, they are always united behind their human leadership.


Oh damn, rare was healing injured Civs? I got there and it was already agro-ed just threw my hammer for credit.

Damn wish i couldve thrown the first hammer though


The Horde is growing more EEEEEVVVVVIVIIIILLLLLL by the day. On one hand, it may have not been the well thought out evil. On the other, formal evil/good lines are being drawn to establish who is “good” and who is not. On the tentacle, EEEVVVIVIVIILLL!!!

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I think this is just the harsh reality of online gaming. Back in the day (around TBC, early Wrath) I used to play on an Orc Warlock and had the exact inverse experience that you did, the Horde being all levels of awful while the Alliance were down right accepting and kind.

I don’t play on those characters anymore or those realms, and I certainly don’t hold the Horde accountable for the actions of one toxic server community, but I’ve been Alliance ever since.