Ion says pvp rewards are 'really robust'

PVP vendors would help PVP.


He just enjoys trolling, period, anymore.

this is grossly incorrect

the ‘time’ it takes for pvp’ers to get gear includes ALL of the time it took from their rated matches, which I assure you is nowhere close to 5-10 minutes. Not even in the same league as that statement.

More like 10s of hours

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It’s true because so many players have their own interpretation of how their class stacks against others. But I think there are blatant issues that are being ignored right now. PvP vendors being the biggest elephant

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sure you keep believeing it’s that number stranger.

whatever helps you to dislike ion in this matter, pvp or m+ are places to get free gear even tho I give you that rng on gear is awful the rewards are very lucrative more than raiding so far.

Since when do players get gear from each arena/RBG played?

Well considering there’s not much else to do in BFA :P, hopefully 8.2 fixes that tho. Have high Hope’s for that patch.

for every rated match, we have an extremely small chance for a gear drop

the power of the gear drop is dependent on your current rating

after you grind up to 2400+ (which doesn’t take 5-10 minutes, takes hours and hours) you’ll be getting a small chance to get heroic/mythic raiding power drops off the slot machine

the bottom of the rated grind isn’t even worth it for gear, gotta be around 2k-2.1k to start getting anything remotely worthwhile from the random drops, which means this path of gearing is available to only an extremely small slice of players

this entire structure, a complete 180 from prior pvp reward systems, ensures that gear will be unequal and lots of players will have permanent power disadvantages

where all pvp’ers used to get equal gear for 10 years, it is now virtually impossible for most players - and pve is the fastest easiest way to get gear now


You’re whining about whining.

Personally, in my little hierarchy of whining, that’s far more eyerollingly groan inducing than whining about aspects of the game that are legitimately lacking.

Whining about whining may be slightly above whining about politics on the forums, so you’ve got that going for you.

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It was one of those areas that players didn’t complain about, but we saw a lot and perceived as designers. -Ion. PC Gamer. 4.3

If your rating is low enough that 385 is an upgrade for you, I don’t think gear is the issue.
Other than maledict, that Unholy thing needs to be removed from game

The most reliable way to gear for PvP is through Mythic+. That doesn’t sit well with me at all.

The basic gear is generally worse than LFR and world quests. There’s no scaling, so once you have gear the whole carrot on a stick motivation is gone, the marks of honor are generally useless, prestige levels are useless. RBGs have a barrier of entry, and arenas are tedious and stingy with drops.

Winning a battleground is not as easy as a world quest. People who try to claim that are just inflating their own egos. Some of the hardest content I’ve done this expansion was healing battlegrounds, especially against premades. Those health bars move faster than any heroic raid.


Try bringing this up to dilly on the arena forums. Pretty sure a blizzcon competitor would love to hear how his work is free gear and only takes around 5-10mins to accomplish a rating that only a slight percentage of the wow pvpers ever touch.

Because you can target pieces you actually want.

Wouldn’t be the first time Ion has tried to tell us something that simply wasn’t true.

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Last I heard this Ion chap is himself a hardcore mythic raider who loathes PvP and has achieved a pitiful rank 4 Honor level on his main character. No surprise when he speaks on PvP matters his words lack authority and most of us end up rolling our eyes.

But at least he’s a step up from Ghostcrawler who I distinctly remembered stating publicly that he wanted to reduce PvP participation, something which he succeeded in.

The current PvP reward system is as much a trainwreck as the Azerite system. Behind the scenes I bet Blizzard’s devs know this damn well, but can’t utter it publicly because they’re justifiably scared of losing their jobs in Activision’s next cull of the company.

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It’s just Ion’s way of admitting that PvP was wrecked so bad in Legion it had nowhere to go but up.

Lawyer Ion knows best, with his pro honor level 6. It’s hard to get much worse than Legion with PvP rewards but they’re sure trying with BfA

What do people think he means by “robust?” What would you call robust?

Aside from trinkets with unique/broken abilities, what do PvEers have access to that PvPers don’t?