Ion says pvp rewards are 'really robust'

I am sorry, but Ion is the one person at Blizzard responsible for this mess, yet nobody is holding him accountable.


That’s really not how they work. It’s not a dictatorship, it’s a collaborative environment. It’s a team, not a one-word-is-the-law thing.

Don’t focus on people. Focus on what you want changed.


I read the same about every season.

It’s neat that you’ve read random people complaining about different seasons, but that doesn’t answer my question, which I’m guessing you can’t actually answer because you have no experience outside of BFA.

That’s ok. Go ask the arena forums or any streamer that does rated PvP how this season compares to the every other. You will certainly find that there hasn’t been a worse season than this.

It’s hard to measure that. Like the poster stated, it seems like every season is the worst ever. Every expansion is the worst ever. It’s become just an expected thing. When everything is “the worst ever,” it’s kind of as empty as “robust.”

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Ion’s making his usual mistake of thinking rated PVP represents the general PVP population. Rated does have very good rewards, although very few people actually get them.

I wonder how that compares to the number of people who run a mythic 7+ and get similar rewards each week.

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This poor man will say anything to keep his job.

Just look to someone else for real info about the game.

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It’s not hard to measure if you actually compete in the seasons and don’t look at just random comments on the official forums. There has not been this level of discontent, even among usually very positive people (like Pikaboo) around a season since at least s5.

Like I said at the beginning of the thread, you can very easily look at the ladder and confirm that this is the lowest participation of any season we’ve had. That alone should be an indicator of how it is being received.

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They wanted to bait you into complaining about their complaints. It was actually the point of this thread.

Well done, all. Well done!

I am curious as to how pvp reward vendors would help, gear is already easy enough to get. How would making it even easier help with anything.

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How are there not vendors for PvPers seeing that that’s the most requested thing that we’ve been wanting since the launch of Legion?


Personally, I like the loot system this expansion. I have a lot of fun working towards my conquest cap weekly. Yeah, I’m undergeared compared to the M+ crowd, but at least I don’t have to deal with the toxicity that it brings. PvP is on point right now, and I think this post is an echo chamber that resonates with people who are unhappy with it. I for one am enjoying the heck out of PvP this expansion.


I agree with Ion. PVP vendors are too complicated and too difficult to find.

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OMG that response killed me. One of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever heard


There hasn’t been a PvP season yet where it wasn’t called “literally the worst” when it was current.

they are when you have a different one for every single patch and especially for a new/returning player that hasn’t kept up with all the patch notes

Did, they told me people say the same every season. And asked players that have been doing Rated PvP for longer that you.

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But the morale of the people in charge of PvP seems to have been dipping consistently each expansion to the essential nadir we’re at right now, developmentally.

Maybe that’s affecting their work.

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lol this guy needs a mic drop gif

I actually didn’t realize it was down that far, just knew it was way down.

That means it’s getting so bad that they will start trivializing pvp’ers desires to some degree, because there aren’t enough of us.

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well glads get heroic-mythic rewards in 5-10 mins of games while raiders progressing through bosses takes way more than that. :man_shrugging:
or mythic+ where you can still deplete it and you can still get the rewards despite everything.