Ion says pvp rewards are 'really robust'

The fact that they can select which boss to get the exact right PC of gear they need at least…if pve was on the same level then you would have the entire raid loot table on any boss and it’s just a coin toss as to which boss gives what.

Ion is the great filter. With giant holes in it that allows things that should not flow through… Flow through.

and so? that isn’t going to actively make the game more fun for those that don’t think it’s fun as is.

They have different gear every patch. The vendors are standing right next to each other in the same location. All a player needs to do is choose from the highest ilvl gear to make sure they’re getting their current best.

Why is that hard? Did you find it challenging?

Ion’s honor level is right now 4.

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not necessarily, but it was a pain to keep up with 18 different vendors and all this other convoluted stuff.

18 vendors and “other convoluted stuff” doesn’t sound at all like wow. WoD had 9 vendors by season 3.

and that is still too much, but bfa would need at least 3 times that much to function properly.

I mean their lead pvp lead, holinka was booed at on stage at blizzcon, the event that wow fans spend 1000’s to attend. He then supposedly was moved to another project, which I think was a lie.

When they put him back on the pvp team that’s when we had another all time pvp participation low with ashran. Whatever’s wrong at blizz is very wrong.

It is an outright lie to say participation is better than legion. I guess when the potus can ignore facts and say anything they want as if that made it true then what does it matter if ion does too.

Wow is a dead game. Thats the facts and thats the truth. I wonder how it feels to create content that sets record lows in participation and subscriptions. Losing your company 100’s of millions in annual revenue. I wonder if anyone is left there that takes pride in their craftsmanship?


I don’t think robust means what he thinks it means…

  1. strong and healthy; vigorous.

Hmm, I wouldn’t call pvp that atm.

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I really don’t know what dude is talking about. Might be confusing rated and non rated.

I’ve yet to see more that 3 teams on alliance trying for rated BGs. The arena list on alliance is very short on a consistent basis. Idk maybe I’m seeing something different than this dude. Either that or he’s just talking about horde

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