Ion says pvp participation is doing well

How can i make you understand…

In order for me to continue signing in after a few days, i will have to give them some type of payment, thus will be through a W.o.W. token or a charge. I have not given them either, again… not paying a sub.

There are almost no people pugging normals either. Good luck if you want to do a Normal Crucible Run.

Again, you claimed he was wrong when he said you were paying to play a game you think is bad. You lied. You do. And it’s worse than that because not only are you on here complaining about how bad the game is, you’re doing so while you’re actively playing while also telling people you’re not paying to play. No one here is confused about how subscriptions work, except maybe you because…well…you pay in advance for access like always, something you denied you did but then also confirmed you did.

As an aside, you don’t need a sub to post on the forums. You’re wrong about that too. They changed that a while back after they announced Classic so that people who weren’t actively subbed could post here.

When did he say PvP participation was doing well - after that arathi basin event with npcs ?

march video interview, can’t remember when the arathi AI battles began

I did not want to say this, but my sub ends in three days, at 7:23 am to be exact.
I will no longer be active because I am not paying them money or tokens.

Again… you have no idea how subscriptions work, because you can’t understand the word “soon.” You are so confused child.

By the way, you suck at stalking because you would have noticed one has not received any new gear or achievements except Wednesday, June 11, 2019. That is the one day I have logged on - I hope you are not considering this (one day) “actively logging in.”

Those are simple Achievements were earned during expeditions. Others have earned way earlier than I. Your point is null and void. If i would have been active and logging on; I would have earned them long ago. (Including gear)

If you were trying to prove a point, you just received egg in your face. Now go read a book and think before typing.

he might have been counting all these people who turned on warmode to lvl up characters for the xp bonus as pvp though so yes it make sense pvp participation probably is doing well.

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You do realize your armory shows you received Mythic Skittering Hollow completion on 6/13/19, right? The same day you claimed the game was so bad you unsubbed. I mean, I can screenshot it and upload it somewhere if you want. Here, I’ll just do that so I can have a nice laugh. And you just said you haven’t played since 6/11. Why do you feel the need to lie about it?

You are so confused child. Nice egg on your face btw. Go read a book and think before typing. Am I doing your juvenile attempts at insults right?

Sigh… Child…You do realize W.o.W forums have been bugged since launch right? (I do believe they are showing your time zone and not mine.) You probably believe I am a Worgen Druid, even though I am not.

Anyways. Since you want to go that route and continue to show how bad you are at stalking and proving points as well as having egg in your face.

Now like I said, go set down, read a book and think before you type.

Now I am done with you as every point you prove has been wrong. From this point on - you are considered a troll (I know, big words)

He probably meant Players Venting Problems


I appreciate the vote of confidence but I was there the first day arena opened up in BC and it’s been nothing but failure and bad experiences every time I tried it. Trust me when I say that some of us are just plain hopeless on that front. xD

I can handle my own in a random BG, in WPvP and in duels for the most part, but arena is an entirely different beast that requires top notch communication and pinpoint coordination. You need your mage partners to be able to CC the right target at precisely the right time, not someone who fumbles with their CC and targeting and gives them the second they need to hump that pillar and block LoS.

But, thank you nonetheless.

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Proceeds to post a link to an image showing that, even if the alleged bug is accurate, he played after his claimed 6/11/19 time

Why thanks, thanks for making my point for me :slight_smile:

Lol, yes, trust me, the feeling is mutual.

“Wednesday, June 11, 2019” Wednesday was what day? The day before your time of course, which was Wednesday, June 12, not the 13.

Pays attention to the date and not the day and celebrates in the moment - again ignores the issue at hand.

You must suck to work with in real life. Heaven forbid if someone puts the incorrect date but the correct day.

Good day sir.

Right, and I’m not pointing at my pic, I’m pointing at yours, which according to you shows in your local time. Which your image shows 6/12. Not 6/13. When you claimed 6/11 was the last day you played. But if you received an achievement on 6/12 YOUR time, how was 6/11 the last day you played? Oh wait, it wasn’t, you were wrong.

So you admit you weren’t honest and/or made a mistake? Kinda like how you claimed you weren’t paying to play, but were. Regardless, this is the hole you chose to dig. I mean, you literally posted that comment on 6/13 in the afternoon my time. And your armory showed you received an achievement that very day my time. So the very day you were saying you weren’t paying to play you were logged in playing, regardless of what time it was local to you. Please get out of my face with your ridiculousness.

Edit: Not that anyone has any reason to believe you when you say your sub runs out or that the game is so bad you’re quitting, but you’re still logging in daily to play. I mean hell, 6/13 local time for me was yesterday, so all of this is you trying to deny you played yesterday LOL think about that for a second. Yeah, I totally buy you’re gone in a few days. Does pretending you quit WoW to win arguments actually work…ever?

I bet it is less then 3 million people subbing for WOW BFA.

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It does now because even the low ranked players are high skilled. Mostly high ranked players alts by the looks. Use to be able to screw around in ranked arena at low rank and match people who were still learning.


Even when I try to do the skirmish weeklies it feels like everyone in the arena are just hyperskilled badasses I simply can’t keep up with.


Let’s pretend the date does not exists and i just said Wednesday, (I know it is hard for you to comprehend LOL ) that is the one and only day I have logged on. Why would I pay for something I only played once the last few months?

Would you like me to screen shot this as well and make you look like a bigger fool? (again… not paying)

People quit mmo’s including W.o.W. I know… hard to believe.

Again, you do not know the circumstances and like to start arguments for the sake of arguing. (Now… get out of my business with your foolish pride mind your own business, please!)


Or you could just admit you were wrong. We don’t need to pretend you didn’t say something to sate your ego. You did say it. Admit your mistake like an adult and move on. It’s not complicated.

But why should I believe your claim that that’s the only day you’ve played in the past few months? I mean, it’s been demonstrated that you’re willing to lie to win internet arguments and you can’t prove it. If you’re not enjoying the game you have every right to unsub and move on. Feel free to do so. But I don’t think you are. You’re actively on the forums and playing the game while complaining about how bad the game is and telling people you quit. But you haven’t. Your provable engagement with the game shows you haven’t. And since you’re willing to be dishonest we have no reason to accept your claim as true.

You made a claim while being snarky with Kes. It took me all of 30 seconds to verify your claim was false. If you don’t like that fact, too bad. Don’t make demonstrably false claims and you won’t have to eat crow. I’m not basing my assessment on your circumstances, I’m basing it on repetitive behavior here on the forums, wherein you make a false claim, backpedal when called it on, make more false claims, backpedal again when called on it. All the while throwing shade at anyone who says anything that conflicts with your opinion. If you can’t hack it don’t post on public forums. You are not the arbiter of who is and isn’t allowed to respond to you.

For instance, the numbers that were released for first day sales of BfA (which includes all pre-purchases) was 3.4 million. After that sales drop off dramatically. So therefore none of your made up numbers is anywhere close to the likely number of subs.