Ion says pvp participation is doing well

I feel confident he doesn’t play rated pvp much as the ladders are crazy dead, especially when compared to WoD and previous

Is he saying that he is fine with declining pvp?

Is he saying that pvp participation is fine when you factor in the dropped subs and total playerbase?

MoP was roaring with pvp during this part of its xpac cycle. BfA feels dead.

Is it that nobody can achieve a baseline pvp set anymore from honor? Is it that nobody can achieve an equalizing BIS conquest set anymore? Is it that pvp is the worst path to pvp gearing? Is it the rng in pvp gearing and lack of vendors? Is it the broken 20 week conquest bar system that basically rewards nothing for 10-15 bars at this point in the xpac?

I dunno


Ion is Ion

I wouldn’t trust him a whole lot


When and where did he say this and did he say PvP as in rated PvP or just PvP in general?

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Is there a new interview out or something?


Everything is fine. Nothing to see here. PVP has never been more popular.


ROFLMAO He is so out of touch


he didn’t specify rated or not, just a blanket statement

Yes but… when? And where?


Personally I don’t do rated PvP because I totally suck at it and it awards losers nothing, thus I don’t waste my time. If that fact changed I would probably consider participating in it more.


Personally. I’m spending significant more time in organized BfA PvP than Legion PvP. So, I would agree with Ion I’m participating to a much greater extent in BfA.
EDIT: I do agree with bring back the vendors.

I don’t even PvP and I can feel the ladders dying. I form this opinion based on the vast number of times I’ve heard the pvp community yell “Give us vendors”.

But for real………give us vendors back.


Citation please?


Wait… you think he should “just participate” instead of reading the report that details how many players are participating to form his statements? O.o


I’ve never been good at pvp, peaked out at like 2200 back in legion.
Tried it in BFA a couple times, played friday/sat evening/nights with my brother and his fiancee, more than once we’d fight the same team (not comp, team) 4-5 times in 1-2 sessions, queues were insanely slow (peak time, 1700-1750 MMR, 5+ min)
Both of them quit around feb…


He likes to say everything is fine no matter what. He is what you call a liar.


Must’ve read an old article. Most recent thing I could find is an April interview with Forbes, where he says:

And actually PvP overall, having a robust reward system associated with it. We’re seeing more Rated PvP participation that at any point in Legion. And that is a scene that we want to continue to make it healthier, but it is in a good place.

To be fair, it may be fine. It may just be the overall population is really low, but as a percentage, the population is good.

That said, the ladders have been dying for years now, for a multitude of reasons.

This is the forums. You won’t get one.

There are is so much doom and gloom spread by players who just want to be negative for the sake of being negative. World of Warcraft is doing amazing in nearly all aspects of the game. Raiders are doing well and couldn’t ask for more, PvP’ers are lying if they claim PvP isn’t in one of the most vibrant spots it’s even been in, and the casuals wanting to collect stuff, do world quests, and warfronts couldn’t ask for more.

Literally tens of millions of players are enjoying the expansion. So many players that Blizzard had to add the sharding technology we have in place just to divide the players up in areas since without sharding the game would be close to unplayable due to such a high population.

You guys are wild.