Ion says pvp participation is doing well

Being obtuse doesn’t change the point. You claimed you weren’t paying for the game. You are. Hell, Kesnal immediately, wait…I’m sorry… ‘immidiatly’ took that to mean you were arguing that you spend gold on a sub instead. And you vaguely denied that as well. And finally when he made the point that you just post on the forums trolling because you’re salty you then walked it back to implying you cancelled your sub but it was still active. If the game was as bad as you are here claiming you think it is you wouldn’t be logging in and playing it just because you have an active sub. Which, kinda like your initial claim that you don’t pay for the game, is a falsehood. Perhaps you should take some of your own advice…

I quoted the entirety of the post where you claimed you didn’t pay for a sub. I don’t care what you fallaciously goalpost shifted to after called on your claim.

The way arena is designed, there’s always going to have to be people at the bottom. Not everyone can be an 1800 player because even if I somehow made it, that would force others to be below that. That’s how ladder systems work.

When I did attempt arena I would go full nights without a single win. I am that bad at it. Maybe I could learn, but that’s assuming my coordination with other people isn’t super horrible and that I could find a partner that won’t run away screaming in terror after a few games.

Considering it takes me a few days just to finish the 10 skirmish weekly when it pops up (and the last week I didn’t even bother), I’m just can’t bring myself to attempt arena again knowing that I could go a full night without accomplishing or receiving anything. What exactly would be wrong with giving folks like me a little incentive for spending a night losing to you guys?


well… afterall… pvp isn’t the main focus of this game never has been never will be and honestly this game woul dof been way way better off without it ever being a thing. ( an no I haven’t pvped since proably WoD ) and even then I barely did it but xpacs before hand I did :smile: ( an no im not a high ranked pvp player as I don’t care for it. highest I think I went was the 1300-1450ish range in ranked play an that was prolly back in wrath when pvp was actually fun to do)

Perhaps that’s part of the plan.

It doesn’t even sound like you play the game, let alone enjoying yourself. You’re just here to vent your anger on us.

Actually no. Any educated guess is better than your wishful thinking made up numbers.

Corporate stooges lie?

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The way arena is designed, there’s always going to have to be people at the bottom. Not everyone can be an 1800 player because even if I somehow made it, that would force others to be below that. That’s how ladder systems work.

You are correct, there will always be some people at the bottom. My point simply is that obtaining an 1800 rating is very much in your capacity. I understand that it can be difficult to get started and honestly quite frustrating. But you can honestly learn very quickly if you look at the right places and take the time to learn some key concepts.

But I can tell you, once you’ve learned how to play a certain level you never forget and it makes the game a hell of a lot more enjoyable.

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Of course it is doing well. No one from corporate is going to come out saying “pvp participation is rock bottom” or “pvp season 2 bites harder than a great white”.

That being said, he does have the data that we don’t. He can say doing well but how well is it really?

To me if he did make the statement, it’s saying something without really saying anything.

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Still waiting on a source of this Ion comment.

I, too, would like a source. Only thing I can find is a Forbes article where Ion is interviewed about what’s coming in 8.2, and the benefits of War Mode and such.

Know it’s fun to dogpile and all but, y’know, gotta have actual proof someone said something.

I can at least say that PvP just doesn’t feel good right now. Class balance is all over the place, no vendors means it’s a RNG fiesta after bashing your head against a Conquest wall, and War Mode, it’s still a miracle to run into one other person on the opposite faction, unless there’s an invasion going on.

Sure, PvP has never been the main focus of any expansion, but it’s still no excuse for it to feel as miserable as it currently does.

…Also wish Fury had more than one way to break Roots. I get rooted for years.

Maybe he realizes that most people who played rated did it under duress to get gear, and now they are voluntarily participating in PVP that’s actually fun.

The sooner they get rid of arenas and rated, the better it will be for the game.

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WoW development in a nutshell. Just as the sun always rises in the east, Ion can always be counted on to omit and misdirect. It’s comforting in a world of uncertainty.


Wow, you’re as out of touch with what’s happening in this game as the developers are. Everything you said about various groups being happy (collectors, raiders, pvpers, etc) is 100% wrong. None of those groups are happy.

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Keep on drinking the koolaid


Are you saying people cant find an NPC???

Speak for yourself.

Oh please. There still hasn’t been a source provided of these so called comments being made by Ion. He’s right. Folks are just looking to get themselves worked up and into a tizzy.

I’m saying they don’t know the feature even exists. The queue is handled by guards at the pvp area. Who the fk talks to guards.

Lol he made the comments. The op made the mistake of applying an old quote to the current situation. He said it on an interview, it’s easily found if I cared enough to find it.

He said that PvP participation is strong and he thinks it’s due to the rewards. No joke he said it. Now the issue is he said in the middle of season 1. So at that time he may have not been totally off? Again he didn’t share any numbers so we have no idea what he’s comparing to and considering “strong”.

If he’s comparing the start of bfa season 1 participation to end of legion participation, then sure, it’s strong. If you compare season 1 to any other season 1 it’s probably identical :joy:

I’d love him to give some actual numbers and what he’s comparing, but ya know, laywers… I’d put money on this second season being significantly lower than any other second season in history.

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yeah he said it in a march interview

thing that set it off for me, was a guy that pointed out ladder sizes and that we’re at 1/10th of the best season in legion which was already down a ton from WoD

it’s easy for us to verify rated stats, unrated is different and somewhat subjective

the fact that Ion said it seems to be doing fine when rated has pretty much collapsed due to almost no motivation for the casual players to participate and no easy equalizing gear

i can’t answer source police, because we’re blocked from posting links and evading the ‘no-links’ is against TOS. Just use your google skills and find it. Blocked until some thousands of posts or something for the trust level.

Let me spell it out for you since what I am stating is above your head.
If you would have read my sentences carefully… you would have put “two and two together” when said “I will no longer be here soon.” Soon - meaning I am no longer giving Blizzard money thus, my time will end soon- I am no longer paying for a sub. Again… I am no longer giving Blizzard money, (not paying for a sub, I will no longer be able to sign in a few days - also known as "my subscription ends in a few days because - again - I am not paying for/giving money through tokens or other means.)

Even a fool can understand what this and my past posts mean.
I do suggest slowing down and carefully reading before you type.