Ion says pvp participation is doing well

You sure he wasn’t speaking about war mode?

Even the most anti-PvPers of my guild have been seduced by war mode lately, I think it’s a combination of the quest and having not much else to do so close to 8.2.

I’d say that if he’s unwilling to share that data, it’s about as trustworthy as his word.

Apparently reading is hard for you? No? Maybe you need to improve your vocabulary? Let me help you… “Soon Adverb - In or after a short time.”

My advice: Unless you know the circumstances, (you don’t according to your statement you just made.) You should not make judgements.

No one goes outside the forums and read other news/posts?

Ten million was the starting point. probably down to 8 million by now.

Looking forward to 8.2 and 8.3.

You should want the bad folks like me to participate because you all need someone to beat on, but if arena isn’t going to give me anything for my time then I’m not going to bother. If you’re not going to care then you can’t complain that participation as a whole is low.

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One step at a time. I don’t know where the story is heading yet to be excited for 8.3.
Well, except for all the Alliance saying Sylvanas will be the final boss fight, but the day I start believing Alliance conspiracy …

You said he was wrong in that you pay to play the game. I’m not sure what’s confusing about that. Shifting the goalpost later doesn’t change your initial claim. Which is kinda my point to begin with. You make blatantly dishonest claims that you eventually contradict in your attempt to walk back your position. And like how you allegedly unsubbed and yet you’re still logging in and getting achievements today, I’m Bob Dole irl. I’m sure you believe me about as much as anyone here believes you.

Wasn’t WoD considered the death of participation with 30k players on the ladder?

We have 5k now.

What Ion means is, no participation is fine. Blizzard doesn’t care about PvP.


Yeah, look at that horde queue time! Everything is fine!

Top keks


I don’t want to be alarmist, but sometimes, and I know alliance has it worse, but sometimes horde is too. The other night there were only 2 groups listed.

10s of millions of players!


How about two PEOPLE…

No that sounds about right considering it takes 4 to make an arena match.

No wonder they added duelers guild. (Which nobody uses, blizzard, add a Queue button for Duelers guild. nobody knows it exists.)

You clearly have no idea what you are talking about and clearly have no idea how subscriptions work.

Let me educate you.

A subscription is paid monthly up to six months. Most pay monthly. A few pay every three or six months. You can log in and still communicate up to the point of the subscription renewal date. If you do not renew your subscription you will not be able to do these things after your renewal date. The subscription does not end immidiatly unless you cancel on the day and the hour of the renewal.

Stop making false claims and false statements.

By the way you or you failed/didn’t want to read or having trouble reading the part “soon there will be one less” thus, my point still stands.

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Yes. As my BM hunter did, in BC, this character did regular battlegrounds for honor when they had “Last Season’s Arena Set” for honor in MoP.

It was a pretty good set, even for PVE. I used it until I had the Timeless Isle set.

So both of these times, as a soloer, it got me doing something I did not normally do (PVP.) This was because they had a pretty good Epic set, even for general PVE. It was fun, both of those times, getting it on those different characters.

With the BC era one, it was so GOOD for my BM Hunter that she did not fully replace it until 7 levels into Wrath (again, just soloing.) It just made her so incredibly tough, for random outdoor soloing PVE.

Even now, with probably better stuff on this character, I’d participate in Battlegrounds if they again had “Last season’s Arena Set”, for regular battleground honor; Why they stopped that is beyond me. I’d at least do it on my BM Hunter, for the epic set.

I swear to god every single hunter ever rocked Merciless. I still can’t visualize, especially male night elf hunters, without the merciless set equipped.

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Yes, I was SO disappointed when I had NONE of those transmogs (when that was introduced. ) I just assumed that the game would somehow know I collected the set? But I did not have credit for that “Season One” set, on my BM Hunter (had sold it for bank space, before transmog was a thing.)

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You should want the bad folks like me to participate because you all need someone to beat on, but if arena isn’t going to give me anything for my time then I’m not going to bother. If you’re not going to care then you can’t complain that participation as a whole is low.

Fair enough if it’s not for you. I don’t complain about low participation arena (at the level I play around) always seems to have people always playing.

Also tbh I do think arena provides a lot of rewards for lower tier players. A good example would be the vicious mount/saddles you get for winning x games past 1400 rating.

Don’t label yourself too much, you aren’t inherently bad at PvP or arena, it’s just a skill and like anything can be learned at a relatively quick pace. Put it this way, I have no doubt that you could become a 1800+ player in less than 3 months.

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