Ion says pvp participation is doing well

That’s two million in total who play the game across most (if not all) servers.

How much are you paid? Your reality is sad… sad as Blizzards.


Ba hahahaha. Oh wait. He was serious? Let me laugh even harder. BAHAHAHAHAHA!


Sad as Blizzards? You pay them to play their game. Who’s the sad one?

Lol I was thinking when I read it “damn I want some of the stuff this dude is smoking!”.

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Wrong again…

Oh, well, in that case then I’m sure Blizzard appreciates the extra $5 a month that you help them out with by buying a token.

Nope. You are incorrect again, kind person.

Ah, even worse, you don’t play the game but still can’t walk away from their forum.

Ion couldn’t lie straight in bed


They removed PvP servers? Did you not already get the memo? Welcome to lovecraft

I just come here to read the forums and the fact (and proven) no matter how much BFA sucks, people like you will always respond “it’s fine!”

I too have fallen to the sub count as those who were before me.
Soon, I will no longer be here. In a way I am glad… glad as the poster above me stated, “tens of thousands are enjoying this expansion.” and one will no longer have to deal with this persons alternate facts in reality.

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I’m a pretty casual player, and to be totally honest, this right here is why I won’t step into rated PvP. I’m so far behind there’s literally no point. I won’t catch up

I’d be better off to just buy a heroic BoD carry for gear… How sad is that?

They really screwed up PvP with this rng BS. I have yet to meet a single person that likes it


Does that bother you that some of us enjoy the game?

You don’t have to deal with people like that now. You’re chilling on a video game forum for a game you don’t play. Think about that.

It does not bother me that people are enjoying the game. It bothers me people; such as yourself; made up some crap number and pretend it is fine.

Soon; I won’t be. That will be one less person and one less number. Think about that.

How do you know I made any numbers up? Since Blizzard won’t release numbers we don’t know if it’s 4,000,000,000 or 400. My guess is as good as yours.

If you do some research; you will find this information. Guessing is not needed.


So where is yours?

Where can I start my research to find the numbers that didn’t get released?

Personally I don’t do rated PvP because I totally suck at it and it awards losers nothing, thus I don’t waste my time. If that fact changed I would probably consider participating in it more.

That’s what I love the most about PvP. It doesn’t award losers. No participation ribbons here boys.


So you aren’t subbed and you don’t play, but you got an achievement today for completion of Mythic Skittering Hollow. Hrm. And I’m Bob Dole irl. Any other blatant falsehoods you wanna toss out?