Ion says pvp participation is doing well

PVP will never be fine as long as you get your best gear from raids. And it will not be improved without Conquest Vendors and Honor Vendors making a return.


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Serious PVP veterans will never be happy with more recent expansions’ PVP but yea pull Ion’s string and he says one of his ten phrases and I think he even comes with a kung fu grip.


:man_shrugging: expansions dead


That last part got me :joy:

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Funny thing is, I’m enjoying this expansion.

More power to you. It’s the worst one in my opinion


Everyone wants vendors, but Ion won’t do it as PvP and PvE gear is now the same and they don’t want to offer that gearing path to PvEr’s.


Enjoyment wasn’t my point of contention. The “tens of millions” considering at its purported peak in LK wow had one ten of millions.

Glad you’re enjoying it though! I hope to enjoy 8.2 content.

If he did then it’s not an issue, he didn’t specifically mention it if that’s the case. It’s a blanket term. He knos more then you do.

I’ve never done rated pvp in wow because I think wow pvp is trash, BUT I used to do random battlegrounds all the time back when there were vendors so I could chase certain xmog pieces on the vendors. Like a shoulder or a helm or a weapon, but the way things are now I don’t even bother.

I wish they’d bring them back, as boring as the bgs were and as much as we’d lose, I’d do it! I’d grind and grind till I got it, and eventually it felt good to be able to finally buy my piece.

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I kind of want the “shut up PvP guy back” at least in wrath classes were fun to play. This game is trying too hard to be an export that it’s ruining it. Same with Mythic+ tbh. People like to have cool, fun abilities.

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Pretty much it. In Q&A’s i hate when someone ask a question abut a real and serious problem and he say something like “We are really satisfied on how this is going, glad the system is working as we intended”.

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lol trusting lying Ion


Ion says wrong things all the time.


Where are these tens of millions of people? We need them to fill our raid groups.

Try two million or less…


Alliance group finder is sometimes completely empty.


Lack of vendors. When RNG took over and titanforging became a thing, it at first made people play more because they were trying to max out. But now people are simply frustrated and stopped playing at all. Wtg Blizz.

Also, classes are in the worst state in the history of the game. When it’s not fun to play any of your toons, then there’s no one to participate in PVP.


It’s pretty sad when you que as a tank and it takes you 45 minutes or more to fill a group. We used to be instant. Now I know how dps feels.


Two million players and you aren’t able to fill your raid team? Sounds like your guild needs a better raid recruitment officer.