Ion says pvp participation is doing well

I’ll have two … no, make it five, of whatever the hell this dude is on.


I PVP in cycles. Most was in Classic, but did quite a bit in Cata and Wrath. I’ve done more PVP in BFA than in WoD it Legion.

Well as long as he is happy lol. Seems like it just keeps dying more and more each expansion from what I’ve noticed.

Well, he does have the hard numbers, we don’t. All we have to go on is anecdotal evidence and the minority of people who post on the forums or Reddit.

He’s making that statement probably because PvP participation numbers are on par with what their expecting, though what’s considered “on par” to the dev team we don’t know.


Rated PvP much? Ion doesn’t PvP at all. His honor level is stubbornly stuck at 4.

Ion is a raid logger who doesn’t get out. Like many people with zero experience in some field, he thinks he is full of fresh new ideas because he is untainted by the experience of having done PvP.


We have numbers. The ladder is public through the API and this site. Participation is the lowest it has ever been, even compared to BFA s1. And for good reason, this is literally the worst season I have ever seen, up there with s5 during wrath.


I highly doubt the company use a single Dev’s personal in game experience to judge player participation.

It is very likely they have hard metrics for that kind of thing.

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I would imagine Ion is also referring to the casual queue, non-rated, alongside rated.

Rated may be on the downturn, but it could be compensated by a uptick in casual play (thru unrated Arena’s and BG’s, as well as War Mode).

Again, we don’t know the full picture.

So are we going to bandwagon without a source or…?

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I seriously doubt it. Ion was just saying something off the top of his head, as he often does.


I wouldn’t trust ion to give me the time.


The one thing they really can’t lie about is the numbers in rated PVP because it awards the top prizes to a fixed percentage of the ranks.

Part of the “full picture” is that participation is down in lower brackets, too. You recognize names on your team and the other team after you’ve done a few, and in every bracket.

The pipeline is dry.


Liar=/=lawyer, same difference


After his remarks on the PvP vendor, I agree.


This. If pvp was doing so well then WoW wouldn’t be in the situation they’re in right now. No offense Ion, but please stop sugar coating when all it’s going to do is hurt this game image more than it already is. The audience aren’t falling for your words in this era. GhostCrawler was still okay even during Cataclysm and MoP.


ion is a propaganda machine. everything is always doing well, and going exactly as planned. they are always happy with how (insert content) has played, and been received.


Beta keys. If you didn’t call me a shill I would have got you one.

Ion lied like usual


I’m pretty sure the data he has access to trumps any kind of feeling you might have.

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