Ion said No more focus on faction war, which pretty much means its over?

You also didn’t play WC3, because the NE and the Horde (or at least the Orcish Horde) had more than a little bit of friction, and the tree likely gets burned by Garrosh who simply runs roughshod over every faction that doesn’t outright join and serve the larger Horde. The Tauren joined because of Thrall and his aid, but Garrosh’s nonsense gets them AND possibly the Trolls to punt the Orcs into solo-mode if not rebellion from within (kind of like what actually happened…). The Forsaken, meanwhile, get utterly crushed by the crusading Alliance because their membership in the Horde is what spared them, EK becomes entirely Alliance-controlled and the BE are pressured into forgiving the Alliance by the HE, ending THAT faction… Worgen literally never happen because the greater Alliance arrives to stem the Worgen rampage in its tracks…

The only ones that have any ability to go solo and mean it are the Pandaren and Goblin.

Glad its over and good riddance.

I mean it’s been 20+ years that I played WCIII but even so it was Sylvanas’ horde not Garrosh that burned the tree. The scarlet crusade was an enemy of all and remains that afaik.

There’s a lot of lore between WC3 and now and you’re making your own assumptions on how it could have played out. Anything can be written to make any of the factions I listed become a super power in their own right and not rely/be shoehorned into a 2 faction system.

Forsaken learning to raise new Forsaken, plagues, the things they were originally known for.

Night Elves being the ancient power house of the world have been the focal point of a lot of shifts in the conflict even in current lore.

The high elves under Kael’thas are just 1 group of high elves.

The Horde under Thrall, Voljin and cairn were mostly pacifists, the forsaken changed that and for an alliance already tenuous to begin with, makes no sense why they’d still be allowed a place in a faction who’s only reason for existence is preservation.

So going back to WC3 and making the hypothetical (never gonna happen server) it would make a lot more sense to play into the factions strengths and weaknesses and identity if making my (again hypothetical) PvP focused server etc.

If we’re talking lore from the current stand point then sure I agree it wouldn’t make sense but then again the story hasn’t made sense for a long time and I wouldn’t wanna touch the current story unless it was to wipe the whole thing.

Current writers are furries and hippies. It’s sad they can’t make a compelling war story between the two. The horde have been rewritten into a none “evil” faction because “reasons” thus we get shiiit writing. Sylvanas going to war because of the jailer etc. I miss Azeroth being the stage. All these new zones are boring and just placeholders for the expansion. Using the world and changing it through faction war would’ve been more interesting.

The cinematic to BFA was amazing because it gave us a peak into what the faction war could be. Instead we got


Sure just roleplay yourself as an angry orc, and you hate the alliance, and you think gnomes are yummy.

It ain’t over it will be brought back if this game keeps rolling on.

The Horde was gone since Legion. It simply doesn’t make any sense to support an old believe at this point. The “forth war” is non-canon in my book, it simply ruined WoW beyond recognition.

Ive been an adovacte for the end of the war since wrath when saurfang talked to varian.

The war should have been over after burning crusade. The war between alliance and horde ending has been a long time coming.

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Maybe the real war is the friends we meet along the way.


Were at 0 days without WoW player’s weird hate obsession with furries.
No other fan base does this.

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Not like pvp needs the backstory. we ahve fought battles in lands whose wars ended long ago.

Van or Drek dies like a murlok to me at this point. because they are there.

I…don’t even know waht the dudes look like tbh. usually buried by 20+ people mobbed up on them by the time I get there from a tower/bunker burn.

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It’s an American playerbase problem not understanding the difference between furries (sexualized behavior or people in fursuits) and anthropomorphic characters. Doesn’t help that Blizzard fostered this behavior with a Worgen-joke where they call themselves “furries”.

I think this is a stretch. Especially since there are quite a number of achievements tried to mounts and getting said mounts.

/boops nose


I’ve been over the faction wars since a few years in. Emerging collaborations like in Shadowlands seem like a logical progression as both factions learned that there are threats to each side and they’re stronger together. It’s a really good IRL lesson, too – we share the same earth just as both factions share Azeroth.

I’d really like if there could be cross-faction conversations, like learning the other languages could be a quest thread…

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Not entirely true. Furries are an easy target for ridicule by a number of communities on the internet. Many of such people have grown up and come to realize it’s not 2004 anymore, but there’s still plenty of people who will try to score ‘easy social points’ by trying to take a dig at furries.

Of course, it’s really not that big of a deal. People can take jabs at furries if they want, but if furries were all to disappear tomorrow? Public infrastructure would grind to a halt because all the furries in IT wouldn’t be there to maintain it.


I don’t trust Blizz so… :roll_eyes:

Vanilla had a focus on the faction war?
The Burning Crusade had a focus on the faction war?
Wrath of the Lich King had a focus on the faction war?
Cataclysm had a focus on the faction war?v

Mists of Pandaria sort of had a focus on the faction war.

Warlords of Draenor had a focus on the faction war?
Legion had a focus on the faction war?

People need to get over their obsession with hating on something that’s a core part of this IP. Conflict is going to happen again, the seeds are already rooted in several parts of the story, including in Dragonflight. Certain leaders still hate each other, there are still territory disputes in the wait, and they just added a bunch of rewards to war mode, which is faction v faction for the most part. Not to mention, the new battleground dev hire.

Being at war at all times gets draining, and we need time to actually give the factions things to squabble about again, and get people invested in their characters and factions.
There’s going to be stuff, and it’s going to be more like how it was pre-MoP, which was when faction rivalry and conflict content was actually at it’s best.

People are going to throw a fit if Belmont doesn’t just hand over Gilneas or Genn gets fed up with waiting, or Rommath decides he’s had enough of his people lost to the Void Elves, or the Zandalari actually decide that they’re still pissed off about Rastakhan.
None of these conflicts are going to be on the box cover, but it’s still stuff.
Anybody who thinks there’s nothing left to fight over does not read any quest text, apparently.

It would be a great start to not call yourself a furry as well. You like the designs but do you jump around in fursuits? No.

faction system is the worst thing about WoW, want a real war? remove factions and make Wm on only FFA.