it’s almost like blizz could just give people surnames. you know, like we basically do right now but we don’t really get to pick our surname. you make a good point /sarcasm.
The year leading up to a new expansion won’t be the timeframe for when this gets done. Most likely after SL release when populations stabilize.
Ummm, connecting realms is functionally the same as merging, but folks get to keep their names. I think you’re confusing connected realms (permanent “merge”) with CRZ (temporary, non-interactive phasing).
That’s not an acceptable stance. People need to be able to plan for the expansion so they need to know well in advance of the expansion if there’s a possibility that their server might get connected or not.
Unfortunately I doubt they’ll lower prices until people stop paying them. And since they aren’t giving people any other options, folks on dead realms either drop characters they’ve had for years and reroll, or they shell out money. Or they stay on dead realms.
Honestly, they should connect every server or allow cross realm guilds. Some of the biggest realms are only populated by one faction.
It’s almost like we know they aren’t going to change the naming system due to wanting to merge servers, when all they need to do is connect them.
Deargodno. That would destroy larger server communities and RP. Sharding is terrible.
We do need a crap ton more Connected Realms, yes, but not one server.
I want to see a bunch of Connections with a new way to list them in the server list. Then I want CRZ gone and sharding turned into layering.
Not all races use surnames. They should give us the ability to use one space, apostrophe or hyphen, though.
Gurubashi has been listed as new players since it came out. I know that’s where my horde guild started.
Crazy, my server has been around a little longer than yours. However, it has fewer players (from what I can tell) and is usually listed low - medium.
The time for realm reform is now. Mr. Hazzikostas, bring down these walls!
My realm is an original Vanilla one and has gone from Medium (after being connected to 3 other realms in MoP) to now being listed as New Players in the realm listing. We’re basically the only mythic guild on the server at this point which makes recruiting very hard. We shouldn’t have to transfer servers to be able to have a steady player base to choose from because nobody wants to transfer to our server and there’s hardly even any guilds that get AOTC.
Also, having to wait for hall of fame to complete before you open up cross realm Mythic is a bit ridiculous at this point. 100 guilds total? For sure, because that takes about a month but waiting for 100 alliance is like 3 months.
Yeah, I’m in basically the same boat as you with regard to realm. We lost AK/Arathian Knights back in late Legion or early BFA to Hyjal and that felt like a nail in the coffin for the economy. I agree that the Hall of Fame requirement for Mythic really sucks, especially for Alliance.
You lost me at “Ion promised.”
Half playing on “Ghostcrawler promised” and half serious.
No kidding .
The guy’s a lawyer and everyone knows you can tell when a lawyer is lying.
Their lips move
all NA RP servers need to be merged/connected together.
Many suffer because they get sharded with non RP realms. Some suffer from a lack of player population.
emerald dream has it bad in that it is sharded with the south american servers for some reason even though it is a central US server.
Let’s not be mean, it doesn’t help with anything. Just trying to shine some light on the issue with a reminder and input from the community so that we can hopefully at least get an update.