Mentions pvp gear and stat allocation + possible set bonus returning
Mentions pvp gear and stat allocation + possible set bonus returning
Based on this post it sounds like change will be implemented DURING!!? the beta!
This is outstanding news friends! They are actually listening to us! Please guys, fix this pvp gear so I can be optimal and viable doing nothing but PvP, and you have a new customer for the entire lifespan of SL!
Based on the "interconnected " whatever whatever, sounds like some pve needed. I can live with some… I gotta go get that trinkets or that neck, fine I can live with that. If that’s all they mean by that,. Few PC’s here and there, you won’t hear any complaints from me.
Well it’s a positive thing that they’ve admitted a problem.
I still have issue when they say though that people should be the most powerful when they do all content. Yet ion proceeds to be 480 ilvl and does zero PvP. Translation is that it’s okay as long as it’s only pvpers that have to do both. Seriously hypocritical.
I agree with you, but it all depends on exactly what he means by it.
If he means being a mythic raider gives you 20 Ilvl advantage, I have some major problems…
If he means you gotta do a raid for a trinket? I can live with that personally.
Curious what their solutions are going to be. Anybody with a brain over there should’ve realized how bad they were before they even went live on the beta. Hope we don’t have to raise hell on everything that should be simple.
Well my mood is improved but i’m still far from optimistic. I really hope that they’re actually listening to the feedback they’ve been given and take it seriously.
-PvP Bonuses will correlate to Trinkets: still requiring money to be spent on tokens for any gear not allocated with correct stats.
-No bonuses will correlate to correct stats, however incorrect ilvl. Rating will still determine how far one can upgrade ultimately.
^ Players will feel they can undermine such system by purchasing tokens for carries and attaining high ilvl PvE gear.
$20 still achieved.
Make all Conquest gear ilvl equal footed and unrestricted by rating and I will pay subscription and tokens for flasks and potions etc happily all expac long for spamming random bg madness.
This is good news. I will refrain from being cynical, but just want it to be known that if they think adding better stat allocations and a glove bonus is going to fix PvP gearing they are missing 90% of the problem still. Drae and yourself both mentioned a PvP stat and I’m glad to see it, but if that or something equally as impactful isn’t added we are in the same boat.
Let me be blunt.
I don’t believe a single word that soulless idiot says and I absolutely refuse to believe they’ll do it right still after they botched absolutely everything. Let me reiterate why absolutely no one should believe a single word written regarding PvP.
Thanks, stay cynical.
Exalter, you seem to get it bud!
He promises change on the beta tho bear heart, on that post you shared they promised nothing. He is DIRECTLY promising change by beta, lets give them a chance, if the changes are horrid I’ll be right there with you
Dottysucks, clock is ticking. They announced release without announcing anything PvP related. As I stated before “Do announcements/changes happen after Pre-patch goes live? Could provide the proper “attractions for distractions”. As in everyone will be too busy in Pre-patch and not even notice nothing is being said about PvP.”
Why? Then we still have to raid or pay for a carry on the boss that drops it? All while pvers still never have to go for a single PvP item? No man. The trinkets of bfa are absolutely busted levels of op.
How about this. We don’t get every stat combo on the vendors. Pvers though don’t get every stat combo from PvP. You think ion is going to start pvping? Hell no.
They’re different content man. Let people play what they enjoy. If they enjoy both they can play both.
Perhaps I just want what wow used to be back so bad I’m letting my heart think for my head.
And I agree with everyone, if I had it my way, I would say absolutely no pve you can get with pvp. And quite frankly they are treating us as less values members not getting us that. Believe me everyone, I’m on your team.
I’m simply beaten down, I’m completely beaten down by blizzard. I love the pvp in this game, and I’m willing to accept being shafted a little as long as the majority I get to do what I want at least
It’s a step in the right direction, but I’m remaining skeptical. We all had gotten so excited when Blizzard announced Vendors and look what we got the first time around.
I’m very excited for Shadowlands, especially with this statement made by him, but I’m not going to be banking on sweeping PvP gear changes. I hope I’m wrong, but they still don’t want a PvP stat, and don’t want PvErs forced into PvP. So just adding more stats with the same ilvls on the conquest and honor gear is not the right answer still.
However, this is the first time in a long time they’re actively listening to feedback, so I’m still excited for whatever changes come our way.
They are doing a good job this time around, and I hope they keep going.
If they go through with that then PVP might actually be in a solid state where the only issues is balancing (the only thing that ever should be an issue).
Covenants though… Jesus Christ they’re so dense.
This is great news! Here’s hoping there’s a pvp-specific stat!
This would solidify pvp gear as best for pvp, but it would also likely mean that the other secondary stats are somewhat lessened to compensate, which would also mean the gear won’t be as effective in pve, so PVE’rs won’t feel pressured to grind for it.
For those who can post get in there and ask for pvp stat, some of the nerds who pve are already saying not to do it.
Get out there
Ahhh yes…
Y’all realize Ion is just roleplaying Sylvanas right now yeah? PVP vendors are Teldrassil. You’re the night elf kneeling before her.
And she’s about to set everything on fire.
You’re still going to have to run m+ (if for the sole fact that the vast majority of you aren’t going to be 2400+ early on) and that +15 keys are significantly easier than reaching 2400+. There are going to be on use and proc items in PVE. They’ll be in raids and in dungeons and if they aren’t baseline pics (highly unlikely) they will still have niche uses you’ll want to have to be competitive.
You’re being lawyered by the lawyer.
I just hope they fix this, and I can shift my problems to “what am I going to main this expansion?” Instead of “if they don’t fix this pvp gear I quit before it starts”