Ion on Slands moving forward

I’m on exactly the same boat as you. The feeling of being beaten down by Blizz really hits close to home. So, yeah, I’ll take that statement as a glimmer of hope for the near future.


We shouldn’t have to look forward to the return/past. Systems like MoP and WoD should not have been discarded. We should have those stable systems and be excited looking forward to the new systems and spells and how intricately it will play into new rotations and mechanics for PvP.

We should most certainly demand what has worked and not settle for less than the best; so our focus can be on what truly matters as stated above.

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Blizz must love haikus
You all are oh so welcome
Mail Snugglecakes gold :smile:


I’m still trying to figure out what powerful item in pvp, pvers are having to go after.


He said there was a ripcord…now there is apparently no ripcord. They’ll just tell players the same “we’re looking into it, we have these ideas”, then do nothing as long as they still make bank. Glad I’ve just refunded SL. I should of known this company was dead after Warcraft 3: Refunded.

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Spite and Breach trinket

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If everyone on the arena forums did this in lieu of covenants being locked and unswappable alarms would flash in Bobby’s office.

im glad they have admitted the problem and their intent on a fix but does it concern anyone else that it released in that state to begin with ? its pretty easy to tell there were big glaring issues with the system at first glance. so how did it make it into the game through several layers of a dev team like that

It’s fun throwing spite on my pve only friend tanking a m+ and yelling at him to get out of the bad to watch him panic.


no they wouldnt rofl

They need to opt for the latter option of pvp-specific bonuses. A wider array of stats won’t fix the issue that PvE is faster to grind and likely equal, if not better than the PvP gear.

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Just do what I do and always cancel your sub after renewing it and put the reasons why in their little survey. Even though you always renew they may actually look at that crap for analytics, and if tons of PvP players actually did it I could see it having some effect. Maybe. Nevermind who am I kidding that stuff is probably mass deleted by a secretary.


^^^ a thousand times this :angry:


Ion says, " While WoW is an interconnected ecosystem of different content and systems and we feel that the very strongest characters should be the ones who participate and excel in a wide range of activities"

Can anyone give me an example of how a PvE player will be the most powerful by adding PvP into their gameplay?

Or, is that a cop-out that says PvP players need to do PvE?

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Sooooo… Guess I’m not the only one who does this every ~30 days. Like you, I know it’s absolutely an exercise in futility on my part, but I still gotta do it anyway. All 500 characters, everytime. And at least, unlike with the forums or in-game chat, I can go on a profanity laced offensive rant with no repercussions. (But ya, you right … I know those correspondences go directly into the shredder.)

The proposed changes to PvP gear will make the process of PvPing for PvP gear “viable”, however:

There’s no way you can just straight up PvP to stay competitive. PvE content and dungeon/raid drops are still going to be required for those who PvP. Imo this is a good thing.

Nice bait. 2 second check on your gear shows you have none of the current pve items required for pvp and yet here you are saying it’s a good idea. Also, all 24 of posts makes me think you’re another jinluz.

Demoniclilly has doomed us all.