Ion doesnt think people will be declined from pugs due to choices they make

No it will impact anyone that wants to use all the cool new buttons.
It will also impact anyone that wants to try all the covenants at max level.

Far from just world first raiders.

How about you stop telling me how to play and I won’t tell you how to either.


Not telling you how to play. Just saying you gonna struggle alot with that mentality in a RPG.

What modern RPG forces you into choices?

well, ion is wrong and they will. People are elitist minmaxers at every level. People want you to have good rio for +8 key

Exactly. Name one good modern RPG?

The ones I can think of all have you to choose something. I guess at some point you can change stuff, but the idea is that you are going to stick with whatever you are going for and, as long as its not something completely stupid, you should be able to complete the game.

Lol, don’t twist my words, no modern rpg locks you into choices.

Divinity: OS 2 is EXTREMELY popular and you can change anything any time you want.


Stop making your guild carry you and roll a fire mage then.
Oh you don’t need to? Incredible. Seems like you were wrong on your premisses.

It seemed to work OK for the last 15 years of wow. Especially wrath which I think is generally accepted as the peak of the game. That is the same expansion that duel specing became a thing if I recall correctly.

Quite the opposite. There weren’t many guides and information available back then, people with this min max mentality were a minority.

Matter of fact, they still ARE a minority. Its just that the average players seem to have joined that bandwagon since Legion, even tho they don’t even understand what is going on.

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I was nearly raiding and I still looked up guides and spent my talent points where wow head told me to most of the time. It was still pretty darn common.

Having them easy to move though makes me more likely to mess with the off meta stuff though because I can change back if it doesn’t work well for me.

He also thought that people used the lfg tool from Legion to make groups to find friends and have a convo…ya know instead of using them to quickly and efficiently knock out WQs to give yourself more time doing something.

Um its not like the group finder will say Hunter A is kyrian or Hunter B is Necrolords. So how would people even know.

Yes we will we can see what covenant you have chosen with exorcis raid tools, like how we can see what your corruptions are currently

This can easily be fixed with soul conduits and soul binds

I hope that the Covenant pendent shows up beside the name of the players in group finder, It’ll be easier to pick them out at a glance instead of having to mouse over every single one to know which ones picked bad Covenants and which ones did their research.

I just wonder how the new guild recruitment or PUG listings will look…

LFM Ardenweald Holy Paladin and Venthyr Ret Paladin

LF DPS, Venthyr preferred

LF Tank, Necrolord preferred

The majority of players in fact emulate the top 1%, watch the MDI’s, sees the meta, and deems what the groups of end game content should look like. The majority of players emulate the top % of players. The majority of players that are doing some kind of mid to higher tier content (e.g. like Mythic Plus) use the builds of the top % of the players like those that do the MDI. These are the type of players that don’t invite or are toxic towards others for not playing the most optimal class/spec they had emulated like as when I play a protection Paladin over another class like a protection Warrior. What Preach is saying about “Not just the top end”, is in fact true due to the countless posts on these forums about stories of discrimination of pugs based on a specific class/spec and now covenant.

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Ions idea is sound but only if they properly balance Covenants which they fully intend on doing.

I have doubts they’ll hit the mark, but if they do I really don’t see Covenant choice negatively impacting the vast majority of players.

We’ll just have to wait and see.

He over thinks everything. People are going to look at results, all that stuff he said people do is just him projecting what he does/thinks onto others.

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There has always been a ton of information about wow. I played classic and raided in a progression guild. The talent tree was parsed into cookie cutter builds. The only is now its easier for other people to see them.