Ion doesnt think people will be declined from pugs due to choices they make

I mean, we decline people in M+ if their corruption sucks, if they don’t play the right specs for their class or if they have non optimal talents. why wouldn’t we decline people for having a bad covenant? We certainly will.


Ion has not been in touch with the overall reality of a hose who play the game for a long time. For both raiding and pugging, people are going to want healers from one covenant and dps from another, and I am sure someone will create an addon that allows group leaders the ability to see this information.

From a personal standpoint, I really want to have my main priest in a specific covenant because it fits her, however, because I raid, I have to choose one I have zero interest in because of the ability it offers.

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The devs know folks will be rejected. I mean why do you think when you are using the lfg too and you get declined it is a bright red letters. It’s a psychological trigger to see red letters in that case. DECLINED in red after 10 times in a row how will you feel?

Same as now since you get declined more than you get in usually unless you’re a well geared, well experienced, FOTM class lol.

Then you are saying you and the other vanilla players were just flat out bad?

The ones who didnt want to look stuff up? Yeah, they are just as bad as the ones who dont want to look stuff up today.

Pug normal + heroic raids probably not.

Pug mythic raids + M+15 absolutely.

So why didnt we get raids downed super fast like in Classic?

We downed them pretty fast, then we made alt raids and downed those super fast to. I remember our Nef kill vividly, i think we were on it for two nights. There was a ton of information available back then, i dont know what your trying to prove.

Really have you ever heard of a site called Elitist Jerks or Thotbot or wowpopular.

Min/Max is as old as the game itself and was even more elitist back then

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Ion’s is the guy that goes see right here it works on paper.

Reality is most things on paper fail when put to practical use and as for balancing , they haven’t been able to balance anything since Nov. 24, 2004 and to be honest I think a one leg , blind drunk juggling chain saws on a high wire has the ability to balance better then Blizz.

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We didn’t have the 1.12 class/itemization changes. We didn’t have the extensive knowledge that we have now - we knew, but we didn’t have over a decade of theorycrafting. The average player was significantly worse in those days, but the amount of information available was still far more than people think.

It’s just a lot of people never bothered to look it up.

He has a point in theory. There is absolutely no denying that being able to change abilities in-the-moment creates more likelihood that people will he pressured to swap to other abilities more often (like talents and essences using a tome),

I haven’t played sl, or looked at any covenant abilities, because I see no point until the expansion is closer as things may change. But If they could succeed at making covenant abilities balanced in that they all achieve the same goal but just with a different flavor, then I think what he said isn’t untrue.

I respect what they’re trying to do, I just don’t know if blizz has the recent track record to show that they’re capable of pulling it off though.

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The key thing to note is that 85% of pug groups aren’t going to care. I think less than <10% have S4 KSM, and like <5% have S3 KSM. I could double check wowhead, but I think those were the numbers.

Personally, it’s not going to matter unless you’re pushing 20s (which people won’t be for quite some time) or unless you’re raiding mythic, which less than 5% of people do. Right now, less than 5% of players have cutting edge N’zoth and less than 1% had Jaina.

So Ion is 99% correct in assuming this.

I care though. Playing sub optimally isnt fun.


I would be VERY careful about spreading phrases like this. Next thing you know, they will just hide how much damage covenant abilities do or make them vary in damage based on how much dps you’re already doing with all kinds of voodoo witchcraft math under the hood. Picture infinite stars RNG on steroids…

One use, it might do 2k damage to each enemy, next time, it might do 500 damage to each. That’s the road we will head down if people don’t quit blowing covenants out of proportion…

Play what you want to play… Statistically speaking, you’re not good enough at the game for it to ever matter or make any real substantial difference overall.

I mean, he just said he wants to play optimally in his content of choice. Being forced to be less than that is the problem.

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There’s no hiding it. Players will find out.

Covenants are one of the biggest part of Shadowlands and is one of the key features selling the expansion. It’s absolutely big.

Yeah this is a horrible thing to say and a horrible excuse for terrible design. Players don’t have to be statistically among the top 100 to have an opinion that matters.


Then you enjoyed playing a game not tailored to you. What went wrong with this new generation?

What generation is this must be primarily a rpg game and not a rpg /game play min/max tailored for .